Thursday, July 15, 2010
Summer feels soo short
You read the title. It seems to dissapear faster than the Jonas brother's fame or Miley Cyrus's virginity. I havn't been on this blog in a while (and believe me I regret it. It's Twitter's fault). I'll hopefully be updating more. :)
Thursday, June 10, 2010
Monday, June 7, 2010
Friday, June 4, 2010
Wednesday, June 2, 2010
Tuesday, June 1, 2010
The nostalgia critic vs AVGN
Just to let you know I'm a huge Nostalgia critic fan. So here's a funny video of him vs the Angry video game nerd. Enjoy. :)
Saturday, May 29, 2010
So today I went to spencer goods and I accidently (I swear) went into the adult section. I raced out after seeing the gross display of inflatable stripper poles( which made me say wtf), the little dirty stick (can't say the real word) and the horrifyin image of a fat lady looking at those dirty sticks (hurls). Coarse when I told Roy what was back there he was in no hurry to take a look. I followed and I didn't really like it back there. So out of sheer boredom I picked up one of those books which talks about sex. I opened to a random page, and what I read just made me say "oooooOOOOOOOOooooooh". So lets just say that I learned something new today. ;)
All aboard the douchbag train
I've talked about Glen Beck before. How he's a little crazy conservative cry baby who hates everything that is relatable to Barack Obama. Beck has gone soo far in his crazy ways as to actually make fun of an 11 year old. You read that right. He made fun of a innocent child. Yet he is always getting mad at people for making fun of Palin's children. So it's okay to make fun of a democrat's children but not okay to make fun of a republican? *sighs* Listen beck, your not funny. Your just a crazy guy who shouts stuff half of the audience doesn't understand but we like to watch because we know your crazy. Your bias and crazy crybaby antics have gone to far. But hey if you think crying and making fun of every tiny detail makes you seem smart then let me try.
*puts sad face on*
Ok not the best impression but making fun of a child whose done nothing wrong isn't funny.
*puts sad face on*
Ok not the best impression but making fun of a child whose done nothing wrong isn't funny.
Monday, May 24, 2010
Follow me on twitter
My twitter account is Annemermaid. Oh and I'm proud to say the Skeletor follows me. So if you don't subscribe then I'll send him to find you.
Oh and nightwing (aka Dick grayson. hehe....dick) also follows me. So I got a evil overlord and a ex-sidekick following me on twitter. Note to self: get Batman and Superman to follow me. :)

Sunday, May 23, 2010
A creepy tie dye shirt
I made a tie dye shirt recently (with most of the colors being red, pink, and purple) and unfortunatly the end result didn't look too right. Let's just say that it looked like I have just been stabbed....repeatedly. O.o
Saturday, May 22, 2010
Friday, May 21, 2010
Praise the lord school is out!
Thank jesus. Now I don't have to hear my mom talking non-stop about my grades (but don't worry mom you can moan about my report card). The only thing on my mind now is the cruise ( and Chris pine). And to prepare myself for the upcoming cruise (which will be on the fourth of july. The cheese factor has been bumped up a notch) I decide to do (whatelse) than watch Titanic, Poseidon (not the remake) and videos like these:
This video should be renamed: My mom's worst nightmare.
Aren't I just fantabulous?! :)
This video should be renamed: My mom's worst nightmare.
Aren't I just fantabulous?! :)
Tuesday, May 18, 2010
Rick roll fail
This is really old. It was April fools day and I was watching the school's announcement. I kinda knew the reporters were gunna do the rick roll thing. So towards the end, somebody handed the news anchor a sheet of paper and the anchor said "the principle also would like to say that he is never gunna give you up, let you down, run around and desert you". Wow....this is all I have to say:
Monday, May 17, 2010
Imagine your one of them
Close your eyes and listen to this music. Imagine you and your family are on the titanic. Watching the final lifeboat go down, knowing that there is no more hope. You and your family are either going to drown, or freeze to death. Imagine the icy water, the screams which become quieter and quieter as more and more innocent people begin to freeze to death. Imagine the lifeboats refusing to turn around to help the innocent...the helpess. Imagine children dying before they could become grown ups. Imagine entire families destroyed, wives becoming widows, and the Titanic which now rests in a underwater graveyard. May Titanic and it's victims never be forgotten. May we remember them all.Rest in peace Titanic.
Should I post it online?
Recently I wrote a short essay on why the perfect society is not attainable. I really don't know whether or not I should post it on my blog because it basicly says "The perfect society is one where humans aren't there" (i know you probably heard it before). Well for the people who actually read my blog. Let me know whether or not you'd like to read it. :)
Sunday, May 16, 2010
A quick summary of my chorus banquet
It was pretty fun. Usually I'm not much of a party person, but it was suprisingly fun. There was nice food, entertainment, and awards (I didn't win any, but I managed to 'borrow' one of the left over trophies and flowers. Don't tell anybody. ;)
*I'll be posting some pictures and videos from the party later*
Oh and I met this girl named Anna and she's almost as awesome as Raptor Jesus:
Nah I'm just joking. She was okay...but Raptor Jesus is still awesome. He went extinct for our sins. ;)
*I'll be posting some pictures and videos from the party later*
Oh and I met this girl named Anna and she's almost as awesome as Raptor Jesus:
Nah I'm just joking. She was okay...but Raptor Jesus is still awesome. He went extinct for our sins. ;)
Saturday, May 15, 2010
How to depress and creep yourself out in less than 6 minutes
I was looking through youtube and I found this video. It creeps me out to think that men, women and children died there. I did some research on the Titanic and found that the youngest passanger to die was 7 months old. It is soo sad to see that a whole family died (the family included a 8 year old, 6 year old, and a 3 year old). So many lives lost. Let all the passangers who died on that faithful night rest in peace.
RIP :(
RIP :(
Thursday, May 13, 2010
Things have been getting weird
For the past couple days I just havn't been feeling right (other than the whole . thing). During lunch today I felt soo out of it, and during my science class I had a hallucination that a bag was breathing when it wasn't. Then I saw flashy dots of light. No I don't do drugs. And now since my house is having a bit of a bug problem, I've been paranoid more often (I hate bugs and I'm always worried I'd see one). It's freakin me out.
Wednesday, May 12, 2010
My essay on why Odysseus would not be a hero in modern days
The character Odysseus from the epic poem The Odyssey is sometimes considered the greatest hero of the ancient times, but would he still be considered a hero in modern days? In the beginning of the Odyssey, Odysseus angers the gods and is sent on a seemingly endless journey in hopes of finding a way home. While Odysseus shows he has dedication, he also shows that he has too much pride and has a strong willingness to kill people without thinking of more humane ways to get rid of the problem. Odysseus is a better hero in the ancient times.
“Cyclops, if ever a mortal man inquire how you were put to shame and blinded, tell him Odysseus, raider of cities, took your eye: Laertes’ son, whose home’s on Ithaca” was said by Odysseus after he blinded the cyclops. Odysseus’ foolish act of pride leads to his fellow crew members deaths. His crew tries to tell him to stop, but he ignores them due to his need to boast what he has done. A modern hero knows better than to gloat what they have done. A true hero will keep their pride inside rather than say it aloud. Odysseus’ ego not only nearly causes the deaths of his crew, but also causes the god Poseidon to know who Odysseus’ is so he can curse him. This was a foolish act which was the root cause for much of both Odysseus and the crew’s suffering.
In modern days, a hero is defined as a person who does good deeds that benefit others, while Oddsseus’ heroism is mostly defined by the amount of people he had killed. He rarely looked for a logical way to handle a problem, but instead just thought of ways to kill the person he was up against. Towards the end of the poem, Odysseus decides to kill the suitors even though the option of having the suitors leave and repay him was not even considered. When he and Telemachus start killing the suitors, one of them tries to convince Odysseus to spare their lives and that they understand what they have done wrong. The suitors apologized and wanted to repay Odysseus, but Odysseus ignored their pleas and decided to kill them instead. This was unnecessary and caused a bloodshed which could have easily been avoided. A modern hero would accept the men’s apologies and let them leave. A real hero thinks more about what’s logical and human rather than the quickest way to get revenge. A “hero” whose main goal is to seek revenge against people when there is a humane way to solve the problem is not a true hero.
