How come in High School you always hear of the one or more girls who are simply known for one thing: Being the girl who has sex with almost every guy. In my school, and the past years, there was always one girl who I always thought of as the queen of sex, and that is Bee*. Bee and I went to the same Elementary, Middle and High School, so I can kinda know some stuff about her. No, we aren't friends at all. I'm in the unpopular class and she is in the popular class. I know mainly two things about Bee: She is sexually active, and smokes weed. How do I know this you might ask? Simple: She kinda gives clues away during one of the classes we share. I already know that she is sexually active, and I wonder how many STD's she has. Hmm. I'm betting a lot, because you can never trust a guy. I heard rumors about her having sex during the begining of 6th grade, which is when most girls my age officially start "trying it out". I'm not in one of those select groups, but lucky for me, I can always tell which girls have done it and which ones haven't.
Bee kinda hinted that she uses weed when she asked my teacher "Is smoking weed a sin"(we were learning about world religions at the time). Normally, you don't ask if smoking weed is a sin, unless you personally have tried it yourself. Though, this does not suprise me, because when you are in High School, there is a high chance that you will encounter drugs at least once. I haven't, because I'm usually not invited to parties, and I know better.
Now don't be calling me "Little Miss Innocent" right now, I have my share of secrets. Like most girls my age, we start to go through that time where we start to wonder what sex is like. I know one thing (based on Harlequin Romance novels) that sex is never as it is portrayed in the media. Now I admit it: I occasionally wonder what it is like, but hey I'm a girl, and we all think about it at least once in our lifetime. This next secret is something my friend and I have both kept.
It was Halloween 2008, and my friend Layla and I were trick-or-treating in her neighborhood because you know we are soo cool that we make trick-or-treaking cool. I had already finished trick-or-treating at a house, while Layla was still there. I looked at the road to see a strange sight. A girl wearing a dirty prom dress (which looked as if she had fallen down a lot) with no shoes on. I'm shaking while writing it, because it was soo creepy. Her face was blank, and unnaturally pale. Not the makeup pale, but the pale of either being scared to death or something worse. Normally, I wouldn't bother a girl walking by herself, but I could not resist. I walked over to her and I asked her, "Hey, nice costume".
She turned to me and said in a faint voice "It's not a costume". Awkward. I asked her if she was okay and she said, "I'm fine, I'm almost at home". I asked her what her name as and she answered, "Brooke Asley". She kept walking, but the expression on her face was the eeriest I ever seen. I went back to Layla, and I said, "Gosh, I just saw some creepy ass girl. You know anybody named Brooke Asley?". Layla laughed, and replied, "That can't be her name". I said again that her name was Brooke Asley, and Layla said very seriously, "That's weird. Some girl named Brooke Asley commited suicide a couple years ago over there". I looked down the road and saw a small bridge that was above a small revine. I turned back to Layla and had a feeling she was joking. I looked back to the road and saw "Brooke" still walking towards the bridge. Layla and I ran towards her and Layla said, "Brooke". Brooke turns around and said,"I'm almost at my home". Layla repeated saying her name, and we walked closer to Brooke. Suddenly, Brooke started running down the street, and Layla and I chased after her. I could not believe that maybe I was chasing a ghost! We caught up to Brooke, and suddenly she hurled herself off the bridge and I grabbed her leg before she fell. I pulled on her leg, the same way as I am doing to you.
Wednesday, September 30, 2009
Monday, September 21, 2009
Cloudy with a chance of floods!
If you don't know by now, Georgia is suffering from heavy rains and flash floods. Unfortunately, my high school is now a victim of these floods. It all kinda started a week ago, when we first started having heavy rains. The roads were slippery, but it usually didn't impact us that much. I slowly noticed that it started to rain more, and harder. I remember the first time I noticed the thunderous sound of the rain hitting the ceiling of my school. It was Language Arts class and I was doing my thing filling out a worksheet (or something like that), when suddenly I heard a sound that sounded like a rollar coaster running over the school. It was very weird.
Ok, so today it was raining (duh), I had watched on the news that once again my school was staying open. No matter how hard it rains, snows, or whatever, my school always stays open. It's like they're scared to close my school. Well, the real action didn't start till Science class, when it was announced that the Elementary and Middle schools were letting out early (which is a real shocker). One thing that bothers me is: we're in High School, why are they telling us that the Elementary and Middle school kids are leaving? I was waiting for them to say, "Middle School students in Dallas, Texas are leaving school early". Who-gives-a-Darn! I certainly don't!
Some kids managed to convince the teacher to allow us to go outside and see the "stair waterfall". Ok, so there is this a small batch of stairs that leads to the tennis courts, and it rained soo hard that it actually caused the stairs to become literally, a waterfall.
Skipping ahead, of course we were allowed to go home *get this* fifteen minutes earlier than usual. Great. I made a joke to Emily that whenever I bring an unbrella to school,or anywhere it almost never rains. I knew that I would finally get to use my umbrella because it was like pouring outside. So I knew that I would finally get to use my umbrella. Guess what happened?
Right when I got outside it stopped raining. Damn you Mother Nature! You once again take away the chance to use my umbrella. I will never be under my umbrellla-ella-ella-a-a-a-a-ah-a. HAH little Rihanna joke there for all you stupid people. Well, school was closed for two days and rather than doing anything fun, I had to spend the time doing homework. What a great mid-week-weekend.
The next post will be called: Superman Returns (not the film)
Ok, so today it was raining (duh), I had watched on the news that once again my school was staying open. No matter how hard it rains, snows, or whatever, my school always stays open. It's like they're scared to close my school. Well, the real action didn't start till Science class, when it was announced that the Elementary and Middle schools were letting out early (which is a real shocker). One thing that bothers me is: we're in High School, why are they telling us that the Elementary and Middle school kids are leaving? I was waiting for them to say, "Middle School students in Dallas, Texas are leaving school early". Who-gives-a-Darn! I certainly don't!
Some kids managed to convince the teacher to allow us to go outside and see the "stair waterfall". Ok, so there is this a small batch of stairs that leads to the tennis courts, and it rained soo hard that it actually caused the stairs to become literally, a waterfall.
Skipping ahead, of course we were allowed to go home *get this* fifteen minutes earlier than usual. Great. I made a joke to Emily that whenever I bring an unbrella to school,or anywhere it almost never rains. I knew that I would finally get to use my umbrella because it was like pouring outside. So I knew that I would finally get to use my umbrella. Guess what happened?
Right when I got outside it stopped raining. Damn you Mother Nature! You once again take away the chance to use my umbrella. I will never be under my umbrellla-ella-ella-a-a-a-a-ah-a. HAH little Rihanna joke there for all you stupid people. Well, school was closed for two days and rather than doing anything fun, I had to spend the time doing homework. What a great mid-week-weekend.
The next post will be called: Superman Returns (not the film)
Saturday, September 19, 2009
Chuck Norris Jokes of the day
This might sound random but I found a couple funny jokes about Chuck Norris. Here is one:
Chuck Norris does not own a house. He walks into random houses and people move. LOL
Chuck Norris is the reason why Waldo is hiding. LOLOL
When Bruce Banner gets mad, he turns into the Hulk. When the Hulk gets mad, he turns into Chuck Norris.
It is said that looking into Chuck Norris' eyes will reveal your future. Unfortunately, everybody's future is always the same: death by a roundhouse-kick to the face.
Paper beats rock, rock beats scissors, and scissors beats paper, but Chuck Norris beats all 3 at the same time.
Aliens DO indeed exist. They just know better than to visit a planet that Chuck Norris is on.
and a blonde joke:
A guy decides to bring his new blonde girlfriend to a football game. After the game is over, he asks her if she liked the game. She replies: "Oh it was great, I loved watching those men in tight clothes, but there is one thing I don't understand." "What did you not understand ?" And the blonde says: "Well, at the begginning of the game, both teams flipped a quarter to see who would kick off first. Then the rest of the game everybody was yelling get the quarter back, get the quarter back, get the quarter back. So I thought to myself, gosh it's just a quarter!"
Chuck Norris does not own a house. He walks into random houses and people move. LOL
Chuck Norris is the reason why Waldo is hiding. LOLOL
When Bruce Banner gets mad, he turns into the Hulk. When the Hulk gets mad, he turns into Chuck Norris.
It is said that looking into Chuck Norris' eyes will reveal your future. Unfortunately, everybody's future is always the same: death by a roundhouse-kick to the face.
Paper beats rock, rock beats scissors, and scissors beats paper, but Chuck Norris beats all 3 at the same time.
Aliens DO indeed exist. They just know better than to visit a planet that Chuck Norris is on.
and a blonde joke:
A guy decides to bring his new blonde girlfriend to a football game. After the game is over, he asks her if she liked the game. She replies: "Oh it was great, I loved watching those men in tight clothes, but there is one thing I don't understand." "What did you not understand ?" And the blonde says: "Well, at the begginning of the game, both teams flipped a quarter to see who would kick off first. Then the rest of the game everybody was yelling get the quarter back, get the quarter back, get the quarter back. So I thought to myself, gosh it's just a quarter!"
Friday, September 18, 2009
Perfect Vision
No, this post is not about the vision type where you see clearly. This type is where you see a fictional world rather than reality. This is mostly seen in adults, expecially ones with kids in Middle and High school. The most common symptom of this vision disease is simply: The idea that every kid other than your own is getting straight A's, wears appropriate clothes and have never uttered a swear word in their entire life. Now we all know this is not true, but for all the parents out there, I made three reasons your little "perfect school" is nothing more than a vision of what you wish your kids were like.
First: not every kid in school is getting straight A's. Most kids I know are stuggling and usually takes a long time to raise their grades. The failing kids usually are not open about their grades, so how would you know if they are failing or not (unless they have parents who like to boast or complain about their kids grades to their friends).
Second: Hate to break it to you parents, but wearing a semi-low cut shirt one day will not have you labeled as "The girl who dresses as a slut". Actually, 40% or more of the girls I have seen wear clothes worse than that. They wear high heels, short shorts (the kind that make you look like your not wearing pants at all), and very low-cut shirts. Below is what parents believe every kid is wear:
Note how they are all wearing long jeans, and appropriate tshirts. People do dress like this in school, but we all don't dress the same. Here is what I see in High School:
Most popular girls wear shorts, tanktops and basicly everything against the dress code. Why might you ask? Because nobody enforces the dress code. The administratives say we can't wear shorts, and anything skimpy but they never enforce it. There is one other group that I think pushes the limit too far and that is.....the goths. The rule book says that we can't wear those metal studs that are on chokers and jackets but they still do. We also can't have dyed hair of unnatural colors, but I see kids with green (yes green) and pale pink hair. It's really weird. In my parents mind, if you wear a low-cut shirt one day, you are instantly more slutty than the girls who wear slutty clothes every day. It's weird and doesn't make sense, but so does Perfect Vision.
