1. Hot actors
2. It's about superheroes
4. The plots are interesting
You might have noticed that my number one reason I watch the show is because of the hot actors. With such actors as Justin Hartley(aka Mr.Sexy), I just cannot resist!
Mr.Sexy plays the superhero known as Green Arrow(aka Smallville's batman). Apparantly Smallville couldn't get the rights to use Batman so they got a superhero who is basicly the same thing as Batman. Here are some reasons:
1. Their parents both died
2. They both own succesful businesses
3. They both don't have superpowers and use technology and fighting skills
4. Green Arrow's trick arrows kinda are like Batman's gadgets
5. They both have the alternate identity as a rich playboy
6. Their back stories are kinda alike(hero gets trained by master in certain art)

7. Are both have dark sides
8. There is even a scene where they imitate a well-known picture of batman:
9. Green Arrow was actually supposed to be Batman in Smallville script, but it was changed last minute.
10. Green Arrow's sidekick Mia something kinda is like Batman's sidekick robin but the Stephanie Brown version.
11. Green Arrow was not a founding member of the Justice league
Sometimes I even forget im watching Green arrow, and just see the character as Batman. They are that much alike. The only real differences are the blonde hair, the green costume, and the whole arrow thingy. Ok so off Mr.Sexy, I love it how they are including more superheroes into the series, but I have a feeling they will only be in one episode. I've also noticed that they defnitly do change the stories of almost every character:
1. Jimmy olson does not die!
2. Lex Luther "dies" before Clark even gets his red and blue tights
3. Green Arrow was never the founder of the Justice League
4. Green Arrow's first sidekick was Roy Harper not Mia Dearden
5. Only 2 of the 5 Smallville Justice league members are actual founding members. Green Arrow wasn't introduced till later, and Cyborg is in the Teen Titans. The only official members are Superman and Impulse(aka Flash cause apparantly Smallville couldn't get the rights to the Flash). To me that's weak
6. Chloe Sulivan doesn't exist in the comics. She was probably added in so the Justice League would have a female member because Black Canary is barely in any episodes
7. Doomsday came before Superman got his red and blue tights
The plot lines are pretty cool. Though most of the episodes include Lois Lane getting into trouble. I also like the superhero cameos like the Wonder twins(Im serious), Black Canary, and Supergirl. Overall It's a really good show and I recomend it to comic book fans and people everywhere
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