Friday, September 11, 2009

My old likes

Ok I'm going to share some old likings of mine. Note these old likes aren't stuff you'd not expect me liking. Let's start with my elementary school years:
Back then when I was not spending my time at Girl scout meeting with my cliquish troop, I was playing outside with the neighbors or watching these crappy cartoons: Justice League, Aquaman, Johnney Quest, Scooby Doo, and that's it. I wasn't much into the feminine stuff except for one thing which I loved:Barbies. My love for playing with those plastic little spazes didn't end till around 6th grade. YAH I SAID IT 6th GRADE! It ended an old friendship of mine, and personally I'm proud of it. I was childish and stupid. Luckily I changed after 6th grade and got into more mature things. I read Twilight, started watching Gossip girl, and spent more time writing my books(which were slowly growing into the Young Adult Genre rather than the childrens/teen genre which my first Novella was.
Yet with my changing likes there still some things that I continue to like. I still love Batman and I like young adult fiction. Yah I like Batman. He's one of those superheroes where you wish he was real so you can do whatever you can to get him to like you. It's like how Robert Pattinson gave most twelve year olds their first sexual crush/feeling, mine is Christian Bale as Batman. Yep I'm a fan girl, but I just like the movies/ cartoon series not the actual comic books. .....*doses off in thought of Christian Bale*

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