After a parent sees your clothes and dismisses them as "slutty", then comes the long parade of exagerations. Yesterday, I worse a spagetti-strap shirt *see below for image* under a jacket that was zipped to the top, so nobody would see it. I unzipped my jacket as I went outside, because it was fricken hot! Instantly, my mom started to freak out. She called my dad and said (and I quote), "David, she is wearing a Victoria Secret tank top with her boobs completely hanging out...". I'm gunna stop right there to correct my mom. One: It wasn't even from Victoria Secret, it was from Pink! I know they are part of the same store, but Victoria Secret is made for the slutty clothes. Two: My boobs were soo not hanging out! I'm guessing that adults don't know what the phrase "Hanging Out" means. Hanging out (in boob terms) is when a boob is completly hanging out, from top to bottom. Hanging out is not when you can kinda see some cleavage, but not a lot.
Does that really look bad? Also, I was wearing a jacket over it, so literally nobody knew I was wearing it. I wasn't strutting around school wearing a polka dot spagetti strap. My mom then soo overreacted and took my computer away, didn't let me walk to Party City, and took my candy bag away (which just crosses the line!).
The last thing that all parents hate are the four deadly words: The f-bomb, the female dog, the bad place and the other words that my mom would flip out if I wrote. They constantly make threats against us by saying stuff like, "You better not swear any more or else", yet my sister swears a lot (though she never admits it), she is all "I DO NOT!". I hear her say the f-word, the b-word, and many other words, but she juts doesn't want to admit it. I also hear my parents swearing. I guess it is ok for an adult to swear, but it is bad when an young adult swears. Weird. You guys have no idea how many times I hear swear words around my school, so you know "just trying to fit in". I mean people swear a lot, and I mean A LOT.
Yet parents still use our classmates as ways to put us teenagers down by saying stuff like "All the neighbor kids are getting straight A's" and "Your gunna be remembered as the girl who dresses like a slut". They don't know what it is like in our high school, so why do they think they do?
First: not every kid in school is getting straight A's. Most kids I know are stuggling and usually takes a long time to raise their grades. The failing kids usually are not open about their grades, so how would you know if they are failing or not (unless they have parents who like to boast or complain about their kids grades to their friends).
Second: Hate to break it to you parents, but wearing a semi-low cut shirt one day will not have you labeled as "The girl who dresses as a slut". Actually, 40% or more of the girls I have seen wear clothes worse than that. They wear high heels, short shorts (the kind that make you look like your not wearing pants at all), and very low-cut shirts. Below is what parents believe every kid is wear:

After a parent sees your clothes and dismisses them as "slutty", then comes the long parade of exagerations. Yesterday, I worse a spagetti-strap shirt *see below for image* under a jacket that was zipped to the top, so nobody would see it. I unzipped my jacket as I went outside, because it was fricken hot! Instantly, my mom started to freak out. She called my dad and said (and I quote), "David, she is wearing a Victoria Secret tank top with her boobs completely hanging out...". I'm gunna stop right there to correct my mom. One: It wasn't even from Victoria Secret, it was from Pink! I know they are part of the same store, but Victoria Secret is made for the slutty clothes. Two: My boobs were soo not hanging out! I'm guessing that adults don't know what the phrase "Hanging Out" means. Hanging out (in boob terms) is when a boob is completly hanging out, from top to bottom. Hanging out is not when you can kinda see some cleavage, but not a lot.

The last thing that all parents hate are the four deadly words: The f-bomb, the female dog, the bad place and the other words that my mom would flip out if I wrote. They constantly make threats against us by saying stuff like, "You better not swear any more or else", yet my sister swears a lot (though she never admits it), she is all "I DO NOT!". I hear her say the f-word, the b-word, and many other words, but she juts doesn't want to admit it. I also hear my parents swearing. I guess it is ok for an adult to swear, but it is bad when an young adult swears. Weird. You guys have no idea how many times I hear swear words around my school, so you know "just trying to fit in". I mean people swear a lot, and I mean A LOT.
Yet parents still use our classmates as ways to put us teenagers down by saying stuff like "All the neighbor kids are getting straight A's" and "Your gunna be remembered as the girl who dresses like a slut". They don't know what it is like in our high school, so why do they think they do?
Thursday, September 17, 2009
Secrets of Suburbia
While soap operas insist that the life of the rich is scandelous and full of gossip, conpetition, and tons of parents bad-mouthing their employes. I say no. The true scandels of America usually don't happen among the rich, but in the small suburban areas in the USA. You might say "Why Suburbia is the most boring places ever". Our manicured lawns, tennis courts, and our medium sized houses might have you fooled, we all have competition with one another and there are many little rumors that float around the houses. So I will have a new short series called:Secrets of Suburbia. I plan to talk about all the rumors that I hear around my little neighborhood.
When you first see my neighborhood the first thing you should probably notice is that we are very far away from the highway and we're kinda in our own little town with everything we need. There's a Target, a Publix, an Avenue with tons of stores, and my personal favorite: Hot Ticket(which is a prom dress store). All of our yards are green and usually have tall trees and a couple bushes with bright flowers. Our favorite flower colors are reds, pinks, and yellows. There is a little contest that happens every year where we pick a yard to be Yard of the Year. Sure it sounds like a good idea, but there is a catch to this Title. You have to keep your yard looking great or people will say "They won Yard of the Year? You gotta be kidding me!". My family never won the title, but what is the point? It's just a little sign, nothing else. Sure you can enjoy the boasting rights, but after a year you have to give it up. Woopde-freaken-do.
After the Yard of the Year is chosen, then begins the most cruellest, most competative competition of them all. It puts friends against friend, and they are willing to do whatever it takes to win. I'm talking about Summer jobs. It's a cruel business where a bunch of 12 year old s try as hard as they can to find little toddlers to babysit before the other kids get them. In the history of babysitting there is always two girls who happen to be the dominant babysitters. Those girls are my sister and the neighborgirl named Merideth Smith*. Both are prown to tearing down other people posters, bribing eachother, and saying stuff like "I call dibs on this house...this house...and this house". I've never been involved in this weird business, but I know most of the tactics in order to have a succesfull babysitting business:
1. Don't take no for an answer. If a friend of yours knows the address to the cutest little three year old and you don't, bribe and bug your friend till they tell. Even do some research of your own
2. Advertise! The most common form of advertising is to tape a brightly piece of paper with your profession, name, age, and address on it. Be sure to make it appealing to the eye by adding pictures, and having it printed on neon bright paper
3. DESTROY THE OPPONENT! Rip up their posters and hid them. Steal their customers
4. If you can, make yourself the only people to come for jobs. Get your family involved in the business world. The other neighborhood jobs are: Dog walking, lawn mowing, mothers helper(totally different from babysitting), pinecone picker(a real job), and other odd jobs that younger kids are competative about
5. Actually do well at your job
If you follow those steps there is a 100% chance you'll be the most succesful kid on your block.
Well the next part of Secrets of Suburbia will either be about The Halloween Party or any late-breaking news!
*= names have been changed
When you first see my neighborhood the first thing you should probably notice is that we are very far away from the highway and we're kinda in our own little town with everything we need. There's a Target, a Publix, an Avenue with tons of stores, and my personal favorite: Hot Ticket(which is a prom dress store). All of our yards are green and usually have tall trees and a couple bushes with bright flowers. Our favorite flower colors are reds, pinks, and yellows. There is a little contest that happens every year where we pick a yard to be Yard of the Year. Sure it sounds like a good idea, but there is a catch to this Title. You have to keep your yard looking great or people will say "They won Yard of the Year? You gotta be kidding me!". My family never won the title, but what is the point? It's just a little sign, nothing else. Sure you can enjoy the boasting rights, but after a year you have to give it up. Woopde-freaken-do.
After the Yard of the Year is chosen, then begins the most cruellest, most competative competition of them all. It puts friends against friend, and they are willing to do whatever it takes to win. I'm talking about Summer jobs. It's a cruel business where a bunch of 12 year old s try as hard as they can to find little toddlers to babysit before the other kids get them. In the history of babysitting there is always two girls who happen to be the dominant babysitters. Those girls are my sister and the neighborgirl named Merideth Smith*. Both are prown to tearing down other people posters, bribing eachother, and saying stuff like "I call dibs on this house...this house...and this house". I've never been involved in this weird business, but I know most of the tactics in order to have a succesfull babysitting business:
1. Don't take no for an answer. If a friend of yours knows the address to the cutest little three year old and you don't, bribe and bug your friend till they tell. Even do some research of your own
2. Advertise! The most common form of advertising is to tape a brightly piece of paper with your profession, name, age, and address on it. Be sure to make it appealing to the eye by adding pictures, and having it printed on neon bright paper
3. DESTROY THE OPPONENT! Rip up their posters and hid them. Steal their customers
4. If you can, make yourself the only people to come for jobs. Get your family involved in the business world. The other neighborhood jobs are: Dog walking, lawn mowing, mothers helper(totally different from babysitting), pinecone picker(a real job), and other odd jobs that younger kids are competative about
5. Actually do well at your job
If you follow those steps there is a 100% chance you'll be the most succesful kid on your block.
Well the next part of Secrets of Suburbia will either be about The Halloween Party or any late-breaking news!
*= names have been changed
Wednesday, September 16, 2009
I accept Rachel's Challenge
This post is about a murdered person, but not one I ever knew. This girl was named Rachel Scott. She was one of the victims of the Columbine High school Massacre. She was shot as she ate lunch outside with her friend. She was the first of 13 victims. I had to attend an assembly about Rachel Scott and during that long hour I witnessed the horrors of the massacre and the wonderful things 17-year old Rachel Scott did. She was a girl we all wished we could be. Compassionate, caring, nice and a overall good person. She stood up for the people we usually look down to. Though she herself had once said that she should not be thought of as perfect, because none of us are. So why was an innocent girl and 12 others murdered on that day? We might never know, but there is only two things that are unanswered about that tragic day: Why do we kill and Why do we bully?
Murder does not solve our problems, it makes them worse. Killing people does not make them go away. You will forever have to live with the guilt of taking a person's life away, and will more than likely get cought and be put on death row. Rarely do people get away with it, but some still do, just look at OJ Simpson. He only got away with the murders simply because he made the case a race issue. If the cop hadn't had said anything, then OJ would probably be dead right now. Plus can you imagine what the family and friends have to go through after their loved ones are killed. How would you feel if your closest friend was suddenly murdered? Not very good would you. Also you might think your doing it for a good reason, but there is never a good reason to kill somebody who does not deserve it, no matter how hard you convince yourself you are doing the right thing.
