Twitard, Twihart, Twilighter, whatever you call us. The term is always the same: a preteen girl who is obsessed with Twilight. They scream over the very sight of Robert Pattinson, and post angry comments on youtube videos that protest twilight. They say stuff like, “! TWILIGHT IS DA BEST BOK EVER! U R JUST JEALOUZ OF SMEYER BECUZ SHE CAN WRITE BETTER THEN U EVER CAN YOU JUST TO SUM AND STUPID TO UNDERSTAND THE LOVELY TWILIGHT SMEYER IS A LOVELY GODDESS THAT TEACHES KIDS TO READ AND U WANT TO TAKE THAT AWAY YOU MEANY POOPY HEADS SO JUST KEEP UR MOUTH SHUT OK OR WELL FIND YOU!!1!!!1!!!1!!1!!!!1!!!!1!!1!!!11!
Wow I just can’t believe I was once one of them. Weird world we live in. Even the most proper and well-spoken girls can be turned into one of Twilight’s zombies. Since this will be the first part in my series, let’s start right ahead with my first sight of this….thing.
My neighbor Lauren (who happened to be a big twilight fan at the time) kept recommending it to me and when she finally forced that book on me, I took a couple looks at it. I was not impressed and I sent in back. A year later was when I had my second encounter with that series. In my school it wasn’t hard to see at least 1 girl with her nose buried in one of the Twilight books. Giving in to peer pressure, I managed to bribe my mom into getting me the first of the Twilight series: Twilight. My excuse was “Lauren wanted me to read it and soo many girls are reading it!”. In the car rid,e I started to look through it. First thought: God Bella, you complain a lot. I actually skipped a couple pages in order to see Edward. Then that page came
where the beautiful Cullens came in. It was soo easy to fall in love with Edward, (well his looks). His stone-like, god-like, angelic, inhumanly good looks would give any twelve year old an orgasm(not saying if I did or not), but he was sooo gorgeous. His amber eyes, crooked smile, his sparkly skin, his gorgeous messy hair were just to die for! OMG he was soo hot! Wow, I sound just like Stephanie Meyer. You know, going into deep description of Edward’s appearance, and falling in love with him.
From that moment on I was hooked. I stayed up late reading that book, singing every word of the book into my head as if it was part of the most beautiful opera ever. I imagined myself as Bella (and it was fairly easy to), falling in love with a sexy, rich vampire who has been “alive” for over 107 years (which technically makes him a pedofile) and he loves me and only me. *swoons*. I started bringing the book to school and I swear whenever I put the book down my stomach would start to hurt and I had to read it. DAMN YOU STEPHANIE MEYER! Even my chorus teacher would tell me to put the book down, but whenever I did, I was soo tempted. “Oh what’s going to happen to me..I mean Bella? Will Bella end up with Edward or Jacob? Will Stephanie describe Edward’s eyes again?”. Those were some of the things that bugged me as I counted down the seconds till I had a chance to read the rest of the book.
The stomach pains were just the beginning of my obsession with Twilight.
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<3 <3 <3 twilight!!! :D