Odysseus would not be a hero in modern days. His willingness to kill without thinking of ways to avoid killing would label him a murderer and murderers are anything but heroes. The way he cares more about making himself look good would make him more of a man trying to seek attention and to satisfy his ego rather than a brave hero who will do anything to get home. For those reasons, Odysseus would not be a hero in modern days, but just a hero in ancient times, when heroism was based on the number of people you killed.
Hope you like it. Please comment. Oh and hi my one reader! :)
“Cyclops, if ever a mortal man inquire how you were put to shame and blinded, tell him Odysseus, raider of cities, took your eye: Laertes’ son, whose home’s on Ithaca” was said by Odysseus after he blinded the cyclops. Odysseus’ foolish act of pride leads to his fellow crew members deaths. His crew tries to tell him to stop, but he ignores them due to his need to boast what he has done. A modern hero knows better than to gloat what they have done. A true hero will keep their pride inside rather than say it aloud. Odysseus’ ego not only nearly causes the deaths of his crew, but also causes the god Poseidon to know who Odysseus’ is so he can curse him. This was a foolish act which was the root cause for much of both Odysseus and the crew’s suffering.
In modern days, a hero is defined as a person who does good deeds that benefit others, while Oddsseus’ heroism is mostly defined by the amount of people he had killed. He rarely looked for a logical way to handle a problem, but instead just thought of ways to kill the person he was up against. Towards the end of the poem, Odysseus decides to kill the suitors even though the option of having the suitors leave and repay him was not even considered. When he and Telemachus start killing the suitors, one of them tries to convince Odysseus to spare their lives and that they understand what they have done wrong. The suitors apologized and wanted to repay Odysseus, but Odysseus ignored their pleas and decided to kill them instead. This was unnecessary and caused a bloodshed which could have easily been avoided. A modern hero would accept the men’s apologies and let them leave. A real hero thinks more about what’s logical and human rather than the quickest way to get revenge. A “hero” whose main goal is to seek revenge against people when there is a humane way to solve the problem is not a true hero.
Odysseus would not be a hero in modern days. His willingness to kill without thinking of ways to avoid killing would label him a murderer and murderers are anything but heroes. The way he cares more about making himself look good would make him more of a man trying to seek attention and to satisfy his ego rather than a brave hero who will do anything to get home. For those reasons, Odysseus would not be a hero in modern days, but just a hero in ancient times, when heroism was based on the number of people you killed.
Hope you like it. Please comment. Oh and hi my one reader! :)
Something that nearly caused me to get really mad
So today I was on a certain website which is home to over 2,800 different movie scripts ( it's where I found the Green Lantern, The Birds remake, Shazam and the Immortals scripts) and I saw a script entitled "Almost famous". I thought "Hmm...I know I've heard that name before. But where". Then it hit me. Almost famous is the title of one of Zoey Dean's books which I hate. How could they make a movie (err script) off of that piece of crap!? Not only is Almost famous the title of the sequel to the first book (entitled Zoey Dean's Talent. No not just Talent. The author just had to put her name in the title), but the original sucked. I could never get past chapter three before I felt like my IQ was dropping ten points eevry time I read a sentance. It was just soo boring.
I quickly clicked the link, desperatly hoping that it wasn't based off the horrid book, and boy was I suprised to see it wasn't based off that book. Thank god.
I quickly clicked the link, desperatly hoping that it wasn't based off the horrid book, and boy was I suprised to see it wasn't based off that book. Thank god.
Tuesday, May 11, 2010
Saturday, May 8, 2010
Thursday, May 6, 2010
Parents say the funniest things
When I first started reading comics, guess what my mom's reaction was. "People who read comics are the same people who bring guns to school and shoot people". So I guess she thinks that Ryan Reynolds is gunna go into a random school and start shooting people. Geez-la-wheez.
Tuesday, May 4, 2010
Two things you should never say alloud
Ok so in Social studies class we're learning about South America and of coarse that includes the poorly named Cape known as Cape Horn. Just say that alloud and you'll know what it sounds like. I dare somebody here to say "I just saw Cape Horn" or "My friend likes to look at picture of Cape Horn". I swear you'll get the weirdest looks in your life.
Another thing you shouldn't say is the name Mike Hawk. Say it alloud and you'll know what it sounds like
Sucks to be him doesn't it.
Another thing you shouldn't say is the name Mike Hawk. Say it alloud and you'll know what it sounds like
Sucks to be him doesn't it.
Monday, May 3, 2010
The guy you don't want your children to become
You know those kids that just seem to be the living embodiment of a certain stereotype? Whether it be the stereotypical "guy who don't want your children to grow up to be" or the 'dumb blonde who thinks she knows everything' or 'the attention whore who pretends to be retarded because he thinks that gives him a reason to interrupt class and not get in trouble'. Well all of those stereotypes are in my math and social studies class. So I'll briefly talk about the first one.
The stereotypical "guy who don't want your children to grow up to be" (aka Tyler): He uses drugs, has sex, for some reason wants to rape/steal and murder people, grades suck (he said that he has low Fs in all his classes, barely comes to school, and is suffering the effects of drug use (including looking old, hair loss, that weird stench, and that stoned look all the time). Hearing about his grades really do make me feel better about mine (his are in the 40's. Yes he likes to talk about his sucky grades). Maybe you should study rather than get high. Hmmm. He always talks about how bad his life is. YAWN! He is even dropping out of school (yes he's my age) to get 'home schooled'. By home schooled I think he means spend all day getting high and having sex with prostitutes or any girl/guy he can find. His future possibly includes hanging out in dark alleys getting high, and spending any bit of money he can find getting drugs and paying for hookers. So this guy gets The Worst Teen award. Congragulations! You suck!
The stereotypical "guy who don't want your children to grow up to be" (aka Tyler): He uses drugs, has sex, for some reason wants to rape/steal and murder people, grades suck (he said that he has low Fs in all his classes, barely comes to school, and is suffering the effects of drug use (including looking old, hair loss, that weird stench, and that stoned look all the time). Hearing about his grades really do make me feel better about mine (his are in the 40's. Yes he likes to talk about his sucky grades). Maybe you should study rather than get high. Hmmm. He always talks about how bad his life is. YAWN! He is even dropping out of school (yes he's my age) to get 'home schooled'. By home schooled I think he means spend all day getting high and having sex with prostitutes or any girl/guy he can find. His future possibly includes hanging out in dark alleys getting high, and spending any bit of money he can find getting drugs and paying for hookers. So this guy gets The Worst Teen award. Congragulations! You suck!
Saturday, April 24, 2010
I got a 97 on my math test!
YES YES YES YES YES! OH YAH! Let me tell you guys the full story in video. Ok so I went to school:
Had a little trouble.
Doing the test:
After getting good grade:
Yah....go me.
Had a little trouble.
Doing the test:
After getting good grade:
Yah....go me.
Friday, April 2, 2010
Saturday, March 27, 2010
I am officially the worlds happiest Green Lantern fan girl (at the time)
Guess what I am reading right as I type this? The Green Lantern first draft script! :) Don't ask how I got it.
I finally found out why I read comics
Yesterday I bouhgt the Deadpool corps prelude and when I wasn't really impressed (despite the fact that it got decent rumors) I finally found out why I read comics. I don't care for the stories, action, and that crap. I found out that I just like the hottness of the characters. I like the Blackest Night series because I find Hal attractive (plus he's being played by Ryan Reynolds which makes Hal even more hot). I read the Siege comics because other than the fact that Marvel said the Avengers film will be loosely based off it, I find cap attractive. My love for comics is basicly just me fawning over fictional characters who I find attractive. Man I'm girly no matter what.