Ok so I'm gunna get back to Rachel. She had a journal where she made an essay called My Ethics: My Code of Life, and it stated that we all should start a chain reaction of kindness. Being nice to a person like saying hi in the hall, or just showing that you care for them is more better than the newest Chanel purse or the latest Miley Cyrus CD(no offense Miley). You might think that doing a small act of kindness is nothing, but even the smallest thing can make the biggest impact on a person. I know this might sound cliched but: Treat others the way you would want to be treated because *when god forbid* a person that you know is killed you would have wanted the last thing you said to them to be something kind. We all want to be treated kindly and if we treat other people unkindly how do we expect to ever be treated kindly in return.
So I decided to take Rachel's Challenge. There are five steps into taking Rachel's Challenge:
1. Eliminate prejudice: This is the first time I think I will ever say this. I am sorry for always thinking that popular people are sluts and mean people. I don't even know them personally so unfortunatly I was very prejudiced against the popular people and everything in my post: High School Social status I am sorry for. Though there are some social groups in High school. There are popular people, inbetween people and the unpopulars.
2. Dare to Dream: My dream is to someday be a writer for Seventeen magazine because I love to write and I love Seventeen Magazine
3. Choose your influences: So far my only influences are my family, and so far Rachel Scott. She is an inspiration for all of us and so our are parents(well hopefully your parents are)
4. Kind Words: I have tried to be more kind to my friends(Emily), and I hope that it is working out but I can't read peoples minds.....or can I? *Dramatic music plays*
5. Start a chain reaction: As I already stated one simple act of kindness can make a huge impact.
Please take this challenge and make the world a better place. The Columbine School massacre should never happen again and nobody should have to go through the horrors of what happened that day.
Back in normal track: After the assembly was over, everybody was quite. I remember hearing a bunch of kids sniffling from sadness after watching the tapes from the actual Columbine school shooting and hearing about the life of Rachel. The only thing that I could hear people talking about the assembly or anything to lighten the now dreary mood. I just sat in my chair silent and staired at the chair infront of me. My stomach still hurt from the sad things I saw and I was just speechless. It didn't go away till around 4th period, which was lunch. Personally I was kinda freaked out to be in the lunchroom because that's where all shooters always go. As you can tell I've become more aware that there is a chance that a shooting could happen at my school but most likely wont. Yet my school security isn't really that good. We don't enforce the dress code, and I've even heard of people doing drugs behind the school. Which is true! Today when I was walking by my locker I heard some boy say, "Yah if they find out I have drugs then they'll put me on a years probation". Ouch! That's a weirder story than the whole "Prom Night dumpster baby" thingy.
Lunch wasn't that good because the pizza wasn't that good I guess. Language arts was intersting I guess because we had a quiz on something..I really don't remember. The rest of the day was kind of a daze.
Ok this post is getting depressing so I'm gunna tell a funny story of what happened yesterday:
It was raining very hardly and I had to meet mom at the the cut through to my neighborhood. I raced across the street with the only thing I coule hear was the soft pitter-pattering of large rain droplets hitting leaves and the road, and the occasional skidding of a car(which still freaks me out). I took my phone out, though it was almost out of batteries plus getting very wet. I stood on the sidewalk and looked around. No sign of my mom or her rental car. It started to rain harder and I quickly took shelter across the street under a tree.
I put my phone under my jacket and I saw a quick, large stream of water racing past me towards the sewer(this is important later on). Unfortunately my tree shelter was no use later on when the rain beat down harder. I was getting wet and so was my school stuff. To my great luck my neighbor Mrs.B was driving by and let me stay in her car for a little bit as I tried to call my mom.
I didn't get fully in the car, and the door was wide open. My foot was gently rested in the quick stream of water and suddenly I felt my flip-flop race off my foot and start running down the stream. I cried "My shoe!". I then ran after it with only one shoe and I knew that if I didn't catch it in time my shoe would go down the drain. Yikes! I luckily managed to grab it and race back to the car. My mom finally came and I finally got back home only to have to be ready to perform the National Anthem at the Braves vs Mets game with my Chorus. I'll talk about that later.
The next post will be called: The Performance that was never seen
Murder does not solve our problems, it makes them worse. Killing people does not make them go away. You will forever have to live with the guilt of taking a person's life away, and will more than likely get cought and be put on death row. Rarely do people get away with it, but some still do, just look at OJ Simpson. He only got away with the murders simply because he made the case a race issue. If the cop hadn't had said anything, then OJ would probably be dead right now. Plus can you imagine what the family and friends have to go through after their loved ones are killed. How would you feel if your closest friend was suddenly murdered? Not very good would you. Also you might think your doing it for a good reason, but there is never a good reason to kill somebody who does not deserve it, no matter how hard you convince yourself you are doing the right thing.
Ok so I'm gunna get back to Rachel. She had a journal where she made an essay called My Ethics: My Code of Life, and it stated that we all should start a chain reaction of kindness. Being nice to a person like saying hi in the hall, or just showing that you care for them is more better than the newest Chanel purse or the latest Miley Cyrus CD(no offense Miley). You might think that doing a small act of kindness is nothing, but even the smallest thing can make the biggest impact on a person. I know this might sound cliched but: Treat others the way you would want to be treated because *when god forbid* a person that you know is killed you would have wanted the last thing you said to them to be something kind. We all want to be treated kindly and if we treat other people unkindly how do we expect to ever be treated kindly in return.
So I decided to take Rachel's Challenge. There are five steps into taking Rachel's Challenge:
1. Eliminate prejudice: This is the first time I think I will ever say this. I am sorry for always thinking that popular people are sluts and mean people. I don't even know them personally so unfortunatly I was very prejudiced against the popular people and everything in my post: High School Social status I am sorry for. Though there are some social groups in High school. There are popular people, inbetween people and the unpopulars.
2. Dare to Dream: My dream is to someday be a writer for Seventeen magazine because I love to write and I love Seventeen Magazine
3. Choose your influences: So far my only influences are my family, and so far Rachel Scott. She is an inspiration for all of us and so our are parents(well hopefully your parents are)
4. Kind Words: I have tried to be more kind to my friends(Emily), and I hope that it is working out but I can't read peoples minds.....or can I? *Dramatic music plays*
5. Start a chain reaction: As I already stated one simple act of kindness can make a huge impact.
Please take this challenge and make the world a better place. The Columbine School massacre should never happen again and nobody should have to go through the horrors of what happened that day.
Back in normal track: After the assembly was over, everybody was quite. I remember hearing a bunch of kids sniffling from sadness after watching the tapes from the actual Columbine school shooting and hearing about the life of Rachel. The only thing that I could hear people talking about the assembly or anything to lighten the now dreary mood. I just sat in my chair silent and staired at the chair infront of me. My stomach still hurt from the sad things I saw and I was just speechless. It didn't go away till around 4th period, which was lunch. Personally I was kinda freaked out to be in the lunchroom because that's where all shooters always go. As you can tell I've become more aware that there is a chance that a shooting could happen at my school but most likely wont. Yet my school security isn't really that good. We don't enforce the dress code, and I've even heard of people doing drugs behind the school. Which is true! Today when I was walking by my locker I heard some boy say, "Yah if they find out I have drugs then they'll put me on a years probation". Ouch! That's a weirder story than the whole "Prom Night dumpster baby" thingy.
Lunch wasn't that good because the pizza wasn't that good I guess. Language arts was intersting I guess because we had a quiz on something..I really don't remember. The rest of the day was kind of a daze.
Ok this post is getting depressing so I'm gunna tell a funny story of what happened yesterday:
It was raining very hardly and I had to meet mom at the the cut through to my neighborhood. I raced across the street with the only thing I coule hear was the soft pitter-pattering of large rain droplets hitting leaves and the road, and the occasional skidding of a car(which still freaks me out). I took my phone out, though it was almost out of batteries plus getting very wet. I stood on the sidewalk and looked around. No sign of my mom or her rental car. It started to rain harder and I quickly took shelter across the street under a tree.
I put my phone under my jacket and I saw a quick, large stream of water racing past me towards the sewer(this is important later on). Unfortunately my tree shelter was no use later on when the rain beat down harder. I was getting wet and so was my school stuff. To my great luck my neighbor Mrs.B was driving by and let me stay in her car for a little bit as I tried to call my mom.
I didn't get fully in the car, and the door was wide open. My foot was gently rested in the quick stream of water and suddenly I felt my flip-flop race off my foot and start running down the stream. I cried "My shoe!". I then ran after it with only one shoe and I knew that if I didn't catch it in time my shoe would go down the drain. Yikes! I luckily managed to grab it and race back to the car. My mom finally came and I finally got back home only to have to be ready to perform the National Anthem at the Braves vs Mets game with my Chorus. I'll talk about that later.
The next post will be called: The Performance that was never seen
Saturday, September 12, 2009
Emily and I's funny and slutty adventure
It all started on Saturday when Emily, Robin and I were planning to hang out at my house. Robin had not yet confirmed or denied it and she constantly said on the phone,"I'll let you know when my parents come home". One day and 5 phone calls later, she had unfortunately canceled. Sarah was pretty disappointed, because I think she really wanted to met this attractive friend of mine. Good job, Sarah.

Unfortunately, Blogspot doesn't allow me to upload the whole video, so part two coming soon!
Ok, so I waited for Emily to come. Waited, and waited. She was supposed to come at around 12:30, but she did not arrive till 2:30. She is more late than Aquaman is when he is called to an emergency on land. But you know she's not dead. When she finally got over, I was already eating a Caesar salad and I was not fricken happy. I mean, I waited for two hours by myself in hopes that she would come, and she comes two hours late! I was getting bored out of my mind!
For the first couple minutes, we both dined on chicken caesar salad. She was constantly all like, "You guys make the best salad". Which we do, but I have been getting really tired of them, because I've had them like nonstop for the past three days. When we finally finished (well not really) the salad, we went upstairs..oh what the hell, let's just skip over to the Target visit.
Ok. every other weekend I make my way over to the local Target and refill my supply of tictacs and gum. I usually do it by myself, so I this time I decided to bring along Emily. As we made our way to Target, I made a fun time of poking fun at Emily (though I am always joking and it is pure fun). We also talked about anything really, but one thing that was constant was Emily's sudden southern accent everytime she talks about her family.
