Wednesday, May 12, 2010

Something that nearly caused me to get really mad

So today I was on a certain website which is home to over 2,800 different movie scripts ( it's where I found the Green Lantern, The Birds remake, Shazam and the Immortals scripts) and I saw a script entitled "Almost famous". I thought "Hmm...I know I've heard that name before. But where". Then it hit me. Almost famous is the title of one of Zoey Dean's books which I hate. How could they make a movie (err script) off of that piece of crap!? Not only is Almost famous the title of the sequel to the first book (entitled Zoey Dean's Talent. No not just Talent. The author just had to put her name in the title), but the original sucked. I could never get past chapter three before I felt like my IQ was dropping ten points eevry time I read a sentance. It was just soo boring.

I quickly clicked the link, desperatly hoping that it wasn't based off the horrid book, and boy was I suprised to see it wasn't based off that book. Thank god.

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