Saturday, May 29, 2010
So today I went to spencer goods and I accidently (I swear) went into the adult section. I raced out after seeing the gross display of inflatable stripper poles( which made me say wtf), the little dirty stick (can't say the real word) and the horrifyin image of a fat lady looking at those dirty sticks (hurls). Coarse when I told Roy what was back there he was in no hurry to take a look. I followed and I didn't really like it back there. So out of sheer boredom I picked up one of those books which talks about sex. I opened to a random page, and what I read just made me say "oooooOOOOOOOOooooooh". So lets just say that I learned something new today. ;)
All aboard the douchbag train
I've talked about Glen Beck before. How he's a little crazy conservative cry baby who hates everything that is relatable to Barack Obama. Beck has gone soo far in his crazy ways as to actually make fun of an 11 year old. You read that right. He made fun of a innocent child. Yet he is always getting mad at people for making fun of Palin's children. So it's okay to make fun of a democrat's children but not okay to make fun of a republican? *sighs* Listen beck, your not funny. Your just a crazy guy who shouts stuff half of the audience doesn't understand but we like to watch because we know your crazy. Your bias and crazy crybaby antics have gone to far. But hey if you think crying and making fun of every tiny detail makes you seem smart then let me try.
*puts sad face on*
Ok not the best impression but making fun of a child whose done nothing wrong isn't funny.
*puts sad face on*
Ok not the best impression but making fun of a child whose done nothing wrong isn't funny.
Monday, May 24, 2010
Follow me on twitter
My twitter account is Annemermaid. Oh and I'm proud to say the Skeletor follows me. So if you don't subscribe then I'll send him to find you.
Oh and nightwing (aka Dick grayson. hehe....dick) also follows me. So I got a evil overlord and a ex-sidekick following me on twitter. Note to self: get Batman and Superman to follow me. :)

Sunday, May 23, 2010
A creepy tie dye shirt
I made a tie dye shirt recently (with most of the colors being red, pink, and purple) and unfortunatly the end result didn't look too right. Let's just say that it looked like I have just been stabbed....repeatedly. O.o
Saturday, May 22, 2010
Friday, May 21, 2010
Praise the lord school is out!
Thank jesus. Now I don't have to hear my mom talking non-stop about my grades (but don't worry mom you can moan about my report card). The only thing on my mind now is the cruise ( and Chris pine). And to prepare myself for the upcoming cruise (which will be on the fourth of july. The cheese factor has been bumped up a notch) I decide to do (whatelse) than watch Titanic, Poseidon (not the remake) and videos like these:
This video should be renamed: My mom's worst nightmare.
Aren't I just fantabulous?! :)
This video should be renamed: My mom's worst nightmare.
Aren't I just fantabulous?! :)
Tuesday, May 18, 2010
Rick roll fail
This is really old. It was April fools day and I was watching the school's announcement. I kinda knew the reporters were gunna do the rick roll thing. So towards the end, somebody handed the news anchor a sheet of paper and the anchor said "the principle also would like to say that he is never gunna give you up, let you down, run around and desert you". Wow....this is all I have to say:
Monday, May 17, 2010
Imagine your one of them
Close your eyes and listen to this music. Imagine you and your family are on the titanic. Watching the final lifeboat go down, knowing that there is no more hope. You and your family are either going to drown, or freeze to death. Imagine the icy water, the screams which become quieter and quieter as more and more innocent people begin to freeze to death. Imagine the lifeboats refusing to turn around to help the innocent...the helpess. Imagine children dying before they could become grown ups. Imagine entire families destroyed, wives becoming widows, and the Titanic which now rests in a underwater graveyard. May Titanic and it's victims never be forgotten. May we remember them all.Rest in peace Titanic.
Should I post it online?
Recently I wrote a short essay on why the perfect society is not attainable. I really don't know whether or not I should post it on my blog because it basicly says "The perfect society is one where humans aren't there" (i know you probably heard it before). Well for the people who actually read my blog. Let me know whether or not you'd like to read it. :)
Sunday, May 16, 2010
A quick summary of my chorus banquet
It was pretty fun. Usually I'm not much of a party person, but it was suprisingly fun. There was nice food, entertainment, and awards (I didn't win any, but I managed to 'borrow' one of the left over trophies and flowers. Don't tell anybody. ;)
*I'll be posting some pictures and videos from the party later*
Oh and I met this girl named Anna and she's almost as awesome as Raptor Jesus:
Nah I'm just joking. She was okay...but Raptor Jesus is still awesome. He went extinct for our sins. ;)
*I'll be posting some pictures and videos from the party later*
Oh and I met this girl named Anna and she's almost as awesome as Raptor Jesus:
Nah I'm just joking. She was okay...but Raptor Jesus is still awesome. He went extinct for our sins. ;)
Saturday, May 15, 2010
How to depress and creep yourself out in less than 6 minutes
I was looking through youtube and I found this video. It creeps me out to think that men, women and children died there. I did some research on the Titanic and found that the youngest passanger to die was 7 months old. It is soo sad to see that a whole family died (the family included a 8 year old, 6 year old, and a 3 year old). So many lives lost. Let all the passangers who died on that faithful night rest in peace.
