Saturday, December 12, 2009

What I want from Smallvilel season 10 or beyond

In the recent years, Smallville's ratings have dropped drastically, and so far only 2.45 million people viewed the latest episode of Smallville (which is low compared to the 9.0 million people who view Family guy). I believe that in order to make Smallville bigger and better they should add in (or change) some things. Season 10 is one of the most important seasons because it could be the end of Smallville. Below is a list of things that I want from Smallville season 10 and beyond

1 BATMAN! Or at least a clear reference to him. I'm tired of your stupid allusions like ohh mentioning Gotham, or copying a classic photo of Batman, but instead of Batman having it be the Green Arrow. Just mention him. I know that you guys can't have Batman or Wonder Woman(seriously Wonder woman? She doesn't even have a movie coming up so why can't she be on the show?) on the show for now. Below is an easy way to let us know that Batman exists:
Olliver (aka Smallville's batman) says he is trying to extend the Justice League and he can mention trying to hire some guy in Gotham who dresses as a bat. See, now that wasn't that hard. Batman or Bruce Wayne is technically not on the show, but I bet your allowed to mention him. I hope the basterds at DC weren't too mean by not letting you even mention the awesome Batman. Go for it. Having Batman appear on one episode will have tons of people flooding to see the episode and thus your popularity increases.
2. If you want to bring in a superhero/villains cameo, bring in the superheroes/ villains that are fairly popular and something we can look forward to. We personally don't care about the Wonder twins, Metallo(who technically was a pretty good concept but was only used in one episode. Total waste of a possible good villain), Hawkman (seriously, you guys couldn't even get the rights to Hawkgirl, who is in the original Justice league), and the tons of unimportant characters who are only in two episodes at the most. If you want to do character cameos (or minor roles) only bring on the characters that actually have importance to Superman's mythology. You will never bring in viewers by saying that 'StarMan' is going to be on the show. Sure crazy comic book fans will be jumping with joy, but most people off the street will have no idea who Starman is. If you want to get new viewers, you have to give them a character they recognize and will be happy to watch. For those who don't know who StarMan is, that is just illustrating my point that most people have no idea who he is and why most likely he will appear on the show some day. Now I know that money is an issue and it is possibly too hard to get the rights to most of the cool characters, but I think you can possibly get at least one cool superhero/villain on the show at least once. You guys probably have tons of money now after getting rid of Lana Lang and Lex Luther (unfortunately). Just for fun: How come most of Superman's friends have first and last names with the same letter. Lana-Lang(LL), Lex Luthor(LL), Lois Lane(LL). A lot of L names.

3. An action sequence longer than 5 minutes. I hate it how most of this show is based around the stupid soap opera-like issue, while we have only less than a two minute fight scene where only two punches are thrown. I want an action sequence that I can watch over and over again and still be happy with. The episode called Justice is what the show should be like. Action sequences/suspense and we got to see some cool superheroes fight it out with the bad guys. That is what the show is about (action sequences and the whole Superhero thing) not how Lois and Clark's relationship is. Stop trying to be a soap opera.

4. Kill off Chloe. Gosh, I just hate her. She was only put on the show just so they can have a smart female on the show. Oh, and I heard she's supposed to be like Oracle (aka ex-batgirl). She isn't even in the comics, so it would be ok to kill her off. She is unnecessary.

5. Bring on the red and blue tights! Even for one minute just let us see Clark in his traditional costume. I'm tired of the writers trying to make him dark and brooding like Batman by wearing the stupid black trench coat and lurking in the shadows. Black and lurking in the shadows is for batman only. Plus, I hate it whenever a costume designer gets so lazy that they just get a trench coat and call it a costume. Get rid of the trench coat, we all hate it.

6. Answer my question: If most of the scenes with Clark and Lois, Clark doesn't wear glasses. Then why when he is (or will be) Superman does, she not recognise him when he wears his costume without glasses. Wouldn't she instantly recognize him. PLOT HOLE

That's what I personally want. Batman, longer action sequences, less soap opera crap, hopefully a higher budget, oh and maybe a single villain for longer than three episodes rather than the quick concept of villain-of-the-day. Smallville is a great show and a way to make the show better is to maybe consider the stuff I just mentioned.

PS: I'm trying to find a way to email this to the producers of Smallville, but no luck so far. :(

1 comment:

  1. You guys can comment as you please now. Hopefully the comment thing works better