Sunday, March 7, 2010
I feel ripped off
I did watch my little sister and my parents know it but not they're trying to deny it. I was watching her right in front of them. I played with her outside, watched her at Target, played with her at home when Sarah was being all weird with her friends, and other times but my parents just don't want to pay me so they're saying it never happened. Oh and she said that right when she came home I wasn't watching Emily. WHAT A FREAKIN LIE! I was playing with Em in the wagon and even helped mom unload the groceries. What a big fat lie! I feel ripped off! I should get paid and mom even said today that she would pay me. God damn it! Well don't expect me to watch my sis again, cause what's the point? My parents will just end up denying that it ever happened just so they don't have to pay me.
Saturday, March 6, 2010
Preteens are idiots
So right as I type Sarah and her tweenager buddies are having a ball screaming their heads off as if they are being attacked everytime some guy texts them. I mean they are soo annoying. I don't know which is worse Sarah trying to be cool in front of her friends or when they all scream bloody murder everytime they get some text. God they are annoying. What's worse is that they have their clothes/stuff in mine and Sarah's room so I don't know which room they are sleeping in, so I have to sleep downstairs on the couch. Great.
Thursday, March 4, 2010
So Sarah's having a sleepover at my house, so I wonder what they are going to do?
I wouldn't be suprised if they spend hours talking about boys, hannah montana, getting eachothers nails done and then start comparing bra did that come out? So I get to watch Emily and thank god I'm getting paid. I gotta save up to get some comics, and then...get bored I guess.
Tuesday, March 2, 2010
Wow an insanely akward moment just arose
Ok so yesterday I was in f-ing math class, and the co-teacher handed out some copied notes. Guess what found out was on the corner of the paper. Somebody had drawn the guy part. I certainly didn't do it, and it was in ink (so it was part of the original notes, and had been copied). And my MALE teacher was the one who wrote it. Akward. This was my reaction:

An annoying moment is that my friend Emily keeps blaming me for the death of one of my (well my family's) goldfish. She calls me a fish killer. It swam into the filter, broke it's back and died a slow and miserable death. How is that my fault?! Coarse then that poor fish took a ride on the porchelain express (aka the toilet). He will be missed. Oh and quote of the day is: I don't sleep, I wait.
An annoying moment is that my friend Emily keeps blaming me for the death of one of my (well my family's) goldfish. She calls me a fish killer. It swam into the filter, broke it's back and died a slow and miserable death. How is that my fault?! Coarse then that poor fish took a ride on the porchelain express (aka the toilet). He will be missed. Oh and quote of the day is: I don't sleep, I wait.
Wednesday, February 24, 2010
I really should get my hearing looked at
Ok so today I was in Chorus class (I still think that my chorus teacher hates me), and she talked a little about the Fashion show DVD (which I will put online sooner or later), and she said, "Yes so our camera man took a lot of good pictures and videos of you naked-".
I thought, "WOAH! WTF!?". Turns out she said makeup instead of naked. Funny that I'd get those two mixed up. Well this is incredibally akward...umm...enjoy this totally pointless video.
I thought, "WOAH! WTF!?". Turns out she said makeup instead of naked. Funny that I'd get those two mixed up. Well this is incredibally akward...umm...enjoy this totally pointless video.
Tuesday, February 23, 2010
My message to Glen Beck (aka the Conservative paranoid jerk)

Well I know we have the whole 'freedom of speech thing', . I mean he is 100% CONVINCED that Obama is evil and is turning America into a communist, fascist apocolyptic hellhole. He calls Obama corrupt, and a lier. Give me some examples (some real examples other than what YOU see as lies). He NEVER says anything good about Democrats, and instead just glorifying republicans. I mean today I was watching the Glen Beck show, and every time he would say some 'paranoid/apocalyptic rumor', I would say, "SHUT THE HECK UP YOU CONSERVATIVE JERK!". God he is soo annoying. I still think he's ADD.
I know there are some of you that might like him, but this is just my opinion. I wonder if there is any moment where Glen Beck (or Fox news in general) says anything good about Obama or democrats.
*seriously I can't say bastard on my blog. I did before and you guys were fine with that*
Saturday, February 20, 2010
Screw you math
God I hate math, I suck at it. I mean why do I even need math if I want to be a movie or book critic, or maybe even a casting director? Stupid math. Oh and I got that laser hair removal thing done, and I'm absolutely loving it. For once I can put myself into the category of "Comic book fans who are actually attractive". Now I just gotta get my moles (or are they freckles. I can't really tell the difference) removed, wear makeup/contacts more often, and attempt to follow the trends and I'll be (as the Twitards call it) 'hawt'.
To do list for clothing:
1. I see a lot of girls wearing these boot thingies. I think they're called Ugs or something. Doesn't Ugs sound like UGH. As in UGH THIS IS SOO WEIRD. That type of UGH
2. I see a lot of girls wearing this short plaid dresses. The ones that have the elastic black waist area, with the black upperpart and the colored skirt part. I ALWAYS wanted to get one (well recently).
3. Get my ears pierced. Yes I still have 'Virgin ears', but I plan to lose that title. I hate looking at beautiful earrings and not being able to wear any. Though Sarah I think has been trying to convince me not to. Every time I bring it up she starts talking about how it hurt to get it pierced and how they are basicly sticking a needle through your ear (she knows that I have a small fear of needles). For some reason I believe that Sarah thinks she should be the only one who can have a fashion sense. AS IF!
Oh and I think my next little 'obsession' will be fashion. I think that once I find out whose cast as Captain America, then this superhero craze will end. But who knows.
To do list for clothing:
1. I see a lot of girls wearing these boot thingies. I think they're called Ugs or something. Doesn't Ugs sound like UGH. As in UGH THIS IS SOO WEIRD. That type of UGH
2. I see a lot of girls wearing this short plaid dresses. The ones that have the elastic black waist area, with the black upperpart and the colored skirt part. I ALWAYS wanted to get one (well recently).
3. Get my ears pierced. Yes I still have 'Virgin ears', but I plan to lose that title. I hate looking at beautiful earrings and not being able to wear any. Though Sarah I think has been trying to convince me not to. Every time I bring it up she starts talking about how it hurt to get it pierced and how they are basicly sticking a needle through your ear (she knows that I have a small fear of needles). For some reason I believe that Sarah thinks she should be the only one who can have a fashion sense. AS IF!
Oh and I think my next little 'obsession' will be fashion. I think that once I find out whose cast as Captain America, then this superhero craze will end. But who knows.
Tuesday, February 16, 2010
Ohh the horrible news!
Yesterday I found out that Justin Hartley (who I have like a major crush on) is married and has a daughter. It feels soo akward to like him now, cause I basicly had a crush on a married father. EWWW! Why must the young and hot be taken. Oh and Justin Hartley plays the Green Arrow on Smallville. Ok so I need to find another actor to be my main actor crush.....Jensen Ackles your the one! :)
Friday, February 12, 2010
Hey its snowing....Hey look a penny!
Today it snowed in Georgia (shocked aren't you). Thankfully school was let out an hour earlier (ummm...worth it?), and when the other kids saw it was snowing, the halls were filled with students exclaiming, "IT'S SNOWING!". I was in my next class listening ot my ipod uninterested with the snow. When the bell rang, the other kids in my class were trying to find reasons to leave class to see the snow. I guess they never saw frozen rain before. Didn't it snow a month ago? They are soo easily entertained.
Tuesday, February 9, 2010
OK so today I had to watch Romeo and Juliet in Language arts class, and there was this one scene where Romeo was butt naked, and I was like (aloud), "Wow this movie just keeps getting better and better!". Oh and the guy who played Romeo looked a hell of a lot like Zac Efron. But when they showed Juliet's boobs, I (and almost everybody in the class) was like, "WOAH! TMI! I'm not sure we should be seeing this! This isn't G anymore!". What was even creepier was that she was 13, and some parts of the sex scene were pretty graphic. What makes it even more creepier is that I'm playing Juliet, and another girl no no I'm not going to think about that!
Monday, February 8, 2010
They were cheering for me!
YEAH! I feel soo happy. I usually never get applauses better yet actual cheers. Oh that was a real day brightener. Oh and I found out by watching the blurry video my dad took. Hopefully I'll be able to the official DVD online.
