Saturday, October 31, 2009
So two hours later, I was at the eye doctor and at first he thought it was just dry eyes. Thank you lord. But unfortunatly my luck failed when he took a look at my eyes with a bright light. He then said, "Yep it's pink eye". Wow my sister actually predicted what would happen. Irony. So no I don't get to wear my contacts on Halloween so I guess I'm being the nerdy catwoman.
This day keeps getting worse and worse!
Contacts hurt
Why my blog isn't like other blogs
Friday, October 30, 2009
Insert title here

Here's a suprise
Thursday, October 29, 2009
God I just hate him!
Then I swear we got the closest to ever seeing Billy's "What the F have I done!" face. In order to get people to not wanna beat his face up, he started saying stuff like "It'd gunna be soo damn easy". Bla bla bla. I'm guessing he thought that trying to say it will be easy will make us less angry, but his pity words didn't persuade me. I swear if I get a bad grade on this quiz I will personally bash Billy's head to a pulp!
Ps: Turns out Nat canceled last minute, so It will just be with Emily and I. :(. We'll miss you Nat
Wednesday, October 28, 2009
Tuesday, October 27, 2009
Turns out....
Monday, October 26, 2009
If Bee had a blog
Isn't the capital of Jordan Cairo?
Yah scream in horror now. Worse part is that it kinda is tight(which is hot as Paris Hilton says). I like it a lot, and this costume will be the closest I will ever get to a "Adult" costume. BUT WAIT! What if some girls from my school see me in this costume! Who cares they will probably be wearing slutty costumes to. What would be great if I got to see what Bee is wearing. Though I already have a couple ideas of what she will be doing this Halloween. Will she:
Sunday, October 25, 2009
It's a Small Ville after all!

Saturday, October 24, 2009
Sexy costumes are just lingerie
The Evolution of Halloween costumes
God, how....sickening. Even costumes for children are getting sexy:

Friday, October 23, 2009
The Costume War
Thursday, October 22, 2009
New Moon:The deadly virus
Tuesday, October 20, 2009
Oh my gods!
Ok so the first thing ever

Though I don't give it much creativity points, but she does get credit for the clever cover. Oh wait not the author, the cover designer. Sorry Tera, you don't get the point. Back on topic: Most book usually have a summary either inside or outside of the book which tells us what the book is about. This book did but it didn't really tell us anything. It introduced our bratty main character Phoebe, the greek gods, and her new secret school for greek gods. Gee a secret school for people who abilities, now where have I heard that?

