Wednesday, December 23, 2009

I got my pillow back and mom acts like a freak

Ok so I decided to stay home rather than go to stupid Taco Bell, and my mom said that I wasn't allowed to go upstairs. Sarah and I joked that mom had a man upstairs and was having an affair. Even mom started to joke about it. So when my grandma and grandpa came over, I had a reason to go upstairs. Right when I opened mom's door she started to majorly freak out. Something tells me that she was wrapping presents, or doing something really weird. Freak.

In funny news: Today Emily stayed over, and we decided to drive over to Dunkin Donuts for breakfast (DUH!). During the short drive we started to talk about my neighbors the Smiths. Sarah, Emily, Lauren, and I personally can't stand the Smiths because they are too...perfect. I mean they look perfect, act like angels (when they are around adults), and they're like androids made to be the perfect family. Sarah and I would joke about how the two Smith girls would wear matching bathing suits (even though one is 10, and the other is 14, which is soo wrong), and halloween costumes. I mean it's cute to wear matching clothes when your around the same age, but when your like 4 years apart then it just looks...kiddy. I heard that they still shop at Gymiberee, that's lame. We also joked about how they will not last a day in High school. I mean they can't play their cutsey-koo Barbie-doll act and still expect to be accepted. Their parents even held all their kids back a year just so they would be smarter. I'm guessing the parents knew that they would be stupid in their own grade. *Burn*.
Back on topic, Sarah said that when the older Smith girl came around giving boxes of cookies, and after Sarah took it the girl just stood there smiling and refusing to leave. I said, "I guess her programing must have stopped working". Mom started to crack up and she even called dad to tell him my joke. For those people out there who don't understand the joke here is what it means: Systems stopped working is kinda like saying that they are robots. Which they probably are. Oh and I finally got my long body pillow back which I left in Alabama.

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