Below is a clip from Smallville, and guess which comic book character it is.
Now is this girl:
a. Young Diana Prince (aka Wonder Woman)
b. the Angel of Vengeance
c. Lois Lane
d. Black Canary
If you answered A, then your soo wrong! I know when I first saw this clip I was like "That is soo Wonder Woman" but a more darker more crazy version. They both have the weird bracelet thingys, have dark hair, used some form of lasso-like thingy, and are seen wearing red ( and I thought I saw some gold on that red shirt too). You might as well have her dressed as this:

I mean seriously, the way the character looks is almost identical to Wonder Woman (yet a dark darker version). Oh and once again they did the stupid trench coat thing. God I hate trench coats. Not suprisingly Smallville got rid of our hopes of this character being a young Wonder Woman (or at least a female-version of Batman) by having her commit suicide. Good show Smallville. Then after that episode they brought in a Teen Titans member known as Cyborg (seriously CYBORG! You couldn't get the rights to a superhero who is actually in the Justice league, so you went with a Teen Titans member. Weak). This is my message to the basterds who work at DC Comics who don't allow well-known characters to be on Smallville: "
I hate you all!" I hate every last one of you! Who the hell cares about Cyborg, the Wonder Twins, and Hawkman!? Give Smallville Batman, WonderWoman, or at least Hawkgirl.
oh and the answer was B