The fashion show
Since nothing happened before 3:15, I'll just skip over to when I went over to the salon to get my makeover. My mom was freakin out because the show started at 3:00 and my makeover at 3:15. Newsflash: my scene is later on. Plus there was an silent auction and mom was yelling stuff like, "WE'RE GUNNA BE LATE! I KNEW I SHOULD HAVE CALLED!" and when she couldn't understand my camera she was like, "I DON'T KNOW HOW TO USE THIS CAMERA! WE'RE NOT GOING TO HAVE PICTURES!" and when I told her that they will be filming it and that the DVD is free, she ignored me and kept yelling, "I DON'T WANNA HAVE TO PAY FOR THE DVD! THAT COSTS MONEY". Moms must have selective hearing because I specifically remember telling my mom three times that the DVD is free. Shesh.
Aren't I just the most creative model ever? I did get some yells, but I don't know if they were for me or the girl behind me. I'm just gunna think it was for me. After I got off the stage, and just did what-ever the hell I wanted. Which mostly consisted of talking, walking around, and just being-goddamn bored. God I should have brought my ipod, but NOO mom thought it would mess up my hair. Thanks mom for ensuring my boredom during the long moments of time. The finale was next, and that basically was you come out onto the stage alphabetically and go a pose. Unfortunately my pose was almost like a mixture of a shrug and the Nixon pose. Great. Great. Well overall the fashion show went well, though I'll miss being 'pretty'. Because I looked way better in the salon's makeup than the makeup that I bought at Origins.
When I finally got to the chair for the makeover the hair-lady was gushing on how much she loves my curls, even though my mom secretly (well not so secretly) HATES my curls. Shes always (when I told straighten my hair), "YOU LOOK LIKE YOU JUST ROLLED OUT OF BED! YOU GOTTA STRAIGHTEN YOUR HAIR!". Oh and the hair-lady got very frustrated when she couldn't find anything to do with my hair and my mom gets mad at me when I don't do anything with my hair. There really isn't that much you can do with curly hair. Coarse we straightened it (though Desiree was disappointed about the fact that she won't be able to play with my near-Shirley-temple curls. AWWWWW). Off topic moment: while I was getting my hair done, I finally found out how to raise one eyebrow without the other going up to. :) The hair-lady then added some stick-on gems and glitter. Plus I had some weird 'bump' hair do that made me look like I just came off of a polygamist ranch.
The makeup part was good and I swear the guy doing my makeup was the most flamboyantly-gay person I had ever met. He was like, "OH-MY-GOD we should soo go shopping later" (he was talking to the other makeup lady, not me. (to Nat: I think we found the real-life Gary. That's an inside joke).
After the hair and makeup was over we (my mom, Sarah and I) had to rush over to my school and I had to quickly get my dress on. Then I noticed that I couldn't find the shoes that went with it. I couldn't wear my black flats on the runway and I doubted that any of the other heels around the area were my size. I asked the lady in charge and she said that she had a pair of heels in her car that were my size. Unfortunately they weren't in her car. Great so now I was heel-less! Luckily I managed to 'borrow' the heels of another girl,which thankfully were my size and matched the dress, and necklace. Talk about luck.
A couple minutes later me and my group were behind the stage getting ready to walk to runway with the song Bad Romance by Lady Gaga (you know that freaky chick who wears the weird clothes). The lights turned on, the song played, and soon the models went behind a lighted sheet (which set off some cool shadows) and onto the runway. I was slightly shaking and I was praying to god that I won't do anything stupid (like trip or other crap like that). When it was my turn to go behind the sheet thingy, I did the classic hip-turn thingy (you know the most unoriginal pose EVER!).
I walked next to the other models and waited for my turn to go down the runway. Most of the other girls were doing to boring old hip-turn and one bitch stole my idea for a pose. Sick little bitch stealin my ideas! When it was finally my turn, I struck the pose that I wanted to do soo much (mostly to hopefully get a laugh): The Nixon pose
Thursday, February 4, 2010
Fashion show practice 1
I decided to take part in my school's fashion show despite the fact that I already have confidence issues, and probably won't be able to wear the cool clothes due to the fact that I'm too damn skinny. Curse you thinness. I always wonder what happens to the fat that I should have. I think that it either gets teleported into a parallel universe, or onto Rosie Odonnel's face.
Back on topic: Today from 3:30-5:10 (well 5:10 for me because I had a fitting) was the practice. For some reason they were filming the whole thing. Every practice to the show. Umm ok. So right when I went into the theatre (which had the whole catwalk thing already up) I heard some lady who looked like a Taylor-Swift wanna-be (We get it you have boobs, you don't have to show them off to us. We're only teen girls remember?), and another lady who looked like a mixture of Kristen Chenowech and an elderly Twiggy were saying how there was snacks in the Chorus room I was like (outloud) "There is! I'm gettin out of here now". Unfortunately the camera was still rolling. Great.
When the Taylor-Swift wanna-be started to talk she said, "Who here didn't bring their heels", my friend Desiree then yelled out, "ANNE!". The cameras were rolling and I hope that it won't be on the final video. Thanks Desiree. Thanks. The rest of the thing was just practicing walking, unfortunately a couple girls including me were chosen to go first. Non-stop walking back and forth, smiling, holding back straight, shoulders back, pretending to be a Barbie doll. The whole time Desiree, her friends (whom I felt like I couldn't fit in with) and I were making funny comments the whole time.
I texted my friends/cousins about my 'fashion show practice' and they seriously thought that I was in a real life fashion show. If only....if only. Then came the fitting. Unfortunately my small size took out many options for my clothing, and I was given some orange dress. While the store ladies said how cute I looked and how I look like a little supermodel, my mom looked as if I was wearing a whore's costume. She even tried to pull my dress up soo high that you might as well call it an 'urkel dress'. The store ladies asked my mom if they should get a new dress, but mom refused probably because she would be embarrassed to say no . Frankly I think the only type of dress the my mom would want me to wear to the fashion show is a burka. Mom took a picture of me in my dress and I may post it on my blog sooner or later.
Wish me luck at tomorrow's practice. :)
Back on topic: Today from 3:30-5:10 (well 5:10 for me because I had a fitting) was the practice. For some reason they were filming the whole thing. Every practice to the show. Umm ok. So right when I went into the theatre (which had the whole catwalk thing already up) I heard some lady who looked like a Taylor-Swift wanna-be (We get it you have boobs, you don't have to show them off to us. We're only teen girls remember?), and another lady who looked like a mixture of Kristen Chenowech and an elderly Twiggy were saying how there was snacks in the Chorus room I was like (outloud) "There is! I'm gettin out of here now". Unfortunately the camera was still rolling. Great.
When the Taylor-Swift wanna-be started to talk she said, "Who here didn't bring their heels", my friend Desiree then yelled out, "ANNE!". The cameras were rolling and I hope that it won't be on the final video. Thanks Desiree. Thanks. The rest of the thing was just practicing walking, unfortunately a couple girls including me were chosen to go first. Non-stop walking back and forth, smiling, holding back straight, shoulders back, pretending to be a Barbie doll. The whole time Desiree, her friends (whom I felt like I couldn't fit in with) and I were making funny comments the whole time.
I texted my friends/cousins about my 'fashion show practice' and they seriously thought that I was in a real life fashion show. If only....if only. Then came the fitting. Unfortunately my small size took out many options for my clothing, and I was given some orange dress. While the store ladies said how cute I looked and how I look like a little supermodel, my mom looked as if I was wearing a whore's costume. She even tried to pull my dress up soo high that you might as well call it an 'urkel dress'. The store ladies asked my mom if they should get a new dress, but mom refused probably because she would be embarrassed to say no . Frankly I think the only type of dress the my mom would want me to wear to the fashion show is a burka. Mom took a picture of me in my dress and I may post it on my blog sooner or later.
Wish me luck at tomorrow's practice. :)
I found the holy question!