She even compares her life to Animal Farm. Hate to break it to you Phoebe, but just because you see your privilaged life as bad doesn't mean you can compare it to Animal Farm. You have your own private island, attend a super-exclusive high school, and can basicly get anything you want doesn't make you equal to the poor animals who worked nonstop, had no rights, were executed if they didn't support Napoleon, and had little food. You selfish, self-pitying freak! Oh and I hate it how almost everybody(except the villains) absolutly adores her(which just sickens me how much of a Mary sue she is). For all you people out there who don't know what Mary Sues are, Mary Sue is a literary term for a character which is perfect. Everybody loves her, she's beautiful, and everything works out well for her. Phoebe is a strong case of Mary Sue.
After reading endless chapters of basicly Phoebe complaining about everything(which makes me
actually find her more annoying than the villain, who is supposed to be anoying, but really isn't), we finally get to that one page where we finally learn what the conflict is going to be. Rather than having the conflict being something about the gods fighting another, or something that is ACTUALLY ABOUT GREEK MYTHOLOGY, instead the soul conflict is just Phoebe wanting to win a track meet with the other gods. Are you freaking kidding me. I wasted my time reading a stupid book only to learn that the soul conflict is something soo uninteresting as a stupid track meet! I can already think of a way better conflict than that:
A group of rebel gods find a form of power that is greater than Zeus' and steals all the gods powers. Phoebe is instantly accused of causing the mayhem, and she must prove her innocence and find out who the rebel gods are before it is too late.
See that is a way more interesting plot than a mortal wants to win a race against the descendants of gods(who happen to be mortal too, so that just takes away the soul purpose of gods VS humans). Seriously Tera, out of all the possibilities that Greek Mythology offers, you pick the most boring one out of the batch.
Well the book ends the way everybody expects it. Phoebe finds out *surprise* she actually does have powers, she wins the hot guy(who happens to be one of the dozen guys who adore her), and no surprise she wins the race. Oh and turns out she is in some form of prophecy, which is no surprise.
Overall I hated the book because there was no character development, the heroine came off more as a selfish brat, the story was predictable, and the authors idea of comedy is just adding Greek-themed puns into the book every time it got boring(so there were tons them)
Friday, October 16, 2009
Wow it's a miracle!
Now DUH he is supposed to get an ISS, but he never seems to get it. I mean there isn't a day where Billy doesn't get written up, but there is no days when he actually has to serve and ISS or an OSS(which would be heaven on earth if that happened).
When he came back it became the usual. Billy would protest his innocence, and say the common thing, "I ain't done nothing wrong. You just started yelling at me!". He even called the teacher annoying. Im guessing he has never heard himself talk. Coarse he got ISS(but i doubt he will get it in the end). Well here is a funny story about our favorite idiot:
Apparently Billy is like an inside out Oreo, and he likes to show that a lot. Two days ago he wore really baggy, and low pants that showed almost all his underwear(which was a sight i had hoped i would never see). The teachers made a fuss and I swear Billy said probably his stupidest line ever,"Yah i could get any job wearing this". Yes because any sophisticated person would love to hire a person who talks back to everybody, makes smart-ass comments, acts cool, and wears baggy pants that show your underwear. So a couple minutes after that phrase was said, he said that he is getting his Drivers license this February. This is how i always imagined his first day of driving being like:
Ok off the Billy topic, Halloween is almost here and unfortunately I can't go through Operation Joker, so sorry. My friend Robin revealed to me what Emily is being for Halloween(note: She refused to tell me till a Halloween party that we were both invited to). *dramatic drum roll* Robin hood! Cool so we're both being thieves. Im being catwoman. It's the closest I'll ever get to a sexy costume. Someday....someday.
Thursday, October 15, 2009
6th grade chronicle
6th grade surely was a really weird year. I hadn't matured yet so I was still playing barbies with Elle(my old best friend, and now mortal enemy), and I actually tried to invite my locker buddy(who was cool i guess) to the premier of a Barbie movie! Yah I was weird. Yet I wasn't the only weird kid in my school, there was a group of about six kids(including me) that were the odds/aka Speds. I admit it I was in Small group classes, though that happens to be the good way to way it. The real word is Special education class, and the people in that class are called "Speds". In my class there were mainly four real "odds". Here, for the first time, is the list of the weird kids in my old class:
1. Zachary(aka Mr. Snorts-a-lot): I mean his snorts aren't like tiny ones, they are like a pig snorting into a microphone at full-blast. It is soo annoying, plus he was major anger issues and actually yells, kicks, and throws stuff at teachers.
2. Brittany Spring: now I know for a fact she was a lesbian, and..*dramatic drum roll* I think she might have liked ME! I mean she actually held my hand on numberous times, and was very nice to me. I know she was a lesbo because one:she looked like a lesbo, acted like one, and I can just tell. I was friends with her(i guess), but I never had any real feelings for her. can stop throwing holy water at the screen of your computer. She was constantly getting into fights with Taylor(who I will talk more about later). I lost contact with her after 6th grade when she was either expelled or moved. I don't really know which
3. Hayley(aka Misses Hair dye): Almost every month she dyed her hair a new color, so I don't really know what her real hair color is. Now when your somebody like me you instantly think that somebody being the "sarcastic funny" means they are bullying you, so i kinda got her in trouble. And I swear we had the most akward phone call ever when she had to "apologize".
4. Taylor: Brittany and Taylor were kinda like Spy and Spy from Mad magazine. They were constantly getting into fights with eachother, and sometimes they ended physically. OUCH!
5. Nick: Now this guy had some issues. He just kinda talked to himself, and not the Billy way*when your on purposly doing it with intentions of being funny*, he just talked to himself and made a lot of weird
6. Kenny: Aww the one guy who everybody was convinced I made a good couple with. Well Sarah did. I think Kenny liked me, but im not sure. I havn't seen Kenny in over two years, and the last time I saw him it was at my Drama camp.
This year(the big 2009!) has it's share of weirdos. With the main one being that idiot Billy. Wait idiot isn't the right word. This is the right word*take small children out of the room now before it is too late*:
God i just hate him. Everyday he says something annoying or what he thinks is cool, and I just can't take it! Well Billy I hope your reading this. Cause nobody finds you funny, and i just can't wait to see you get OSS and then finally realize that being a douch doesn't make you funny, it just makes you... a douch! BUT NO! Your as smart as a mosquito on drugs. You just need to talk back to the teacher, make some smart-ass remark, or just be a douch overall, because you just can't stand not being annoying. Yes being a jerk just makes you soo much cooler. Well i i triple dog dare you IDIOT to once again show off how much of a jerk you are. But you'll never learn, and knowing you you'll probably drop out of school to be a fast-food worker because no college will want to accept you because of your bad behavior. SO HAHA!
Friday, October 2, 2009
A real confession of a Freshmen
There is this kid in my class named Billy*, and he is like soo annoying. He is constantly talking back to the teachers in an attempt to be funny. We (my class) all find him annoying, but I guess he still thinks he's funny. He and this other guy named Steven (who is actually supposed to be a Sophmore but got held back, wonder why) are like the two most annoying, yet distracting kids in my whole class. It always is the same thing: Billy does something annoying (like butt into the teacher's conversation, move from his seat, leave the class or do really anything to disturb the class), and then Steven usually has to move his desk to the front or Billy or Steven have to move their desk to the hallway and do work outside.
Now Billy always wears some hat to school (even though we aren't allowed to), so during our WEB (which is where you have the choice to stay after school for tutoring, clubs, or other crap like that) Emily, two other girls and I decided to throw his hat across the room. It landed two chairs away from his seat. Rather than throwing it harder, or staying to see his reaction, Emily and I left. I don't really remember the other two "witnesses", but I just knew that Billy would find the hat and that would be the end of it. Nope. On Monday, I heard him complain nonstop about somebody stealing his hat. He was all "I remember putting it under my desk". Wow, I put the hat two chairs away and he still couldn't find it. That's weak, man. I knew that possibly one of his friends stole it, but I was still worried about being blamed. One girl even suggested that he check the security camera to find out who stole it. That would have really sucked. DUH, he didn't go through with it because the teachers really don't give a damn about his stupid hat. Of course, he found his hat later on, but could you imagine if I actually did steal that hat? It would be the perfect crime, because I am the least likely person ever to be caught. Well, nobody except my viewers know anything about my little prank. I hope that Billy doesn't read my blog. Hehehe.