I mean almost every time I see her, she had sudden moments of a pure southern accent. She talks normal in school, but all southern accenty when we're at my house. I guess my house has a deadly gas in it called "Southern-accentoxide". Ok, well, I can easily tell that Emily wasn't used to walking long distances to major shopping places. The only good thing was that her mom worked near by at the local Pier One, which is a furniture store. Her mom allowed us to go only if we go to her store first. After treking (no star trek pun intended) a long way we finally made it to Target. Though, for some reason Emily wasn't ok with walking on the left side of the road, so we went to the right. That was a random fact, but hey, whose judging me! We made it to Pier One where there were tons of different furnitures, but mostly small chairs, candles and cheap-ass Halloween decoration. Not the scary type, more like the wooden type.
Then came Emily's non-stop informercial for the stuff at the store. It was all,"COME LOOK AT THIS!"
I decided that when we got to Target, to go in the full circle and see every section. Though our main goal was to go to the candy aisle. Our first stop was the magazine aisle where I instantly got interested in the latest issue of Seventeen magazine. Right next to it were smaller magazines with a bunch of teen stars photos splashed onto it. It was none other than the stupid tween magazines like J-14, M, and the other crappy magazines which soul purpose is to just make tiny celebrity info seem like huge deals. I joked to Emily, "God I hate those stupid tween magazines". Emily took down one of the J-14 magazine and started scrolling through it. I noted, "Look how the cover says Miley Cyrus spills major secret". Emily then flipped to the page, and turns out the major secret was that she has is just that she has $1,000 worth of Vera Bradley purses. Wow, it is soo life-changing ,I will never look at Miley the same. Plus, the cover basically looks like some five year old threw a bunch of pictures of celebrites onto a piece of brightly colored piece of paper, and then wrote "OMG!" all around that piece of paper. They lie more than Miley Cyrus does when she talks about her virginity. Oops, I went there.
Yeah, so after I finally put the Seventeen magazine down, and took a last laugh that the idiotness of the J-14 magazine, we made our way to the smallest section of all. The Halloween section. This place is made for only cheap kiddie costumes, cute halloween decorations and a single scary one: see below for proof.

This is a creepy robot thingy
Back on topic, the costumes there weren't really that great, and they were more geared towards children than actual adults. That is why you should never buy costumes at Target. We then moved on from the Halloween aisle, which seemed like forever because Emily was constantly getting entertained by anything that she saw.
I did notice that there were a couple of upper middle class girls (the type of popular girls that aren't really that popular, if that makes sense to you). Most of the girls were in my old Girl Scout troop. God I hated my old Girl Scout troop. They were soo cliquish. You know, there were groups of about 3 who only hung out with each other and never let me in. I was constantly by myself and never really had any friends in my old girl scout troop. Luckily, I joined another GS troop and things got way better.
Then it was the candy aisle. I saw tons and tons of large packages of candies from Gummibursts, to a multi-variety of gum. It was candy heaven except I personally don't care for half the brands that are there. I instantly got tons of bags of Gummibursts, and for a first time, I didn't buy any tictacs or gum. Wow. Though I already had lunch of a salad, I bought a Chicken Dunks Lunchable, and a large Vitamin water. Emily bought some weird Apple juice thing and a Gatorade rip-off thingy.
We then went over to the check out area, and paid for the stuff. Unfortunately, Emily forgot to pay and she then owed me two dollars. Luckily she paid for it, even though I took one dollar out of her debt from the change. There was a small Pizza Hut, because Target has everything. I ate my Lunchable as we discussed the fact that big superstores are destroying small businesses. Weird that we were talking about this at an actual Target. Ironic. The whole time I noticed those weird semi-popular girls constantly looking at us. Freaks.
Now let's skip over the returning to Pier One, and skip over to Party City. I instantly kinda knew that Emily would freak out when we had to cross the road. We made our way to the first stoplight, and right when it turned green we both ran like crazy people. Soon I heard Emily yell,"STOP!", I skidded to a stop, right in the middle of the road. I then jumped back to a small stone area in between the road where Emily was. I can't believe I'm saying this but Emily technically saved my life. Maybe I can finally forgive you for making a joke out of my car crash. Hmm.
Party City was busy and there was a long wall covered in pictures of the many costumes. Instinctively, I went over to the adult section of the wall where they had all the short, skimpy costumes. You see when you become a teen, it almost illegal to wear a costume that is not skimpy. It's like the law.
Emily was too nervous to try on any costumes, and even enter the mask aisle. Yeah, Emily has some scare issues because she is terrified of anything that is skimpy and has the face of Freddy Krueger on it. So I tried some costumes on. Here are the ones I tried on:
Me as Robin: the feminine sidekick of the Batman who is prone to getting captured. He also has weird catchphrases. Yet he manages to kill the Joker and Harley Quinn in an animated Batman movie. Unfortunately, most Robins get killed brutally. That's why I'm being Stephanie Brown Robin, because she was in the comics soo short that I don't think she had time to die brutally.
Here I am a fairy not a prostitute. Though this costume is probably meant for prostitutes. I mean, how come all Halloween costumes now a days are slutty (hints the title). I also tried on a Silk Spectre costume (which was way too big), and a sexy maid costume on (which is too hot for this blog).
The fun day ended and Emily and I went home and did the only thing two girls would do by themselves. Now before you think the thing we did by ourselves had anything to do with the title this post: Slutty adventure. Let me remind you that we are two very weird girls. So what did we do? I dressed up as Joker/Harley Quinn, and Emily put a weird wig on and went as Cousin It. I wanted her to be Catwoman or Poison Ivy, but we couldn't find the mask for Catwoman, which really sucked. Well, here is the video we made:
Unfortunately, Blogspot doesn't allow me to upload the whole video, so part two coming soon!
Friday, September 11, 2009
My old likes
Ok I'm going to share some old likings of mine. Note these old likes aren't stuff you'd not expect me liking. Let's start with my elementary school years:
Back then when I was not spending my time at Girl scout meeting with my cliquish troop, I was playing outside with the neighbors or watching these crappy cartoons: Justice League, Aquaman, Johnney Quest, Scooby Doo, and that's it. I wasn't much into the feminine stuff except for one thing which I loved:Barbies. My love for playing with those plastic little spazes didn't end till around 6th grade. YAH I SAID IT 6th GRADE! It ended an old friendship of mine, and personally I'm proud of it. I was childish and stupid. Luckily I changed after 6th grade and got into more mature things. I read Twilight, started watching Gossip girl, and spent more time writing my books(which were slowly growing into the Young Adult Genre rather than the childrens/teen genre which my first Novella was.
Yet with my changing likes there still some things that I continue to like. I still love Batman and I like young adult fiction. Yah I like Batman. He's one of those superheroes where you wish he was real so you can do whatever you can to get him to like you. It's like how Robert Pattinson gave most twelve year olds their first sexual crush/feeling, mine is Christian Bale as Batman. Yep I'm a fan girl, but I just like the movies/ cartoon series not the actual comic books. .....*doses off in thought of Christian Bale*
Back then when I was not spending my time at Girl scout meeting with my cliquish troop, I was playing outside with the neighbors or watching these crappy cartoons: Justice League, Aquaman, Johnney Quest, Scooby Doo, and that's it. I wasn't much into the feminine stuff except for one thing which I loved:Barbies. My love for playing with those plastic little spazes didn't end till around 6th grade. YAH I SAID IT 6th GRADE! It ended an old friendship of mine, and personally I'm proud of it. I was childish and stupid. Luckily I changed after 6th grade and got into more mature things. I read Twilight, started watching Gossip girl, and spent more time writing my books(which were slowly growing into the Young Adult Genre rather than the childrens/teen genre which my first Novella was.
Yet with my changing likes there still some things that I continue to like. I still love Batman and I like young adult fiction. Yah I like Batman. He's one of those superheroes where you wish he was real so you can do whatever you can to get him to like you. It's like how Robert Pattinson gave most twelve year olds their first sexual crush/feeling, mine is Christian Bale as Batman. Yep I'm a fan girl, but I just like the movies/ cartoon series not the actual comic books. .....*doses off in thought of Christian Bale*
Look below the Complications post for newer post
You see I'm actually Supergirl and I went back in time to write the post called High school Social level. So watch out! I can come into your house and zap you with my laser vision! HA!
Thursday, September 10, 2009
Operation: Joker: Complications
Everybody knows that parents overreact to everything when it comes to the Halloween season. My mom said some really weird things when I told her about Operation:Joker. Here is a question for you all: Which of these 5 things were the reason(s) why Mom didn't want me to go through with Operation:Joker.
My mom said no to the costume because she called it "Little bo slut". Lol. So I did some research online and picked out my top four costumes that I think mom and dad will pick.

Pros: It combines a small bit of censorship and adorableness into one frilly costume. There are two things my parents love: Censorship and having adults say "Aww you look so cute". Plus it is pretty cute

A. It would scare the little kiddies
B. People would think I'm part of some cult
C. It the same as putting the nazi symbol on somebody's door
d. The neighbors will complain
E. All the above
If you guessed E, you are once again right. I mean what the hell is with parents these days and Halloween? You can't show too much skin, but if all your body parts are covered you look like a freak. I mean if my mom had her way with Halloween, everybody would be dressed as innocent fairies, and the guys would be dressed in white sheets. So to give some reasons why I should be allowed to continue with Operation:Joker by replying to my mom's wild claims.
If you guessed E, you are once again right. I mean what the hell is with parents these days and Halloween? You can't show too much skin, but if all your body parts are covered you look like a freak. I mean if my mom had her way with Halloween, everybody would be dressed as innocent fairies, and the guys would be dressed in white sheets. So to give some reasons why I should be allowed to continue with Operation:Joker by replying to my mom's wild claims.
1. Halloween is meant to be scary(even if my joke isn't really that scary). What kid is scared of a piece of paper? Retarded kids I guess. Plus Halloween isn't all about the treats, and my neighborhood has forgotten that. The phrase is Trick or treat, not Treat and treat. My Joker prank is nothing but a innocent joke as a way to remind people that Halloween is about tricks rather than only treats
2. Since when is the Joker a cult figure? I mean I don't even say in the poster "You've been jokerfied, now join the Joker Cult". I just say "You've been Jokerfied". More importantly:Who would even care? I mean you can easily take the poster down and there would be no harm done. I'm not like spray-painting the joker symbol on people's houses. Just taping a little card that has his symbol on it. OHH SOO SCARY! PEOPLE WILL BE SCARED FOR LIFE!