I was taking my math quiz and we were given a triangle and we had to put the angles in order from smallest to largest (the angles were lettered). Guess what the answer was. G-O-D. Seriously? I guess that question was holy or something
Tuesday, February 2, 2010
News update
1. My Geography teacher (whom I once said was as funny as a rock) is actually trying to be funny. He still sucks at being funny, but at least he's funnier than Glen Beck (who sucks at being funny)
2. In my stupid Keeping it real club thingy, we have to make a stupid anti-drug video and we plan to film it where we usually see a bunch of kids my age (15+) smoking in public. You'd think that somebody under 18 would try to hid the fact that their smoking (you know smoke in a private, secluded area) no they smoke right in front of the carpool lane. Freaks. Oh and Elle (who is one of my worst enemies) is unfortunately in my group. *groans in anger*. I really do hate her guts
3. This guy who sits next to me in Math class said that since he looked 18 that he bought drugs and even git a police officer to give him a light. Ha-ha. Coarse this is from the guy who is all emo looking, and wears all these spikes on his clothing so I'm not surprised
4. Today I had to get an x-ray because my back and neck have been killing me and the guy who was co-running the X-ray machine looked a lot like Chris Hemsworth. When I went into the bathroom to get changed into that weird x-ray garb I started squeeling, "OMG HE LOOKS LIKE CHRIS HEMSWORTH! HE LOOKS LIKE CHRIS HEMSWORTH! EHHHHH! :) :) :)". Yah I like Chris Hemsworth. :)
2. In my stupid Keeping it real club thingy, we have to make a stupid anti-drug video and we plan to film it where we usually see a bunch of kids my age (15+) smoking in public. You'd think that somebody under 18 would try to hid the fact that their smoking (you know smoke in a private, secluded area) no they smoke right in front of the carpool lane. Freaks. Oh and Elle (who is one of my worst enemies) is unfortunately in my group. *groans in anger*. I really do hate her guts
3. This guy who sits next to me in Math class said that since he looked 18 that he bought drugs and even git a police officer to give him a light. Ha-ha. Coarse this is from the guy who is all emo looking, and wears all these spikes on his clothing so I'm not surprised
4. Today I had to get an x-ray because my back and neck have been killing me and the guy who was co-running the X-ray machine looked a lot like Chris Hemsworth. When I went into the bathroom to get changed into that weird x-ray garb I started squeeling, "OMG HE LOOKS LIKE CHRIS HEMSWORTH! HE LOOKS LIKE CHRIS HEMSWORTH! EHHHHH! :) :) :)". Yah I like Chris Hemsworth. :)
Monday, February 1, 2010
Play Sarah off, Keyboard cat + an adorable Emily video
Feast your ears on the horrors of angry Sarah and the cuteness of baby Emily*
Sarah's fits
Why do 12 (or is it 11) year olds seem to scream their heads off when their phone is taken away, or when somebody (me) wants to make gingerbread cookies (there was a make-your-own gingerbread cookie thing in sarah's stocking which was meant for all of us)? A couple days ago Sarah had this major big meltdown and started cursing and screaming. I cought most of it on camera (well the audio, all you can see is the door but it is still enjoyable). I also got video if today's meltdown which had something to do with her gettin her cellphone taken away. Maybe or maybe not will I upload it on my blog. Depends on how I feel and whether or not Mom or Dad or Sarah will try to remove the video. Though it is pretty funny in my eyes. :)
Today was just boring. My chorus teacher was here (for the last couple days she was absent so we got to talk during class) so no more talk time.
Lunch was pretty boring, and so was Geography. Ok so yesterday I spent half of my day working on this huge packet because I thought it was due tommorow (today for you guys). Turns out it was due thurday not monday. Man I wasted my whole weekend. >:(
Lunch was pretty boring, and so was Geography. Ok so yesterday I spent half of my day working on this huge packet because I thought it was due tommorow (today for you guys). Turns out it was due thurday not monday. Man I wasted my whole weekend. >:(
Sunday, January 31, 2010
Two new guys who I think are hot
Chris Hemsworth and Jensen Ackles. *sigh* IDK why it is soo hard for me to like the guys who are in my school. I just find celebrities way hotter than the guys in my school (wow this is not news or suprising at all). Today when I watched Chris Hemsworth on some soap opera I was like, "GOD DAMN IT HE'S HOT!". Enough said.
Saturday, January 30, 2010
If I directed Twilight
*yep I just can't resist not making fun of Twilight*
I did not make this video, I just found it on youtube and I thought it was funny.
I did not make this video, I just found it on youtube and I thought it was funny.
Friday, January 29, 2010
Who I would want to play me if they ever made a movie off my life
Thursday, January 28, 2010
I just had to do this some time
Let me make this quick and simple: Yes I'm gettin plastic surgery, and NO it's not for my boobs. I'm actually getting some moles from my face removed. It seemed prety fine, till they said that I might have some scars from getting them removed. Here was my reaction:
Oh and I also plan to get hair reduction from my upper lip (I know).
Oh and I also plan to get hair reduction from my upper lip (I know).
Monday, January 25, 2010
Quotes done my style
You say "It's all fun and games till somebody gets hurt" I say, "It's all fun and games till I punch you in the face"
You say potatoe, I say patato, you say tomato, I say F#$* you for playing this tomatoe tomAtoe thing on me.
You say, "Life is like a box of chocolates, you never know what your going to get", I say "Life is like a bag of bugs, once you open it when it all falls out and causes a huge mess"
You say, " I want to fly like an eagle" I say, "Eagles may soar, but rabbits don't get sucked into jet engines."
You say, "Join the army and meet interesting people", but Chuck Norris says, "Join the army, meet interesting people and then kill them"
You say potatoe, I say patato, you say tomato, I say F#$* you for playing this tomatoe tomAtoe thing on me.
You say, "Life is like a box of chocolates, you never know what your going to get", I say "Life is like a bag of bugs, once you open it when it all falls out and causes a huge mess"
You say, " I want to fly like an eagle" I say, "Eagles may soar, but rabbits don't get sucked into jet engines."
You say, "Join the army and meet interesting people", but Chuck Norris says, "Join the army, meet interesting people and then kill them"
Well I'm 15 now
I don't really feel any different. Agh all that is different is that I feel more moody (watch out parents). Well happy birthday to me.
Sunday, January 24, 2010
A brief summary of my b-day party
Ok, so turns out my whole "WWIII" didn't really happen, and Nat and Emily got along very well. Before we left for the hotel, we spent it drawing over those cheap posters you find in J-14 magazine, and other crappy tween magazines, and both the Twilight book/ Twilight movie guide. Maybe I'll post some pictures from the defiled pictures on my blog.
Then, once we got to the hotel, we spent it both just talking and trying to avoid Sarah and her friend. We didn't like it how Sarah would barge into our room, flick us off, and then come into the room nude right in front of my friends (how come Sarah has shown all of my friends her naked body?). Luckily, we managed to lock the door, close the shades, and try to organize when we go to the pool and when we don't.
Ok then yadda yadda yadda going to nice restaurant yadda yadda yadda singing the "pants on the ground" song in public yadda yadda yadda making the phrase "Fiestas in me pantalones" and "El poLlo en my pantalones", a new inside joke yadda yadda yadda. Let's skip over to when we went to the pool. I finally got a reason to wear my cute black and white polka dress/bathing suit. The pool was heated, though the hot tub was oddly yellow colored (ewww). Right after I went underwater in the hot tub, I said, "People probably pee in this tub, let's get out". Nat cracked up, and we left. When we were in the pool, we had 'underwater fiestas' and did other fun games underwater. We even had aN underwater superhero fight (where I finally had a reason to pretend kick Nat and Emily). When Sarah and her friend came we were making fun of her and trying to stay away. It became really awkward when Sarah yelled out loud, "ANNE PULL YOUR SHIRT UP!". I know that she liked it and she wanted to embarrass me. *groans*
yadda yadda yadda Nat then dared me to go up to a couple ladies in the hot tub and say "LLAAAAaaadies". I did and boy was it akward.
yadda yadda yadda going back to the hotel room. We had already planned to watch Terminator Salvation just so we can watch Christian Bale die, but we then changed our mind and decided to watch Star Trek (2009) just so we can watch....CHRIS-PIIIINNNNE! OMG we (Nat and I) became obsessed with him. During the whole film, we would say stuff like, "Chris pine can make (insert action) seem hot/attractive/manly". Our favorite one was where Chris Pine and that asian guy (wasn't his last Ho or Cho) were free falling and holdin onto eachother, I was like, "Chris Pine can make bromance hugging seem manly". Oh and whenever that Spock guy was on screen we said "gay baby born" or "A new Std has been created", because we believed that whenever Spock was seeN that a gay baby was born or that a new STD had been created. Yah we weren't big fans of Spock because he isn't as attractive as CHRIS-PIIINNNE!(fangirl giggle). When we saw eldery Spock we said, "A gay homicide new-STD bearing child has just been born" and we kept yelling at the screen for Chris Pine to come back. Oh, and when Chris pine was on screen we wouls say, "A angel has been given it's wings, and a goddess has been born".
