Frequently, my sister would intentionally turn on Disney channel or start playing her crappy Hannah Montana CD (which I H-A-T-E) and then starts singing/dancing right in my face as if she's was trying to be cool or just be annoying. Sometimes, she would start jumping (in some weird dance thingy) too close to me, and then start complaining that I was invading her personal space. Freak.
Then, today I decided to watch X-Men 3 and the whole time my Dad kept narrating the movie(basically telling me stuff that I've just seen) like "She's just turned into Phoenix". Four times I had to tell my dad "STOP NARRATING!". I am perfectly capable to keep up with the film.
Now, unfortunately, my parents have been censoring my blog so I won't be able to talk too much about the new unfortunate censorship of my blog. OH and I wonder how many viewers of my blog are teenagers, because most of the people whom my parents recommend my blog to are adults, which totally defeats the purpose of my blog. This is a teen blog not a boring parent blog.
In positive news, yesterday we (my family, DUH) went to take my two year old sister Emily(yes who does have the same exact name as my friend Emily) to see Santa. Emily was looking forward to it and the nearest Santa place was outside in pretty freezing weather. While Emily played on a large train-play set which she called the Dinosaur Train after her favorite show, she kept saying "I want a drum, a camera and a puzzle". We practiced it over and over again and we were hoping that this year she wouldn't chicken out and not say anything to the big guy. Being in the cold for a long time and being forced to sit inside a very cramped train thingy, got me seriously bored, so I went over to Eddie's Trick shop and tried some costumes on. Here are the two I tried on (don't judge me):
Random moment in my life: A couple months ago, I went to Rue 21 and saw this ultra cute shirt, but unfortunately, I didn't buy it because it was kinda low cut. Great news! A couple weeks ago, I went to another Rue 21, but this time in Alabama rather than Maine, and I found that same shirt. I even managed to convince my mom to let me buy it. When I first wore it a couple days ago, Sarah's reaction was something like I was wearing nothing (freaked out and was all "Woah, that's revealing"). All I said back was "Say what you want, but you KNOW I look good".
Back on Topic
After only getting to try on two costumes before being forced out, it was back to the stupid Dinosaur Train and near 30 degree weather. FINALLY it came that moment where it was time to sit on the fat man's lap and see if Emily would not get shy as she always has done. Right when we entered, Emily shut her eyes tight and the whole time she was mumbling and didn't really make complete sentences. All that practicing for nothing. When the fat man asked what I wanted I replied "Some Smallville posters and season 3-8 of Smallville. I really like Smallville", but when Sarah said that she wanted an Ipod Touch even Santa and the elf were suprised. It's fun to watch Santa be surprised. Finally, we managed to get Emily to mumble out "Camera", "Drum" and "puzzle", and then we went straight back to the car accepting a possible defeat. But our Santa thing wasn't over yet.
While we were driving to see Santa, we saw this african american guy dressed as Santa with a sign that read "We buy gold" in front of a pawn shop, and we started joking about taking a picture with him. On the ride back, we made a stop there and we did take a picture with that Santa. It will possibly be our Christmas card. The caption: The recession has really effected everybody, even Santa. Hilarious
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