3. Putting a Joker symbol on a person's door is not equal to putting the nazi symbol. The Nazi symbol is the most offensive symbol out there that represents evil and the evil reign of Adolf Hitler. What does the Joker represent? Does it represent evil? NO he is fricken fictional and I don't see how anybody could find the Joker offensive? Unless a guy wearing makeup is offensive to some, then I don't see why people would be mad
4. It's Halloween. Do you see people complaining every time somebody yells "BOO!", do you see people complaining when a teenager dresses up as sexy little bo peep(I'll get more on that later). It's Halloween. It's the time of year when you can do pranks and wear slutty clothes and get away with it.
Ok well there are the reasons on why I should be able to do the prank. Now to move onto my costume. This was my original costume that my cousin sent me:

Harley Quinn. A evil clown lady whose the "sidekick" of the Joker.
Pros: Covers all my body parts, and I can wear makeup to cover my face so I don't embarris myself in front of the popular girl who lives next door
Cons: I doubt anybody will know what I am being, and it's not something you would see a teenager wearing.

Pros: It combines a small bit of censorship and adorableness into one frilly costume. There are two things my parents love: Censorship and having adults say "Aww you look so cute". Plus it is pretty cute
Cons: More than likely my parents will make me wear white stockings,rather than the short tights the model is wearing. It is also too childish to be seen in in public

Pros: Sleek with a small bit of sexiness(which I crave). It totally fits into my Batman theme this year, and I need any reason to wear black boots
Cons: People will be saying the same thing, "Why the hell did you do Robin? He isn't cool. Why didn't you do Batgirl? She is way more awesome than Robin". I have to agree with them. Robin is the soul cause that the batman series started to become campy
Pros: A very conservative costume which is based off my favorite movie heroine of all time.
Cons: I doubt anybody would know who I am dressed up as. They'll just assume that I'm a rennisance lady. The costume is also on the pricey side. $77.OUCH! All the other costumes are under $44. Also I would have to grow a lot to fit into that costume.
The next post will be called: The High School Social levels.
PS: this will be my last Halloween related post till October. So enjoy this while you can, or thank god that I am finally done talking about Halloween
Wednesday, September 9, 2009
High school social status
Yes in my High school everybody has a social status, but they aren't as strict as they are poryrayed in the Bratz movie, or in other high school films which I am always detesting. Yet the social status are noticable enough that you can tell whose in what social status you are. . I managed to pull together a small chart of the different social.
The Populars: They are the reigning group and the group of great luck. There are three main types of Populars:
1. The sluts: girls(and occasionally guys) who are popular simply for the fact that they wear skimpy clothes, and boast that they have had sex already. I have heard many things that Sluts will say in order to stay popular, such as "Oh yah I gave my first $!0*job at age twelve! We like broke up after that, but like what the hell is wrong with him!". The sluts happen to be a large majority of the Populars in my school based on my simple opinion
2. The Gossipers: Easily put: They love to gossip about others and themself. My opinion is that they probably have low-self confidence and they make themself feel better about themself by saying hurtful lies about people they know and making stuff about about themselfs to make them seem awesome.
3. The Friend maker: The type of popular girls all parents hope are real. The girl who is nice and is popular mainly because they are nice and have tons of people who like them. BAH! Most nice girls I don't really think are in the Populars, because popularity corrupts even the most nicest person ever
4. The Fashionist: SHOP SHOP SHOP! They are popular for their style and good sense in fashion. In my school fashion is everything and the Populars all have this in common. An obsessive disorder when it comes to being the most stylish one
The Normies: everyday people who don't classify as unpopular but aren't in the Populars. I'm in this group.
1. Upper Normies: Girls and boys who have some popular friends. They are usually classified as "The Followers" of popular girls mainly because they usually tag along popular people.
2. Inbetweeners: They have a decent amount of friends which can be popular or unpopular. They just kinda blend into the crowd
3. Lower middle class: They have no popular friends, and their friends are mostly Inbetweeners and unpopulars. I'm in this cass
The Unpopulars: People who are not popular at all and have little to no friends.
1. Nerds: really smart kids who usually hang around with other nerds. Their fashion sense is usually very off and their mommies decide what they wear
2. Weirdos: AKA SPEDS. They usually have mental issues and are prone to have case managers(like me). Though I'm not constantly talking about random stuff, and just being weird. well not all the time. Unless thinking Dick Grayson is totally hot is weird, then yah I'm weird. *for all you people out there who don't know who Dick Grayson is. He's also known as Robin. I don't care for the Chris O'donnnel version, just the comic version. I also kinda like the cartoon, but not a lot*
3. What's their names: The unknown people who most people don't know the name to. Emily insists she's in this group, but I highly doubt it
The no groupers: these are smaller groups of people who can fit into any of the top three classes:
1. The idiots: There is one girl in my school who I think has gained her popularity by acting like an idiot. You know tripping over stuff, saying stupid things, and getting insanely jealous when somebody else is the center of attention rather than her. I hate those type of people, yet there is one good thing about them. When your around them, you feel soo smart by comparison
2. The feminine guy friend: Every popular girl is friends with atleast one feminine guy friend. There is one feminine guy I have ever known and he has only said one thing to me. Mainly because feminine guys usually don't associate themselves with people who are not insanely popular. The only thing I ever think when I see a feminine guy friend of the popular girls is "Is he or is he not gay?"
3. The celebrity look alikes: yes I have seen many girls who look like celebrities. Here are the list of some I've seen recently: Scarlet Johansoon, Elizabeth Short, Rosaline Pike, and Becki Newton(AKA Robin)
Ok well the next post is going to be called: My old likes
The Populars: They are the reigning group and the group of great luck. There are three main types of Populars:
1. The sluts: girls(and occasionally guys) who are popular simply for the fact that they wear skimpy clothes, and boast that they have had sex already. I have heard many things that Sluts will say in order to stay popular, such as "Oh yah I gave my first $!0*job at age twelve! We like broke up after that, but like what the hell is wrong with him!". The sluts happen to be a large majority of the Populars in my school based on my simple opinion
2. The Gossipers: Easily put: They love to gossip about others and themself. My opinion is that they probably have low-self confidence and they make themself feel better about themself by saying hurtful lies about people they know and making stuff about about themselfs to make them seem awesome.
3. The Friend maker: The type of popular girls all parents hope are real. The girl who is nice and is popular mainly because they are nice and have tons of people who like them. BAH! Most nice girls I don't really think are in the Populars, because popularity corrupts even the most nicest person ever
4. The Fashionist: SHOP SHOP SHOP! They are popular for their style and good sense in fashion. In my school fashion is everything and the Populars all have this in common. An obsessive disorder when it comes to being the most stylish one
The Normies: everyday people who don't classify as unpopular but aren't in the Populars. I'm in this group.
1. Upper Normies: Girls and boys who have some popular friends. They are usually classified as "The Followers" of popular girls mainly because they usually tag along popular people.
2. Inbetweeners: They have a decent amount of friends which can be popular or unpopular. They just kinda blend into the crowd
3. Lower middle class: They have no popular friends, and their friends are mostly Inbetweeners and unpopulars. I'm in this cass
The Unpopulars: People who are not popular at all and have little to no friends.
1. Nerds: really smart kids who usually hang around with other nerds. Their fashion sense is usually very off and their mommies decide what they wear
2. Weirdos: AKA SPEDS. They usually have mental issues and are prone to have case managers(like me). Though I'm not constantly talking about random stuff, and just being weird. well not all the time. Unless thinking Dick Grayson is totally hot is weird, then yah I'm weird. *for all you people out there who don't know who Dick Grayson is. He's also known as Robin. I don't care for the Chris O'donnnel version, just the comic version. I also kinda like the cartoon, but not a lot*
3. What's their names: The unknown people who most people don't know the name to. Emily insists she's in this group, but I highly doubt it
The no groupers: these are smaller groups of people who can fit into any of the top three classes:
1. The idiots: There is one girl in my school who I think has gained her popularity by acting like an idiot. You know tripping over stuff, saying stupid things, and getting insanely jealous when somebody else is the center of attention rather than her. I hate those type of people, yet there is one good thing about them. When your around them, you feel soo smart by comparison
2. The feminine guy friend: Every popular girl is friends with atleast one feminine guy friend. There is one feminine guy I have ever known and he has only said one thing to me. Mainly because feminine guys usually don't associate themselves with people who are not insanely popular. The only thing I ever think when I see a feminine guy friend of the popular girls is "Is he or is he not gay?"
3. The celebrity look alikes: yes I have seen many girls who look like celebrities. Here are the list of some I've seen recently: Scarlet Johansoon, Elizabeth Short, Rosaline Pike, and Becki Newton(AKA Robin)
Ok well the next post is going to be called: My old likes
Tuesday, September 8, 2009
Operation:Joker Day one
High school Musical: The perfect lie
Boy, everytime I see a High SMusical toy, worthless poster, or anything with the word High School and Musical put together, I only think one thing, "Boy, I wish I lived in High School Musical". I mean who wouldn't?! The HSM universe is literally perfect. Everybody is gorgeous, smart, and funny. Your only real worry in life is deciding what dress to wear to prom, and you can easily pinpoint the mean people. People don't die, and all boyfriends are loyal and love you for your personality rather than your looks. Unfortunately, High School Musical is nothing but an idealistic version of what life should be. Today at lunch, I imagined what I would be like in High School Musical.
I would be a pretty, and smart new girl who instantly becomes one of the most popular girls just by walking into the school. Some girl will come up to me and treat me like her best friend and we would become close friends. She would introduce me to her friends who are all stereotypical and just like me. All the kids are all alike: beautiful, thin, and all stylish. There are no goths, loners, and any other cliques other than preps and jocks. The only kid that stands out is the lone fat girl who practices the illegal art of hip-hop because in High School Musical world you can only sing Pop songs and cheesy romantic songs.
I would go to my classes which are only 5 minutes each and the teacher is always interrupted by the bell. We have no homework and don't really learn anything so we have plenty of time to choreograph and rehearse the lyrics to our next musical number. The lunch room is nice and spacious and has tons of room for me to break into song. Soon I would see him. A handsome boy who is perfect. Captain of the (insert sport team), with great looks, a beautiful singing voice which he does not know he has, and the most perfect personality. The perfect guy. Our beautiful eyes would meet and we would fall in love. We would go on romantic dates together and whenever we try to kiss, sprinklers would go off because in HSM world sprinklers are everywhere!
Though the students are not happy with us dating, and soon we become the most talked about couple ever. I'm guessing that's because my perfect high school is soo boring that a nerd dating a jock is as shocking as sombody getting pregnant.