When the movie was over, we talked about how we would love to see Chris Pine fly through the window to our room riding Charlie the unicorn and take us both to a magical oasis (yeah, we were weird). Oh and the view from our hotel room was a bland parkinglot. Fantastic. That night we would talk about how hot Chris Pine was and how he got his ass kicked soo many times during that film.
The next day when we went back to my house, we morphed a picture of Leonardo Dicaprio (when he was young), CHRIS-PIIINE, and Chad Michael Murray and we created the most handsome creature on earth. Speaking of Leonardo Dicaprio, we watched Titanic before we went to the restaurant and every scene that Dicaprio was in we were sitting on the edges of our seat fawning over him. Whenever he wasn't on screen we were like,"WE DON'T CARE, SHOW US THE DICAPRIO!". Damn he was hot.
So yah the highlights were Nat, Emily's, and I fawning over Chris Pine and Leonardo Dicaprio, and then pranking Sarah by telling her that the phone number I gave her was of Emily's boyfriend and it actually wasn't. She kept calling this poor guy over and over again and then she accused HIM of stalking her. How does that work out? Course mom then accused US of being the mean ones despite the fact that Sarah and her friend kept barging into our room, being naked in front of us, looking through our phones, knocking-ditching us, and trying to be cool, We were called the mean ones. Parents are soo biased.
Then, once we got to the hotel, we spent it both just talking and trying to avoid Sarah and her friend. We didn't like it how Sarah would barge into our room, flick us off, and then come into the room nude right in front of my friends (how come Sarah has shown all of my friends her naked body?). Luckily, we managed to lock the door, close the shades, and try to organize when we go to the pool and when we don't.
Ok then yadda yadda yadda going to nice restaurant yadda yadda yadda singing the "pants on the ground" song in public yadda yadda yadda making the phrase "Fiestas in me pantalones" and "El poLlo en my pantalones", a new inside joke yadda yadda yadda. Let's skip over to when we went to the pool. I finally got a reason to wear my cute black and white polka dress/bathing suit. The pool was heated, though the hot tub was oddly yellow colored (ewww). Right after I went underwater in the hot tub, I said, "People probably pee in this tub, let's get out". Nat cracked up, and we left. When we were in the pool, we had 'underwater fiestas' and did other fun games underwater. We even had aN underwater superhero fight (where I finally had a reason to pretend kick Nat and Emily). When Sarah and her friend came we were making fun of her and trying to stay away. It became really awkward when Sarah yelled out loud, "ANNE PULL YOUR SHIRT UP!". I know that she liked it and she wanted to embarrass me. *groans*
yadda yadda yadda Nat then dared me to go up to a couple ladies in the hot tub and say "LLAAAAaaadies". I did and boy was it akward.
yadda yadda yadda going back to the hotel room. We had already planned to watch Terminator Salvation just so we can watch Christian Bale die, but we then changed our mind and decided to watch Star Trek (2009) just so we can watch....CHRIS-PIIIINNNNE! OMG we (Nat and I) became obsessed with him. During the whole film, we would say stuff like, "Chris pine can make (insert action) seem hot/attractive/manly". Our favorite one was where Chris Pine and that asian guy (wasn't his last Ho or Cho) were free falling and holdin onto eachother, I was like, "Chris Pine can make bromance hugging seem manly". Oh and whenever that Spock guy was on screen we said "gay baby born" or "A new Std has been created", because we believed that whenever Spock was seeN that a gay baby was born or that a new STD had been created. Yah we weren't big fans of Spock because he isn't as attractive as CHRIS-PIIINNNE!(fangirl giggle). When we saw eldery Spock we said, "A gay homicide new-STD bearing child has just been born" and we kept yelling at the screen for Chris Pine to come back. Oh, and when Chris pine was on screen we wouls say, "A angel has been given it's wings, and a goddess has been born".
When the movie was over, we talked about how we would love to see Chris Pine fly through the window to our room riding Charlie the unicorn and take us both to a magical oasis (yeah, we were weird). Oh and the view from our hotel room was a bland parkinglot. Fantastic. That night we would talk about how hot Chris Pine was and how he got his ass kicked soo many times during that film.
The next day when we went back to my house, we morphed a picture of Leonardo Dicaprio (when he was young), CHRIS-PIIINE, and Chad Michael Murray and we created the most handsome creature on earth. Speaking of Leonardo Dicaprio, we watched Titanic before we went to the restaurant and every scene that Dicaprio was in we were sitting on the edges of our seat fawning over him. Whenever he wasn't on screen we were like,"WE DON'T CARE, SHOW US THE DICAPRIO!". Damn he was hot.
So yah the highlights were Nat, Emily's, and I fawning over Chris Pine and Leonardo Dicaprio, and then pranking Sarah by telling her that the phone number I gave her was of Emily's boyfriend and it actually wasn't. She kept calling this poor guy over and over again and then she accused HIM of stalking her. How does that work out? Course mom then accused US of being the mean ones despite the fact that Sarah and her friend kept barging into our room, being naked in front of us, looking through our phones, knocking-ditching us, and trying to be cool, We were called the mean ones. Parents are soo biased.
Friday, January 22, 2010
Tell me, have you ever danced with the devil in the pale moon light?
Cause I havn't, and I just wanted to say that.
Damn I wish I was more attractive
How come I can never look good on camera? Every photo I took of myself I either look really weird and multi-colored, or I look like I'm trying to hard to be attractive. I mean if I smile, then I look like an ugly version of Demi Lovato (I heard you can land a plane in her giant mouth), and if I don't smile then my face and mouth has a really weird shape to it. GOD, why couldn't I have been blessed with the attractive-face gene? Nope, I just got the skinny body gene, and I'm stuck with my face. I just hate the right side of my face (or it can be your left), it has all the freckles, and moles. While my left (or is it your right) is smooth and has nothing on it (well except my eyes, nose, eyebrows, and mouth. duh). I'm like Two-face. I mean seriously, no wonder I don't post pictures of myself online. Cause no matter how hard to try to look attractive I always fail. :(
I already know how I'll lose my virginity, I'll be some drunken college guy's last resort. WHY CAN'T I HAVE BOTH AN ATTRACTIVE FACE AND BODY, RATHER THAN JUST ONE! Coarse my parents always say, "You a beautiful girl and any guy would want to date you". BAH! They're my parents so their supposed to tell me I'm attractive, even though I don't find myself. The only times where I think I'm attractive is when I take my glasses off so that my blurred vision will make it so I look attractive in the mirror, but when I put contacts or glasses on then I go right back to looking weird. :'(. Oh well.
In non-looks related news: The first couple meeting for the Leadership club-thingy maddodle is next week. You know the type of club where you do presentations about anti-drug,sex, or some thing like that, make crappy tshirts, yadda yadda yadda. I only signed up because it looks good on a college application, and that's pretty much it. Oh and I told my parents that somebody recommended me, I lied. In my homeroom class nobody was signing up, so I decided to sign up. Later that week when the leader of the Leadership club-thingy said that most of the students were recommended, I just decided to play along and say my homeroom teacher did recommend me. I bet if I didn't sign up, she wouldn't have recommended me in the first place. Something about being reccomended just has a more positive feel to it, rather than saying that you signed up just because you felt pressured into doing it.