RIP :(
RIP :(
Thursday, May 13, 2010
Things have been getting weird
For the past couple days I just havn't been feeling right (other than the whole . thing). During lunch today I felt soo out of it, and during my science class I had a hallucination that a bag was breathing when it wasn't. Then I saw flashy dots of light. No I don't do drugs. And now since my house is having a bit of a bug problem, I've been paranoid more often (I hate bugs and I'm always worried I'd see one). It's freakin me out.
Wednesday, May 12, 2010
My essay on why Odysseus would not be a hero in modern days
The character Odysseus from the epic poem The Odyssey is sometimes considered the greatest hero of the ancient times, but would he still be considered a hero in modern days? In the beginning of the Odyssey, Odysseus angers the gods and is sent on a seemingly endless journey in hopes of finding a way home. While Odysseus shows he has dedication, he also shows that he has too much pride and has a strong willingness to kill people without thinking of more humane ways to get rid of the problem. Odysseus is a better hero in the ancient times.
“Cyclops, if ever a mortal man inquire how you were put to shame and blinded, tell him Odysseus, raider of cities, took your eye: Laertes’ son, whose home’s on Ithaca” was said by Odysseus after he blinded the cyclops. Odysseus’ foolish act of pride leads to his fellow crew members deaths. His crew tries to tell him to stop, but he ignores them due to his need to boast what he has done. A modern hero knows better than to gloat what they have done. A true hero will keep their pride inside rather than say it aloud. Odysseus’ ego not only nearly causes the deaths of his crew, but also causes the god Poseidon to know who Odysseus’ is so he can curse him. This was a foolish act which was the root cause for much of both Odysseus and the crew’s suffering.
In modern days, a hero is defined as a person who does good deeds that benefit others, while Oddsseus’ heroism is mostly defined by the amount of people he had killed. He rarely looked for a logical way to handle a problem, but instead just thought of ways to kill the person he was up against. Towards the end of the poem, Odysseus decides to kill the suitors even though the option of having the suitors leave and repay him was not even considered. When he and Telemachus start killing the suitors, one of them tries to convince Odysseus to spare their lives and that they understand what they have done wrong. The suitors apologized and wanted to repay Odysseus, but Odysseus ignored their pleas and decided to kill them instead. This was unnecessary and caused a bloodshed which could have easily been avoided. A modern hero would accept the men’s apologies and let them leave. A real hero thinks more about what’s logical and human rather than the quickest way to get revenge. A “hero” whose main goal is to seek revenge against people when there is a humane way to solve the problem is not a true hero.
Odysseus would not be a hero in modern days. His willingness to kill without thinking of ways to avoid killing would label him a murderer and murderers are anything but heroes. The way he cares more about making himself look good would make him more of a man trying to seek attention and to satisfy his ego rather than a brave hero who will do anything to get home. For those reasons, Odysseus would not be a hero in modern days, but just a hero in ancient times, when heroism was based on the number of people you killed.
Hope you like it. Please comment. Oh and hi my one reader! :)
“Cyclops, if ever a mortal man inquire how you were put to shame and blinded, tell him Odysseus, raider of cities, took your eye: Laertes’ son, whose home’s on Ithaca” was said by Odysseus after he blinded the cyclops. Odysseus’ foolish act of pride leads to his fellow crew members deaths. His crew tries to tell him to stop, but he ignores them due to his need to boast what he has done. A modern hero knows better than to gloat what they have done. A true hero will keep their pride inside rather than say it aloud. Odysseus’ ego not only nearly causes the deaths of his crew, but also causes the god Poseidon to know who Odysseus’ is so he can curse him. This was a foolish act which was the root cause for much of both Odysseus and the crew’s suffering.
In modern days, a hero is defined as a person who does good deeds that benefit others, while Oddsseus’ heroism is mostly defined by the amount of people he had killed. He rarely looked for a logical way to handle a problem, but instead just thought of ways to kill the person he was up against. Towards the end of the poem, Odysseus decides to kill the suitors even though the option of having the suitors leave and repay him was not even considered. When he and Telemachus start killing the suitors, one of them tries to convince Odysseus to spare their lives and that they understand what they have done wrong. The suitors apologized and wanted to repay Odysseus, but Odysseus ignored their pleas and decided to kill them instead. This was unnecessary and caused a bloodshed which could have easily been avoided. A modern hero would accept the men’s apologies and let them leave. A real hero thinks more about what’s logical and human rather than the quickest way to get revenge. A “hero” whose main goal is to seek revenge against people when there is a humane way to solve the problem is not a true hero.