Sooner or later, I would meet some mean blonde girl, because every blonde in High School Musical world is evil, and has a "maybe maybe not" gay brother. I knew from the start that she is bad news, as she suddenly got mine and my perfect boyfriend's friends against us and finally tricked my perfect boyfriend into saying he doesn't care about me. I break up with him, but all the guys in HSM world suffer from "suck-at-everything-they-do-after-a-breakup-disease", so he sings a lovely song to me, and I just had to take him back. After that, we all sang a song together with the evil blonde girl and I lived happily ever after.
If only life was really like that. Though, real life is more darker. People die, have car-crashes, suffer permanent break-ups, and love doesn't always triumph over evil. Just look at Romeo and Juliet, they both commited suicide. How is love triumphing over that!? And how can a school only have one fat person? Didn't the writers realize that America is suffering an obesity problem? I mean in my school ,there are plenty of thin kids and plenty of fat kids. It is near to impossible to have a whole school with only ONE person who is fat. As I will say again: High School Musical is an idealized version of life where people are beautiful, thin and perfect. Oh, and not all blondes are evil people whose only goal in life is to ruin the heroine's life. Both Emily and Robin are blondes and they seem perfectly fine. Now let's compare a High School Musical scenerio with a real life scenerio.
HSM: The beautiful heroine falls in love with the basketball star and almost everybody starts to get furoius at that. "Lucy, I don't think you should be dating Andy. You are a nerd and he is a sports guy. You're not alike!", Lucy's friend Veronica insisted. Lucy said,"SHUT YOUR MOUTH! I love Andy, and nothing can make me stop! We love each other."
Real Life: "Hey guess what?" Lucy exclaimed. Her friend, Veronica answered,"What?". "I'm going out with Andy! The captain of the Basketball team", Lucy cheered. Veronica said, "That's cool". Veronica then walked away.
See in real life, we don't really care who dates who. As long as they are together then we don't really care. Scenerio two:
HSM: Andy then stood in the center of the court and sang aloud,"Pass the ball! Shoot now! We're gunna win win win this gammmmmme!". All the strong basketball players then sang along and knew all the lyrics even though they have not heard the song in their entire lives. They danced in a totally non-gay way as they practiced their basketball.
Real life: Andy stood in the center of the court and sang aloud,"Pass the Ball! Shoot now! We're gunna win win win this gammmmmme!". Everbody then stopped, stared at Andy, and Mark said,"Dude what the hell was that?". Then there was a burst of laughter and Andy ran into the bathroom in utter shame and embarassment.
Ok, I kinda exaggerated the last one because I know that kids don't sing in school. The last thing I am going to say is that: Kids you have to do work in High School. You're probably used to seeing your precious little Gabby getting straight A's while she doesn't give any real effort. High School is not about fun and games and believe me, if you think that you will fail. Ever wonder why Troy Bolton is relying on Basketball for a scholorship? Probably because he is failing school and is an idiot! Plus, there is no such thing as the perfect guy. Every guy has flaws and when he misses one date, don't instantly think that he's a terrible person. And for gods sake, don't break up with him for silly reasons like missing one date, and not answering one call. You'll never find a boyfriend then.
I hope this post helped you a lot, and made you guys realize that High School is nothing like the movies
I would be a pretty, and smart new girl who instantly becomes one of the most popular girls just by walking into the school. Some girl will come up to me and treat me like her best friend and we would become close friends. She would introduce me to her friends who are all stereotypical and just like me. All the kids are all alike: beautiful, thin, and all stylish. There are no goths, loners, and any other cliques other than preps and jocks. The only kid that stands out is the lone fat girl who practices the illegal art of hip-hop because in High School Musical world you can only sing Pop songs and cheesy romantic songs.
I would go to my classes which are only 5 minutes each and the teacher is always interrupted by the bell. We have no homework and don't really learn anything so we have plenty of time to choreograph and rehearse the lyrics to our next musical number. The lunch room is nice and spacious and has tons of room for me to break into song. Soon I would see him. A handsome boy who is perfect. Captain of the (insert sport team), with great looks, a beautiful singing voice which he does not know he has, and the most perfect personality. The perfect guy. Our beautiful eyes would meet and we would fall in love. We would go on romantic dates together and whenever we try to kiss, sprinklers would go off because in HSM world sprinklers are everywhere!
Though the students are not happy with us dating, and soon we become the most talked about couple ever. I'm guessing that's because my perfect high school is soo boring that a nerd dating a jock is as shocking as sombody getting pregnant.
Sooner or later, I would meet some mean blonde girl, because every blonde in High School Musical world is evil, and has a "maybe maybe not" gay brother. I knew from the start that she is bad news, as she suddenly got mine and my perfect boyfriend's friends against us and finally tricked my perfect boyfriend into saying he doesn't care about me. I break up with him, but all the guys in HSM world suffer from "suck-at-everything-they-do-after-a-breakup-disease", so he sings a lovely song to me, and I just had to take him back. After that, we all sang a song together with the evil blonde girl and I lived happily ever after.
If only life was really like that. Though, real life is more darker. People die, have car-crashes, suffer permanent break-ups, and love doesn't always triumph over evil. Just look at Romeo and Juliet, they both commited suicide. How is love triumphing over that!? And how can a school only have one fat person? Didn't the writers realize that America is suffering an obesity problem? I mean in my school ,there are plenty of thin kids and plenty of fat kids. It is near to impossible to have a whole school with only ONE person who is fat. As I will say again: High School Musical is an idealized version of life where people are beautiful, thin and perfect. Oh, and not all blondes are evil people whose only goal in life is to ruin the heroine's life. Both Emily and Robin are blondes and they seem perfectly fine. Now let's compare a High School Musical scenerio with a real life scenerio.
HSM: The beautiful heroine falls in love with the basketball star and almost everybody starts to get furoius at that. "Lucy, I don't think you should be dating Andy. You are a nerd and he is a sports guy. You're not alike!", Lucy's friend Veronica insisted. Lucy said,"SHUT YOUR MOUTH! I love Andy, and nothing can make me stop! We love each other."
Real Life: "Hey guess what?" Lucy exclaimed. Her friend, Veronica answered,"What?". "I'm going out with Andy! The captain of the Basketball team", Lucy cheered. Veronica said, "That's cool". Veronica then walked away.
See in real life, we don't really care who dates who. As long as they are together then we don't really care. Scenerio two:
HSM: Andy then stood in the center of the court and sang aloud,"Pass the ball! Shoot now! We're gunna win win win this gammmmmme!". All the strong basketball players then sang along and knew all the lyrics even though they have not heard the song in their entire lives. They danced in a totally non-gay way as they practiced their basketball.
Real life: Andy stood in the center of the court and sang aloud,"Pass the Ball! Shoot now! We're gunna win win win this gammmmmme!". Everbody then stopped, stared at Andy, and Mark said,"Dude what the hell was that?". Then there was a burst of laughter and Andy ran into the bathroom in utter shame and embarassment.
Ok, I kinda exaggerated the last one because I know that kids don't sing in school. The last thing I am going to say is that: Kids you have to do work in High School. You're probably used to seeing your precious little Gabby getting straight A's while she doesn't give any real effort. High School is not about fun and games and believe me, if you think that you will fail. Ever wonder why Troy Bolton is relying on Basketball for a scholorship? Probably because he is failing school and is an idiot! Plus, there is no such thing as the perfect guy. Every guy has flaws and when he misses one date, don't instantly think that he's a terrible person. And for gods sake, don't break up with him for silly reasons like missing one date, and not answering one call. You'll never find a boyfriend then.
I hope this post helped you a lot, and made you guys realize that High School is nothing like the movies
Operation:Joker begins
Project name: Operation Jokerfied(aka Operation: Joker)
Main team members: Me, Emily and Robin
Countdown to operation end: 53 days
Objective: To leave the Joker's mark in my neighborhood.
Halloween has always been known for the phrase "Trick or Treat", though now a days the phrase should be "Give us candy or we'll break your foot!". This year that is all going to change. That's when Operation Jokerfied comes to mind. My goal for this Halloween is the put the jokers mark on every house I go to. Now you are probably asking "Now what do you plan to do?". Simple. I plan to break into all the peoples houses, and cut their faces to make them look like the joker....... Nah but could you imagine if I did? No I've made a little card which read "You've been Jokerfied" and has a picture of the joker symbol on it. I plan to either tape it to their house or slip it under their door so it's inside their house. Got any better ideas? Put them in the comments?
I know that I should be talking about this in October, but I can't resist not talking about it now.
The next post will be called: High school Musical: The perfect lie
Main team members: Me, Emily and Robin
Countdown to operation end: 53 days
Objective: To leave the Joker's mark in my neighborhood.
Halloween has always been known for the phrase "Trick or Treat", though now a days the phrase should be "Give us candy or we'll break your foot!". This year that is all going to change. That's when Operation Jokerfied comes to mind. My goal for this Halloween is the put the jokers mark on every house I go to. Now you are probably asking "Now what do you plan to do?". Simple. I plan to break into all the peoples houses, and cut their faces to make them look like the joker....... Nah but could you imagine if I did? No I've made a little card which read "You've been Jokerfied" and has a picture of the joker symbol on it. I plan to either tape it to their house or slip it under their door so it's inside their house. Got any better ideas? Put them in the comments?
I know that I should be talking about this in October, but I can't resist not talking about it now.
The next post will be called: High school Musical: The perfect lie
Sunday, September 6, 2009
Do you guys not know how to write comments? Just click the word comment at the bottom and tell me what you think of my blog or that certain post. It's not that hard
Saturday, September 5, 2009
A Freak Accident
*Warning this post is serious, no intended jokes in this post*
Life is short and it throws you in many directions. I had a life-changing accident which could have killed me if it was worse. It was a terrible accident, but compared to other accidents I have heard of, it was the easiest crash anybody could ever face.
It all began this morning, and my dad, two sisters and I were planning to go to my Grandparents house for the weekend. I was used to driving there because nothing ever happened. Everything was always fine. Not this time. I originally wanted to bring my laptop, but I wouldn't get any internet access, so what would be the point of bringing it. We stopped by Mcdonalds to have breakfast. I had some pancakes and fed my two year old sister Emily some OJ. We then drove a little while till we reached Alabama.
I managed to keep the car ride interesting by talking about superheroes, the Dark Knight and Christian Bale. It then started to rain very hard, and soon it became very windy. Then it started. It started soo fast and all I remember dad saying was "Hold on", before the car swerved and SLAMMED into the wall. I and the rest of the people lurched forward and the loud crashing sound made me jump. We hit the wall again and then we stopped.