Wow I sound soo emo. Speaking of Emo; I will no longer call the Avengers the Avengers, their new name is the Emo-Brigade. Cause so far all the characters have some form of emotional issues. EMOS!
I already know how I'll lose my virginity, I'll be some drunken college guy's last resort. WHY CAN'T I HAVE BOTH AN ATTRACTIVE FACE AND BODY, RATHER THAN JUST ONE! Coarse my parents always say, "You a beautiful girl and any guy would want to date you". BAH! They're my parents so their supposed to tell me I'm attractive, even though I don't find myself. The only times where I think I'm attractive is when I take my glasses off so that my blurred vision will make it so I look attractive in the mirror, but when I put contacts or glasses on then I go right back to looking weird. :'(. Oh well.
In non-looks related news: The first couple meeting for the Leadership club-thingy maddodle is next week. You know the type of club where you do presentations about anti-drug,sex, or some thing like that, make crappy tshirts, yadda yadda yadda. I only signed up because it looks good on a college application, and that's pretty much it. Oh and I told my parents that somebody recommended me, I lied. In my homeroom class nobody was signing up, so I decided to sign up. Later that week when the leader of the Leadership club-thingy said that most of the students were recommended, I just decided to play along and say my homeroom teacher did recommend me. I bet if I didn't sign up, she wouldn't have recommended me in the first place. Something about being reccomended just has a more positive feel to it, rather than saying that you signed up just because you felt pressured into doing it.
Wow I sound soo emo. Speaking of Emo; I will no longer call the Avengers the Avengers, their new name is the Emo-Brigade. Cause so far all the characters have some form of emotional issues. EMOS!
Wednesday, January 20, 2010
Romea and Juliet
Now before you accuse me of having poor grammer, yes I did spell Romeo that way on purpose. Ok so in my language arts class we're going to be performing the way Romeo and Juliet (you know that emo play where people commit suicide and talk as if their in Shakespearean times...wait they are!). At first I wanted to play Lady Capulet because it's an easy role and I hoped that I didn't have to talk a lot. But when some other girl stole the role I had to reconsider. I noticed that most of the other students were picking the more minor roles, and only one guy chose the lead role of Romeo. So I volunteered to be Juliet, and hooray I did. Ironically, right after I said I was going to be Juliet, the guy who was playing Romeo said he didn't want to be it anymore. (sighs) Ohh the joys of being unpopular. So who was recast? Umm some girl named Nicole. Yes Romeo and Juliet will now be called Romea and Juliet. Yes Juliet is now a lesbian in this version. Just my luck. It's gunna be soo akward to be saying love poems back and forth. So I guess I can have one good thing, but another thing bad happens. I get to be Juliet, but unfortunately this Juliet is a I commit suicide. Hmmmm
Update: This monday is my birthday, so my parents will *hopefully* forced to go a day without bugging me about grades. Oh and this weekend my friends and I will be staying at a hotel, shopping at the mall, going to a nice restaurant, and hanging out. This will be the first time Natalie and Emily will meet. So call the UN, we might have WWIII heading towards us. Naah, I'de always imagined WWIII being when the sane anti-twilight fans finally face off against the twitards. It will soon come to that one time where the Twitards,lead by their overlord Stephanie Meyer and the ruthless general known as Seth Meyer, battle the Twitards which ends in a battle soo epic that every country has to decide whether they support Twilight or don't! OHH THE MANY BOOKS BURNED AND WORDS "OMG!" SHOUTED. IT'S HORRIFYING, HORRIFYING!
wow I realy can't go one post without bashing Twilight can't I?
Update: This monday is my birthday, so my parents will *hopefully* forced to go a day without bugging me about grades. Oh and this weekend my friends and I will be staying at a hotel, shopping at the mall, going to a nice restaurant, and hanging out. This will be the first time Natalie and Emily will meet. So call the UN, we might have WWIII heading towards us. Naah, I'de always imagined WWIII being when the sane anti-twilight fans finally face off against the twitards. It will soon come to that one time where the Twitards,lead by their overlord Stephanie Meyer and the ruthless general known as Seth Meyer, battle the Twitards which ends in a battle soo epic that every country has to decide whether they support Twilight or don't! OHH THE MANY BOOKS BURNED AND WORDS "OMG!" SHOUTED. IT'S HORRIFYING, HORRIFYING!
wow I realy can't go one post without bashing Twilight can't I?
Monday, January 18, 2010
If Mccain was president.....
If Mccain was President then we probably won't be that much different than we are now. MSNBC would be bashing him nonstop, while Fox news will be calling him the freakin messiah. Sarah Palin would be president in 2011 seeing that Mccain is a old guy and is...old. Oh and Sarah Palin would still be an idiot.
Sunday, January 17, 2010
me vs Roy
Roy came over today and we were having a casual conversation when it turned into a long yell fest (mostly by me). I said that Doomsday did kill Superman, he denied it. I was yelling, "HE DID!", and I showed him a picture of dead superman, the cover of the comic book that said "The death of superman" and even a article on DC that said, "The creature that once killed superman" and he still wasn't convinced. I was yelling and getting pretty worked up. Then he said that he already knew that Doomsday killed Superman and he was just trying to piss me off. Then when I started talking about the Deadpool movie he started saying that no one would see a Deadpool movie and that Deadpool is unknown. I was like, "Oh-my-god, you sick son of a ****. You did not just say that". Then he started saying that Ryan Reynolds can't helm his own movie as the main character, and I was like, "Who cares what you think! Just SHUT UP! Nobody messes with Deadpool!".
Saturday, January 16, 2010
What do you think should be my new blog picture icon
a. My current one: Star Sapphire from the Green Lantern comics:
Pros: Since I'm a new fan of the Green Lantern, and I think Blake Lively (who will be playing Carole Ferris, who later becomes Star Sapphire), I think it would be cool to have Carole as my icon, well for a little bit. I'm not very familiar with the character though.
B. Catwoman from the batman comics (if you didn't know that then I pity you)
Pros: I LOVE CATWOMAN. I've read some comics with Catwoman and she is soo awesome! I love the chemistry between her and batman, they are such a cute couple
C. My old one: Stargirl
Pros: We're both around the same age, have braces, and kinda look alike (even though I did change her hair color for the picture). Oh and suprisingly she has nothing to do with captain America, despite the costume.
D. Wonder Woman:

B. Catwoman from the batman comics (if you didn't know that then I pity you)

C. My old one: Stargirl

D. Wonder Woman:
Pros: We both share some of the same view points. We are feminists, and I bet if she read Twilight she would kill Stephanie Meyer or at least knock some sense into her.
Now readers you decide, which one do you like the best?
Friday, January 15, 2010
My science teacher likes me best
Ok so in science class, we had to change seats, and Mrs. Riley allowed me to sit next to Emily. Ok I really need to branch out more. My science teacher said in front of everybody, "Anne, I'll let you sit there, because I love you more than most of these other students". I was like, "umm...ok". Then these others students started saying, "That's illegal! That's favoriting!". This isn't the first time i've been the subject of a conversation. Once my language arts class went on a three minute talk on how to pronounce me name. Is it Ann, Anne, Annie, Annaleise? DARN YOU PARENTS! I mean they spelled my name like Anne, which comes out as Ann, but I pronounce it Annie. Sometimes I want to just add the I into my name just so my teachers won't mess up my name. I already have two teachers who still call me Ann, and I just let them. I'm tired of it.
The greatest news ever!
Jackie Earl Haley isn't playing Sinestro! (victory music plays). The guy the director is in negotiations for is Mark Strong, who would make an amazing Sinestro. He both looks the part, he's creepy (and threatening) as hell, is 6'2 (rather than JEH's 5'5), and is a good actor. Thank you DC for making me happy and giving me hope that the Green Lantern movie can be good. THANK YOU!

