Unnamed boy: Hey there's alcohol at my party. You wanna come
Bee: Hell Yah!
Me: Wow Bee. Wow
Ok so I added the last part in, but she did say she was going to a party with alcohol. Might I remind you she's either 14 or 15! W-O-W. So...what would it be like if Bee had a blog? I predict it would be something like this:
Day 1:
OMG I like soo shanked with Tyler today. Opps I have another STD. Awesome the more the merrier. Im soo hot and cool
Day 2:
Stupd cops, they soo raided my party. Drinking age should be lowered
Day 3:
Isn't the capital of Jordan Cairo?
Isn't the capital of Jordan Cairo?
Day 4:
Day 5:
God Tyler is such a jerk. He broke up with me! Whatev, Ill just find somebody else. It's great being popular
Day 6:
Halloween is coming, so I better go onto Yandy.com for my costume
Ok so I don't really know her personaly, but I've been in the same school, and classes with her since kindergarten. You start to learn things. In other news: Today I saw a kid walking on stilts.....in the halls of my school! During lunch a teacher tried to get him to take them off and some kids started chanting "LET HIM BE! LET HIM BE! LET HIM BE!", so of coarse they let him wear it. Turns out they have this thing in my school where each day is themed, or some crap like that. They even said you can wear your costumes to school on Friday. Here are my reasons why most people WONT:
1. What costume for teenage girls can you wear to school. Barely any
2. Most kids won't have the guts to
3. Did I mention most costumes for girls are inappropriate?
Yeah I don't plan to. Plus my costume kinda flaunts too much of my body:
Yah scream in horror now. Worse part is that it kinda is tight(which is hot as Paris Hilton says). I like it a lot, and this costume will be the closest I will ever get to a "Adult" costume. BUT WAIT! What if some girls from my school see me in this costume! Who cares they will probably be wearing slutty costumes to. What would be great if I got to see what Bee is wearing. Though I already have a couple ideas of what she will be doing this Halloween. Will she:
a. Wear a slutty costume. Start wandering the streets with guys drinking alcohol till they pass out
b. Wear a slutty costume. Go to some insane party, smoke some doobies, binge drink, and then do some terrible things that they won't remember in the morning till the cops come to her house and say some neighbors are pressing vandalism charges against her
c. be a good little girl and wear a appropriate costume and go trick-or-treating with friends. No harm done
If you said A or B, then your probably right. In other news: World War 3 is coming and it's in the form of Emily and Nat(a friend of mine). Let's just say that Emily is like this:
She's kiddish, fun-loving, and can laugh easily. Sometimes she can be immature, but hey what's bad about that. Plus she has a fear of "Demon Doll". While Nat is more like this:
So we have Yin and Yang, Crazy and Cool, Batgirl and Princess Peach. But wait...they're both going to meet each other on Halloween night!
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