Friday, October 30, 2009

Here's a suprise

Suprise number 1: There is a chance of rain on halloween! Suprise number 2: Bee wore a kinda-not slutty costume! Suprise number 3: When your a teenager you don't want to be called adorable

Now I have never really had a Halloween trick-or-treating in the rain and I don't plan to. Bee wore a fairly appropriate costume: It was a bright pink strapless corset, black leggings, and a pink supergirl cape. Not much to say for Bee's friend who wore this, but without the leggings:

The teachers said you couldn't wear anything that was inappropriate and denied the dress code but she still got away with it. In fact I only saw one girl who had her costume taken away, and no it wasn't Bee or Slutty red riding da hood. People these days, though not all the costumes were bad. One kid dressed as a rubix cube, another as a banana and an ape. The ape actually started chasing the banana around the school. Major LOL

Third: Today my grandparents came over and they called my catwoman costume "adorable" and "cute". UGH! Im a teenager I want my costumes to be sexy, not adorable. I knew I should have bought this costume:

But no I just have to give into my mom, and Nat by buying my catwoman costume. I'de rather have guys whisteling at me then having adults saying "Aww you look adorable" anyday!

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