Action movie updates blog
Seeing that I know that I have to limit down on my talk of action movies, I've decided to make a new blog where all I talk about is action movies! The link is: Or you can go to my profile, and it's there. I originally planned it to be a video series, but I just talk too fast and slur stuff together. It was hard to understand me. Enjoy.
Ps: Don't worry I'll try to update this (the freshmen and young author blog) more often. Oh and that secret blog is no more. I just got bored with it. Or you can go to my profile, and it's there. I originally planned it to be a video series, but I just talk too fast and slur stuff together. It was hard to understand me. Enjoy.
Ps: Don't worry I'll try to update this (the freshmen and young author blog) more often. Oh and that secret blog is no more. I just got bored with it.
My reaction if Jackie Earl Haley gets cast as Sinestro
Oh and if you can't read the tiny print it says " Jackie Earl Haley was Dc's only choice for Sinestro" despite the fact that he has no physical resemblence to the character, and is way too short. Plus he isn't that threatening looking (well without makeup that is). HUGO WEAVING FOR SINESTRO!
Play me off, keyboard cat
Ok so I was in Language arts class today and we had a vocabulary test. Later during the class I decided to listen to my ipod, and right when I clicked the Hillary Duff song it went blazing (I forgot to turn the volume down, and worst part was that it was the beggining of the Why Not song, so it is basicly Hillary duff screaming!)! It was soo loud, and I quickly shuffled to turn it off (which unfortunatly took a couple seconds). I then turned around and one guy asked if that (the loud music) was me. Great so they did hear my loud music. Play me off, Keyboard cat.
Basketball FAIL!
Today we had a pep rally (yawn) and for one part they had our basketball team come out. They blasted loud music (rap) and the players started dunking the balls. After about three minutes of nothing but perfect, and entertaining shots, this one white player missesd....epically. Then all the white players started to miss and some were pretty epically bad. So play the white basketball players off, Keyboard cat.
*also I noticed that my parents had taken a post off my blog about Sarah's sexually active friend. I thought we were over the censorship*
*also I noticed that my parents had taken a post off my blog about Sarah's sexually active friend. I thought we were over the censorship*
Thursday, January 14, 2010
Free entertainment lunch
So, I have been having lunch at a separate room, one that gets internet access, and today was actually fairly interesting. No, I didn't find anything interesting online, there was this really weird kid having a HUGE fit outside the door over the fact that his computer wasn't working. Yes, he is one of the sped (special education) kids and he was yelling, "I WANT TO CALL MY MOM! SHUT UP! MY COMPUTER WON'T WORK!". Yes, he actually yelled at a teacher to shut up. Oh, the glories of listening to a crazy kid go crazy about his broken computer. And while I started to listen to the crazy rants, I played the Keyboard cat video on my ipod. Play the crazy kid off, Keyboard cat!
Wednesday, January 13, 2010
Updates on my life
I haven't been updating lately, so my two readers are probably at least a little happy, and not much has happened. I got my new classes, and unfortunately, most of my new classes are mega boring. My new Social studies class is rather boring, and unlike my first class where the teacher tried to be funny, this guy is as funny as a rock. My new math class is ehh, it doesn't have Billy in it, but some how Billy's arguments with the teacher made the class some-what entertaining. I wonder what he is doing now? The only new class that I like is my new English class. The teacher allows us to listen to our ipods and is really nice. Finally, a good class.
Ok, so in Social studies I have to write about five news stories (in the news, duh) and the only stories that were on were about the 7.0 earthquake in Haiti, some athlete using steroids (these days who isn't)
, and Tiger woods (seriously, I do not care about Tiger all). After watching CNN for over an hour and seeing them constantly repeat the same stories over and over again, I decided to go to the one channel I despise the most. Fox news. Let's just say that if you gave me a choice of either watching Fox news or having nails driven through my eye, I would say, " You might as well go the store, I hear there's a sale on nails!". They are soo biased, and sometimes I can just predict what they'll say. It's always, "He's putting this nation into a deeper recession" and "He's ripping apart the foundation of America" "He waited three days to speak about the bomb threat" yet they never once mention the fact that Bush waited SIX days in order to speak about Hurricane Katrina. Oh wait, they (Fox news) absolutely adores Bush and every republican. Then there is that cry baby Glenn Beck who pretends to cry. He fake crys stuff like, "This country isn't like what it was like! I LOVE MY COUNTRY AND I'M SCARED FOR IT!". I bet you if McCain won, then his non-stop cry sessions would have never taken place. Oh, and I finally found a translation of every single thing a Fox news reporter says.
The phrase (which was on Fox news): If there is another terrorist attack, then this guy is impeached!
Covert Message: Hey terrorists, bomb the USA so we can get Obama out of the white house. REPUBLICAN POWER!
The Phrase: This country is not like it was before, and the morals we used to have are gone. I'm scared for her!
Covert Message: Life was better when Bush was in charge. Now that a democrat is in charge, we are changing rather than being the old self
Stupid Fox news people, always seeing the negative in everything. Here is what Fox news hates: Democrats, blacks, Muslims, non-Christians, and anything a non-republican says.
ANYHOW, I tuned into Fox news and almost instantly they started bashing Michelle Obama for trying to run a campaign against childhood obesity. Wait, how is Michelle Obama trying to stop childhood obesity a bad thing....oh wait, since her husband is a democrat that makes everything she does a sin. My parents were behind me talking about something, and I shouted, "Could you quiet down, I'm trying to listen to Republican propaganda!". Yeah, they laughed, and that was one of the new funny moments I've had recently.
Ok, so in Social studies I have to write about five news stories (in the news, duh) and the only stories that were on were about the 7.0 earthquake in Haiti, some athlete using steroids (these days who isn't)
, and Tiger woods (seriously, I do not care about Tiger all). After watching CNN for over an hour and seeing them constantly repeat the same stories over and over again, I decided to go to the one channel I despise the most. Fox news. Let's just say that if you gave me a choice of either watching Fox news or having nails driven through my eye, I would say, " You might as well go the store, I hear there's a sale on nails!". They are soo biased, and sometimes I can just predict what they'll say. It's always, "He's putting this nation into a deeper recession" and "He's ripping apart the foundation of America" "He waited three days to speak about the bomb threat" yet they never once mention the fact that Bush waited SIX days in order to speak about Hurricane Katrina. Oh wait, they (Fox news) absolutely adores Bush and every republican. Then there is that cry baby Glenn Beck who pretends to cry. He fake crys stuff like, "This country isn't like what it was like! I LOVE MY COUNTRY AND I'M SCARED FOR IT!". I bet you if McCain won, then his non-stop cry sessions would have never taken place. Oh, and I finally found a translation of every single thing a Fox news reporter says.
The phrase (which was on Fox news): If there is another terrorist attack, then this guy is impeached!
Covert Message: Hey terrorists, bomb the USA so we can get Obama out of the white house. REPUBLICAN POWER!
The Phrase: This country is not like it was before, and the morals we used to have are gone. I'm scared for her!
Covert Message: Life was better when Bush was in charge. Now that a democrat is in charge, we are changing rather than being the old self
Stupid Fox news people, always seeing the negative in everything. Here is what Fox news hates: Democrats, blacks, Muslims, non-Christians, and anything a non-republican says.
ANYHOW, I tuned into Fox news and almost instantly they started bashing Michelle Obama for trying to run a campaign against childhood obesity. Wait, how is Michelle Obama trying to stop childhood obesity a bad thing....oh wait, since her husband is a democrat that makes everything she does a sin. My parents were behind me talking about something, and I shouted, "Could you quiet down, I'm trying to listen to Republican propaganda!". Yeah, they laughed, and that was one of the new funny moments I've had recently.
Thursday, January 7, 2010
Let's say goodbye to Billy
I got my new semester class list and luckily Billy wasn't in any of my new classes. Well goodbye. So who am I going to rant about now? Well there is this guy in my Geography class named Jake, and he's pretty weird. But unlike Billy, he knows when to stop. Man finding a new guy to rant about is pretty hard. Oh well.
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