Saturday, December 5, 2009

Rumor run down, funny photos and sad fact of the day

Rumor number 1:
There is this guy who sits in front of my in Geography class who keeps talking about dropping out of High school and Bee is soo flirting with him all the time. He constantly asks me if I hate him and I simply reply "Not really...I don't know". I personally don't care for him at all.

Rumor number 2:
A certain girl on her period accidently got some blood on a chair. Oh wait that was me. hehehe

Yah my school is pretty boring, but don't worry I'll keep an ear out for the latest and greatest rumors. The one thing that I am waiting to see are pregnant teenagers. Since I'm in High school I'm bound to see one.

Now for some random photos I found!:
Poor Spidey

Look out little bird!

How true

Chuck Norris doesn't go hunting because hunting has the posibility of failure. Chuck Norris goes killing

Sad fact of the day: Batman is dead! NOOOOO! WHY GOD WHY?! Batman is immortal and he can't be dead. He can't he just can't! I won't accept it. *cries uncontrollably*

Now back to the funny photos:


That must be a pretty big elephant in her mind

1 comment:

  1. oh wow.... and batman is dead NOOOOOO!!! how can the world go on with such a tragety
    (and yea i just screwed up a word i kno)

    now im sad and love the spidey picture by the way
    from the famous yet crazy best friend emily!!