Odysseus would not be a hero in modern days. His willingness to kill without thinking of ways to avoid killing would label him a murderer and murderers are anything but heroes. The way he cares more about making himself look good would make him more of a man trying to seek attention and to satisfy his ego rather than a brave hero who will do anything to get home. For those reasons, Odysseus would not be a hero in modern days, but just a hero in ancient times, when heroism was based on the number of people you killed.
Hope you like it. Please comment. Oh and hi my one reader! :)
Something that nearly caused me to get really mad
So today I was on a certain website which is home to over 2,800 different movie scripts ( it's where I found the Green Lantern, The Birds remake, Shazam and the Immortals scripts) and I saw a script entitled "Almost famous". I thought "Hmm...I know I've heard that name before. But where". Then it hit me. Almost famous is the title of one of Zoey Dean's books which I hate. How could they make a movie (err script) off of that piece of crap!? Not only is Almost famous the title of the sequel to the first book (entitled Zoey Dean's Talent. No not just Talent. The author just had to put her name in the title), but the original sucked. I could never get past chapter three before I felt like my IQ was dropping ten points eevry time I read a sentance. It was just soo boring.
I quickly clicked the link, desperatly hoping that it wasn't based off the horrid book, and boy was I suprised to see it wasn't based off that book. Thank god.
I quickly clicked the link, desperatly hoping that it wasn't based off the horrid book, and boy was I suprised to see it wasn't based off that book. Thank god.
Tuesday, May 11, 2010
Saturday, May 8, 2010
Thursday, May 6, 2010
Parents say the funniest things
When I first started reading comics, guess what my mom's reaction was. "People who read comics are the same people who bring guns to school and shoot people". So I guess she thinks that Ryan Reynolds is gunna go into a random school and start shooting people. Geez-la-wheez.
Tuesday, May 4, 2010
Two things you should never say alloud
Ok so in Social studies class we're learning about South America and of coarse that includes the poorly named Cape known as Cape Horn. Just say that alloud and you'll know what it sounds like. I dare somebody here to say "I just saw Cape Horn" or "My friend likes to look at picture of Cape Horn". I swear you'll get the weirdest looks in your life.
Another thing you shouldn't say is the name Mike Hawk. Say it alloud and you'll know what it sounds like
Sucks to be him doesn't it.
Another thing you shouldn't say is the name Mike Hawk. Say it alloud and you'll know what it sounds like
Sucks to be him doesn't it.
Monday, May 3, 2010
The guy you don't want your children to become
You know those kids that just seem to be the living embodiment of a certain stereotype? Whether it be the stereotypical "guy who don't want your children to grow up to be" or the 'dumb blonde who thinks she knows everything' or 'the attention whore who pretends to be retarded because he thinks that gives him a reason to interrupt class and not get in trouble'. Well all of those stereotypes are in my math and social studies class. So I'll briefly talk about the first one.
The stereotypical "guy who don't want your children to grow up to be" (aka Tyler): He uses drugs, has sex, for some reason wants to rape/steal and murder people, grades suck (he said that he has low Fs in all his classes, barely comes to school, and is suffering the effects of drug use (including looking old, hair loss, that weird stench, and that stoned look all the time). Hearing about his grades really do make me feel better about mine (his are in the 40's. Yes he likes to talk about his sucky grades). Maybe you should study rather than get high. Hmmm. He always talks about how bad his life is. YAWN! He is even dropping out of school (yes he's my age) to get 'home schooled'. By home schooled I think he means spend all day getting high and having sex with prostitutes or any girl/guy he can find. His future possibly includes hanging out in dark alleys getting high, and spending any bit of money he can find getting drugs and paying for hookers. So this guy gets The Worst Teen award. Congragulations! You suck!
The stereotypical "guy who don't want your children to grow up to be" (aka Tyler): He uses drugs, has sex, for some reason wants to rape/steal and murder people, grades suck (he said that he has low Fs in all his classes, barely comes to school, and is suffering the effects of drug use (including looking old, hair loss, that weird stench, and that stoned look all the time). Hearing about his grades really do make me feel better about mine (his are in the 40's. Yes he likes to talk about his sucky grades). Maybe you should study rather than get high. Hmmm. He always talks about how bad his life is. YAWN! He is even dropping out of school (yes he's my age) to get 'home schooled'. By home schooled I think he means spend all day getting high and having sex with prostitutes or any girl/guy he can find. His future possibly includes hanging out in dark alleys getting high, and spending any bit of money he can find getting drugs and paying for hookers. So this guy gets The Worst Teen award. Congragulations! You suck!
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