My sister Sarah was in the front seat with the airbag puffed in front of her, and there was some form of fume leaking out of it. Luckily, Sarah was never hit by the airbag, but she was still crying. Emily (the two year old) was crying "MOMMY! MOMMY!". I was in total shock and my back hurt badly.
We stood there not knowing what to do. The car started to stink of the weird gas. Luckily, some people in a large yellow van stopped and allowed us to stay in their car for a while. Sarah was crying still, and I was almost over it. My back still hurt and I was trying very hard to bring some light back into this situation. My comedy didn't seem to help. My dad called 911 and soon a police man came, though he was absolutely no help at all. He didn't even come out of the car, and check if we were ok! My grandparents came later and they started saying stuff about Sarah and I going to the hospital. I thought everything was going to be ok. But this nightmare wasn't over yet.
They allowed us to go into my grandparents car when the yellow van people left. Sarah, Emily and I stayed in there and we talked for a little bit. I was soo happy to see Emily happy again and Sarah and I were slowly starting to talk about other stuff. Sarah and Emily got buckled up, while I didn't. I would soon regret it. I looked ahead to see my dad, grandpa, and some other people looking at my totalled car. Then I heard the noise that I hoped I would never hear again. The screeching of tires on the wet cement. A car was heading straight towards us.
Then from behind us a car slammed into us, pushing everybody forward and making a small bang. Sarah, Emily and I started to cry soo hard. My head was hurting as I had gotten a cut on my head from the rims of my glasses. I wanted this day to end! I had been in two car crashes in a matter of twenty minutes. My back was hurting even more and I started to breath very heavily. I thought I was going to die.
My dad and everybody ran over to us, and I ran out of that car and I kept saying, "I want to go home!". I cried more and prayed to god that this was only a dream and that no more cars would hit. Though I was grateful that it wasn't a giant truck that hit us, because I had heard a truck skid a couple minutes before. I looked around me only to see everything was scattered around the grass surrounding the high way. My bookbag (which I had brought with me to finish my homework), my little sister's books, my glasses (which had caused my scratch), and tons of other things. I was soo scared and I just wanted to get away from there.
Worse part was that that stupid police officer was still in his car and didn't even care that me (a child) was just in yet another car crash. My grandpa told us to get in the front seat of the car, though Sarah and I begged not to in fear of another car hitting us. After what seemed like a year, an ambulance and firetruck soon came. Two firemen came up to us and started asking what hurt. I shakingly said, "My head hurts, my back hurts and my chest hurts", though it was all thrown together with a flood of tears. We were then taken to the ambulance where they took my blood pressure, and heart rate. I couldn't really focus on the actual results because every time a truck or car went by I would start crying more and become majorly scared.
I took my cell phone out and started texting people I knew right before they put some thing around my neck and told me to sit down in a chair in the back of the ambulance. My sister Sarah was put onto a stretcher and they put all sorts of weird stuff on her. Soon they did it to me.
So there I was staring at the ceiling just trying to ignore the fact that I had been nearly killed and that that was the most scariest thing that had every happened to me. My grandpa decided to come with us as they drove us to the hospital. I tried to bring some comedy into the car ride by talking about Heath Ledger, Christian Bale, high school and other stuff to the ambulance driver. I also texted a lot and made a single phone call to a friend. She didn't pick up.
I was finally relaxed and I looked over to Sarah who had a white blanked on her which just gave me haunting images on what could have happened. We soon made it to the hospital where Sarah and I were separated. I was taken into a separate room where all I could do was stare at the wall and listen to the sounds from a crappy cartoon. Plus, I really had to go to the bathroom. I called my friend Lauren, who was all "OH MY GOD I'm soo happy your alive". Thanks.
Some nurses came in and did some tests and after a long time, I finally got that stupid braces thingy off and was finally allowed to go to the bathroom. They did tell me to pee in a cup, but I'm not going to describe that. After that I went to see Sarah who was still traumatized from the event. I went over to Emily who was luckily in a happy mood and suffered no real injuries. I was soo happy to see her alive and happy. I smothered her in kisses and hugs. Dad and grandpa left later and I spent ten minutes just entertaining Emily and making her laugh. I have never been soo happy to see Emily before.
Sarah was released from the hospital soon, but I and Emily had to stay because I had hinted that I might have a yeast infection (great this day just keeps getting better), and Emily had yet to pee in a cup (err bag in her case). When I first told the nurse that I was having itching problems down there she asked, "Are you sexually active?". I was all "NO NO NO NO NO!". Because I do not care for guys. I then had to have a test done to see if I did have a yeast infection, and the actual test was soo ticklish that I could not stand still. It just felt soo weird to have something other than your underwear in your girl part.
A long time passed and I learned that YES I had a yeast infection. DAAAMN! Emily still hadn't peed in her bag, so we had to make her pee by sitting her on the potty. Yeah it worked, then came the most longest thing ever. Waiting for my infection medication. I swear this person took as long as that police officer to get those pills. I was in there for literally two hours. When I finally got it I knew that I would have to go home. Though the haunting of the two car crashes made me worry even more about driving to grandma and grandpa's house again. To my great luck nothing happened and I got to their house safely.
The moral of this TRUE story is: Cherish every moment with your family because you don't know when something bad can happen
Life is short and it throws you in many directions. I had a life-changing accident which could have killed me if it was worse. It was a terrible accident, but compared to other accidents I have heard of, it was the easiest crash anybody could ever face.
It all began this morning, and my dad, two sisters and I were planning to go to my Grandparents house for the weekend. I was used to driving there because nothing ever happened. Everything was always fine. Not this time. I originally wanted to bring my laptop, but I wouldn't get any internet access, so what would be the point of bringing it. We stopped by Mcdonalds to have breakfast. I had some pancakes and fed my two year old sister Emily some OJ. We then drove a little while till we reached Alabama.
I managed to keep the car ride interesting by talking about superheroes, the Dark Knight and Christian Bale. It then started to rain very hard, and soon it became very windy. Then it started. It started soo fast and all I remember dad saying was "Hold on", before the car swerved and SLAMMED into the wall. I and the rest of the people lurched forward and the loud crashing sound made me jump. We hit the wall again and then we stopped.
My sister Sarah was in the front seat with the airbag puffed in front of her, and there was some form of fume leaking out of it. Luckily, Sarah was never hit by the airbag, but she was still crying. Emily (the two year old) was crying "MOMMY! MOMMY!". I was in total shock and my back hurt badly.
We stood there not knowing what to do. The car started to stink of the weird gas. Luckily, some people in a large yellow van stopped and allowed us to stay in their car for a while. Sarah was crying still, and I was almost over it. My back still hurt and I was trying very hard to bring some light back into this situation. My comedy didn't seem to help. My dad called 911 and soon a police man came, though he was absolutely no help at all. He didn't even come out of the car, and check if we were ok! My grandparents came later and they started saying stuff about Sarah and I going to the hospital. I thought everything was going to be ok. But this nightmare wasn't over yet.
They allowed us to go into my grandparents car when the yellow van people left. Sarah, Emily and I stayed in there and we talked for a little bit. I was soo happy to see Emily happy again and Sarah and I were slowly starting to talk about other stuff. Sarah and Emily got buckled up, while I didn't. I would soon regret it. I looked ahead to see my dad, grandpa, and some other people looking at my totalled car. Then I heard the noise that I hoped I would never hear again. The screeching of tires on the wet cement. A car was heading straight towards us.
Then from behind us a car slammed into us, pushing everybody forward and making a small bang. Sarah, Emily and I started to cry soo hard. My head was hurting as I had gotten a cut on my head from the rims of my glasses. I wanted this day to end! I had been in two car crashes in a matter of twenty minutes. My back was hurting even more and I started to breath very heavily. I thought I was going to die.
My dad and everybody ran over to us, and I ran out of that car and I kept saying, "I want to go home!". I cried more and prayed to god that this was only a dream and that no more cars would hit. Though I was grateful that it wasn't a giant truck that hit us, because I had heard a truck skid a couple minutes before. I looked around me only to see everything was scattered around the grass surrounding the high way. My bookbag (which I had brought with me to finish my homework), my little sister's books, my glasses (which had caused my scratch), and tons of other things. I was soo scared and I just wanted to get away from there.
Worse part was that that stupid police officer was still in his car and didn't even care that me (a child) was just in yet another car crash. My grandpa told us to get in the front seat of the car, though Sarah and I begged not to in fear of another car hitting us. After what seemed like a year, an ambulance and firetruck soon came. Two firemen came up to us and started asking what hurt. I shakingly said, "My head hurts, my back hurts and my chest hurts", though it was all thrown together with a flood of tears. We were then taken to the ambulance where they took my blood pressure, and heart rate. I couldn't really focus on the actual results because every time a truck or car went by I would start crying more and become majorly scared.
I took my cell phone out and started texting people I knew right before they put some thing around my neck and told me to sit down in a chair in the back of the ambulance. My sister Sarah was put onto a stretcher and they put all sorts of weird stuff on her. Soon they did it to me.
So there I was staring at the ceiling just trying to ignore the fact that I had been nearly killed and that that was the most scariest thing that had every happened to me. My grandpa decided to come with us as they drove us to the hospital. I tried to bring some comedy into the car ride by talking about Heath Ledger, Christian Bale, high school and other stuff to the ambulance driver. I also texted a lot and made a single phone call to a friend. She didn't pick up.
I was finally relaxed and I looked over to Sarah who had a white blanked on her which just gave me haunting images on what could have happened. We soon made it to the hospital where Sarah and I were separated. I was taken into a separate room where all I could do was stare at the wall and listen to the sounds from a crappy cartoon. Plus, I really had to go to the bathroom. I called my friend Lauren, who was all "OH MY GOD I'm soo happy your alive". Thanks.
Some nurses came in and did some tests and after a long time, I finally got that stupid braces thingy off and was finally allowed to go to the bathroom. They did tell me to pee in a cup, but I'm not going to describe that. After that I went to see Sarah who was still traumatized from the event. I went over to Emily who was luckily in a happy mood and suffered no real injuries. I was soo happy to see her alive and happy. I smothered her in kisses and hugs. Dad and grandpa left later and I spent ten minutes just entertaining Emily and making her laugh. I have never been soo happy to see Emily before.
Sarah was released from the hospital soon, but I and Emily had to stay because I had hinted that I might have a yeast infection (great this day just keeps getting better), and Emily had yet to pee in a cup (err bag in her case). When I first told the nurse that I was having itching problems down there she asked, "Are you sexually active?". I was all "NO NO NO NO NO!". Because I do not care for guys. I then had to have a test done to see if I did have a yeast infection, and the actual test was soo ticklish that I could not stand still. It just felt soo weird to have something other than your underwear in your girl part.
