Friday, December 4, 2009

What will happen when Coach M finally cracks

Seeing that no matter how annoyed both the teachers, students, and I get Billy just won't stop talking and being rude. It's kinda sad because Coach M (who Billy makes a game of annoying) gets mad almost everyday and Billy just keeps bothering everybody because he thinks he's being cool. In his mind being the worst student ever will make him cooler. He's just soo stupid and nobody will want to hire him at a job. If he ever gets into trouble (which is highly likely) nobody will come to his rescue. I personally wish I had the guts to confront him and tell him how much of an jerk he is, but I'm just not like that. I am just waiting for the day where Coach M cracks and I always think it will go something like this:

and while that happens I will say "You soo deserved that you a$$hole!" and I'll laugh and laugh and laugh. I mean have you ever wanted to harass somebody stupider than you? I always do.

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