When I finally got to the chair for the makeover the hair-lady was gushing on how much she loves my curls, even though my mom secretly (well not so secretly) HATES my curls. Shes always (when I told straighten my hair), "YOU LOOK LIKE YOU JUST ROLLED OUT OF BED! YOU GOTTA STRAIGHTEN YOUR HAIR!". Oh and the hair-lady got very frustrated when she couldn't find anything to do with my hair and my mom gets mad at me when I don't do anything with my hair. There really isn't that much you can do with curly hair. Coarse we straightened it (though Desiree was disappointed about the fact that she won't be able to play with my near-Shirley-temple curls. AWWWWW). Off topic moment: while I was getting my hair done, I finally found out how to raise one eyebrow without the other going up to. :) The hair-lady then added some stick-on gems and glitter. Plus I had some weird 'bump' hair do that made me look like I just came off of a polygamist ranch.
The makeup part was good and I swear the guy doing my makeup was the most flamboyantly-gay person I had ever met. He was like, "OH-MY-GOD we should soo go shopping later" (he was talking to the other makeup lady, not me. (to Nat: I think we found the real-life Gary. That's an inside joke).
After the hair and makeup was over we (my mom, Sarah and I) had to rush over to my school and I had to quickly get my dress on. Then I noticed that I couldn't find the shoes that went with it. I couldn't wear my black flats on the runway and I doubted that any of the other heels around the area were my size. I asked the lady in charge and she said that she had a pair of heels in her car that were my size. Unfortunately they weren't in her car. Great so now I was heel-less! Luckily I managed to 'borrow' the heels of another girl,which thankfully were my size and matched the dress, and necklace. Talk about luck.
A couple minutes later me and my group were behind the stage getting ready to walk to runway with the song Bad Romance by Lady Gaga (you know that freaky chick who wears the weird clothes). The lights turned on, the song played, and soon the models went behind a lighted sheet (which set off some cool shadows) and onto the runway. I was slightly shaking and I was praying to god that I won't do anything stupid (like trip or other crap like that). When it was my turn to go behind the sheet thingy, I did the classic hip-turn thingy (you know the most unoriginal pose EVER!).
I walked next to the other models and waited for my turn to go down the runway. Most of the other girls were doing to boring old hip-turn and one bitch stole my idea for a pose. Sick little bitch stealin my ideas! When it was finally my turn, I struck the pose that I wanted to do soo much (mostly to hopefully get a laugh): The Nixon pose
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