A long time passed and I learned that YES I had a yeast infection. DAAAMN! Emily still hadn't peed in her bag, so we had to make her pee by sitting her on the potty. Yeah it worked, then came the most longest thing ever. Waiting for my infection medication. I swear this person took as long as that police officer to get those pills. I was in there for literally two hours. When I finally got it I knew that I would have to go home. Though the haunting of the two car crashes made me worry even more about driving to grandma and grandpa's house again. To my great luck nothing happened and I got to their house safely.
The moral of this TRUE story is: Cherish every moment with your family because you don't know when something bad can happen
Friday, September 4, 2009
I reveal too much to a popular girl
You know those days that are just soo weird that you can't help complaining about it on a blog? I had one of those days. My day started with me waking up still tired and remembering that I have a science test, a vocabulary test and I would get to see the results of my math test I took yesterday.
I had a quick breakfast of a yogurt before coming to my computer to update my list of Worst sexy halloween costumes. I noticed one thing about halloween , and that you can make the most innocent thing naughty. Here is my top 1o list of worst sexy costumes ever for women (in no particular order):
1. Sexy Minny Mouse (what Walt Disney really wanted)
2. Pocahontas (destroying the reputation of an iconic women only takes two steps: low cut shirt, and little panties)
3. Snow White (She'll be having a happy time with all 7 dwarfs if you know what I mean)
4. Sherlock Holmes( Well, they made a Sherlock Holmes sexy. Just like Robert Downey Jr).
5. Girl scout (I'm a girl scout and we do not dress like this.....often)
6. Nanny (Can you just imagine if you saw a nanny dressed in this. She would be getting a huge raise)
8. Darth Vader( I just don't know what to say. There are just somethings out there that I am just speechless over)
9. Care bear (aww, look at the slutty, little bear)
10. Freddy Krueger (Nothing is sexier than a deformed serial killer)
11. Batman (one word; Bat-thong)
Ok, back on topic of school, I got to math class and went to the teacher to ask what my grade was. 65. DAAAAMMMMMN YOU ALL! That was better compared to the other grades people had gotten. *cough cough 25, 5, 65*. We were told to redo the questions we got wrong and I noticed something wrong. Most of the answers on the first page were correct, so I asked the teacher what was wrong with them. To my great luck, her assistant teacher had misgraded the test, and I got 15 points added on. I got an 80 instead of a 65.
Now, I know that you don't want to hear about me talking about my test grade, you wanna know what I revealed to the popular girl. Let me give you a clue: It's not a secret, I got it over time, and it's something I can't describe too much or my parents would freak. Think you probably know what it is.
It was Chorus class where it all began. Chorus had become one of my least favorite classes for both it's boring matter and the fact that I just find it very creepy (which I had wrote in the older post of mine). We had to try on a dress on for our formal uniform. I remembered the old days(as they are now refered to as) when we only had to wear kaki pants, and a light blue polo which had the words "Chorus" sewn onto it. ,Now we have to wear a black dress, high heels, and fake pearls. Who do they think they are? "Ohh we soo fancy because we wear formal dresses and pearls". I remember once making fun of my soon-to-be high school chorus a year ago and I quote "They must be swealtering there". My chorus then preceded in having a yo-mama fight(I'm serious) with them, and we all ended up swearing each other out. Those were the good old days.
Ok, so I got my shoes fitted first which went ok. Then came on the actual trying on of the dresses. I went into a separate room where there was a short rack (not trying to be funny) of different sizes of dresses. I first thought that they would just ask for our dress size, but no we had to get un-dressed and try the actual dress on. I'm used to getting undressed in front of other girls. Now before you all start having orgasms and having dirty thoughts let me explain. I was in PE two years ago and we had to dress out a lot of times, so it was no big deal. I got undressed and I noticed a particular blonde girl come in. She was one of the popular girls and almost instantly I got a little nervous and self-conscious. Then I felt something odd. A weird feeling of coldness, then I found out what was wrong. One of my little lady gagas (for all your parents out there who are scared of the word boob) was slightly hanging out. I then frantically pulled my bra up and looked around. Hopefully, nobody noticed though that was insanely embarrassing. For all you pedofiles and 12 year olds who want to know what bra size a popular girl wears, I have no idea. I don't have time and the real care for trying to guess what bra size a popular girl is.
After that weird moment, I went back into the Chorus room where we were singing a really weird version of the Star Spangled Banner, which was cut into 3 separate parts. I was in the Alto part, though in Middle school I was in the Soprano section. It is very confusing and kinda bad sounding, yet our Chorus teacher doesn't seem to notice it. Man, Chorus is going to be a long class this year.
My day didn't stop getting weird after that. I went to the lunch room after Geography, which was pretty uneventful, because we mainly watched a stupid video on the earth. Oh, and about that video, apparently it is ok to show dinosaurs being burned alive and still maintain a pg rating. So, I was eating my lunch of a Caesar salad, when the lunch supervisor said on a megaphone,
"Hey yall, we had a football game yesterday and we won". He said something else that I can't remember, but then he said, "Let's give superman a round of applause". That shocked me. I was like, "What?". Then soon, a kid dressed as Superman stood on the table and people actually started to applaude. WHY?! Our mascot is the pirate or something like that. NOT FRICKEN SUPERMAN! I MEAN WHY IS SUPERMAN IN MY LUNCH ROOM?! THAT IS LIKE SOO RANDOM! I THOUGHT I WAS ON DRUGS OR DREAMING BECAUSE THAT IS JUST SOO RANDOM AND STUPID!
At my seventh period, my friend Robin (who has her own blog) and I made a new word. The word is Jokerized. Definition: To make a celebity or person look like the Joker from the Dark knight. Used in a sentence: You've been jokerized! YAAAAH!
Next post:
I had a quick breakfast of a yogurt before coming to my computer to update my list of Worst sexy halloween costumes. I noticed one thing about halloween , and that you can make the most innocent thing naughty. Here is my top 1o list of worst sexy costumes ever for women (in no particular order):
1. Sexy Minny Mouse (what Walt Disney really wanted)
2. Pocahontas (destroying the reputation of an iconic women only takes two steps: low cut shirt, and little panties)
3. Snow White (She'll be having a happy time with all 7 dwarfs if you know what I mean)
4. Sherlock Holmes( Well, they made a Sherlock Holmes sexy. Just like Robert Downey Jr).
5. Girl scout (I'm a girl scout and we do not dress like this.....often)
6. Nanny (Can you just imagine if you saw a nanny dressed in this. She would be getting a huge raise)
8. Darth Vader( I just don't know what to say. There are just somethings out there that I am just speechless over)
9. Care bear (aww, look at the slutty, little bear)
10. Freddy Krueger (Nothing is sexier than a deformed serial killer)
11. Batman (one word; Bat-thong)
Ok, back on topic of school, I got to math class and went to the teacher to ask what my grade was. 65. DAAAAMMMMMN YOU ALL! That was better compared to the other grades people had gotten. *cough cough 25, 5, 65*. We were told to redo the questions we got wrong and I noticed something wrong. Most of the answers on the first page were correct, so I asked the teacher what was wrong with them. To my great luck, her assistant teacher had misgraded the test, and I got 15 points added on. I got an 80 instead of a 65.
Now, I know that you don't want to hear about me talking about my test grade, you wanna know what I revealed to the popular girl. Let me give you a clue: It's not a secret, I got it over time, and it's something I can't describe too much or my parents would freak. Think you probably know what it is.
It was Chorus class where it all began. Chorus had become one of my least favorite classes for both it's boring matter and the fact that I just find it very creepy (which I had wrote in the older post of mine). We had to try on a dress on for our formal uniform. I remembered the old days(as they are now refered to as) when we only had to wear kaki pants, and a light blue polo which had the words "Chorus" sewn onto it. ,Now we have to wear a black dress, high heels, and fake pearls. Who do they think they are? "Ohh we soo fancy because we wear formal dresses and pearls". I remember once making fun of my soon-to-be high school chorus a year ago and I quote "They must be swealtering there". My chorus then preceded in having a yo-mama fight(I'm serious) with them, and we all ended up swearing each other out. Those were the good old days.
Ok, so I got my shoes fitted first which went ok. Then came on the actual trying on of the dresses. I went into a separate room where there was a short rack (not trying to be funny) of different sizes of dresses. I first thought that they would just ask for our dress size, but no we had to get un-dressed and try the actual dress on. I'm used to getting undressed in front of other girls. Now before you all start having orgasms and having dirty thoughts let me explain. I was in PE two years ago and we had to dress out a lot of times, so it was no big deal. I got undressed and I noticed a particular blonde girl come in. She was one of the popular girls and almost instantly I got a little nervous and self-conscious. Then I felt something odd. A weird feeling of coldness, then I found out what was wrong. One of my little lady gagas (for all your parents out there who are scared of the word boob) was slightly hanging out. I then frantically pulled my bra up and looked around. Hopefully, nobody noticed though that was insanely embarrassing. For all you pedofiles and 12 year olds who want to know what bra size a popular girl wears, I have no idea. I don't have time and the real care for trying to guess what bra size a popular girl is.
After that weird moment, I went back into the Chorus room where we were singing a really weird version of the Star Spangled Banner, which was cut into 3 separate parts. I was in the Alto part, though in Middle school I was in the Soprano section. It is very confusing and kinda bad sounding, yet our Chorus teacher doesn't seem to notice it. Man, Chorus is going to be a long class this year.
My day didn't stop getting weird after that. I went to the lunch room after Geography, which was pretty uneventful, because we mainly watched a stupid video on the earth. Oh, and about that video, apparently it is ok to show dinosaurs being burned alive and still maintain a pg rating. So, I was eating my lunch of a Caesar salad, when the lunch supervisor said on a megaphone,
"Hey yall, we had a football game yesterday and we won". He said something else that I can't remember, but then he said, "Let's give superman a round of applause". That shocked me. I was like, "What?". Then soon, a kid dressed as Superman stood on the table and people actually started to applaude. WHY?! Our mascot is the pirate or something like that. NOT FRICKEN SUPERMAN! I MEAN WHY IS SUPERMAN IN MY LUNCH ROOM?! THAT IS LIKE SOO RANDOM! I THOUGHT I WAS ON DRUGS OR DREAMING BECAUSE THAT IS JUST SOO RANDOM AND STUPID!
At my seventh period, my friend Robin (who has her own blog) and I made a new word. The word is Jokerized. Definition: To make a celebity or person look like the Joker from the Dark knight. Used in a sentence: You've been jokerized! YAAAAH!
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