It is Saturday and my friend Emily and I were planning to go iceskating at The Cooler,which is an ice-rink (obviously). First things first, I haven't gone ice-skating in a long time, so instantly I had a feeling that I would be falling a lot.
When we got to the ice-rink, it was pretty cold and the first time I got the ice-skates, unfortunately, they were the wrong size. I got a 3, though I'm actually a 7. I'm not going to say whose fault it was, but it wasn't mine. I got on the ice and almost instantly found myself skating in all the wrong ways, with my legs constantly sliding apart (which totally looks weird). Emily was very good, and kind of a show-off (but everybody is a show-off at heart, even me).
The weirdest part was when some boy around the age of 12-15, started totally hitting on us. He was like, "Hey ladies, how are you?" in a totally flirtatious way. The weird part is that he already had a girlfriend with him. Awkard. Ok, so after he kept flirting with me, Emily, and her sister Erin* (who is like 8), we officially got tired of him. Though we were already tired of him from the start. So we did the only logical thing. No, we did not kick him in the shin(unfortunately), Emily pushed him down (which was HI-larious), and we quickly skated off.
We were very kind to him because we had bigger and better plans. We could have:
a. slapped him across the face
b. kicked him in the shin
c. push him into a crowd of people so they all fall like dominos(LOL)
Yeah, we had a lot of ideas on what we could do. Now, knowing me, I just had to bring something back. So I took a short 3-second video of him and I attempted to take a picture (MAJOR FAIL). After that, we narrowly missed the Hokey-Pokey (which would have been soo weird to do in skates), and Emily hit some kid in the neck with her skate-blade (accident, or was it? DUN-DUN-UNNNNNN!............). Nah, she was doing a trick, but could you imagine if it was on purpose? Unfortunately, it wasn't that idiot who we'll just call Trevor for now. Yeah, turned out it was just some kid.
In between the events of horn, playboy and Emily's murder attempt, we attempted to do a skating trick called the Whip. It's when you all hold hands (in a not awkward way), but in a straight line. You then go really fast and turn sharply and the person on the end gets flung off. It's soo fun, but it is kinda scary at first. Speaking of scary: I only fell twice. That's like a record of the least times I fell! YEAHHH!
Emily's sister Erin really hates it when we go fast, so she was more of a buzz-kill than buzz-killington (a very poorly done Family Guy reference). We had to stop doing the whole Whip thing after a while and luckily I got some good pictures, and videos of me, Emily and Erin skating.
Oh and some backstory on Emily and Erin: They both compete in those skating competitions. One thing that always confuses me is that how can these girls wear skimpy, sparkly outfits and not get cold? I guess they must be cold-blooded, or are another species of humans that their skin just never gets cold. Weird. Emily is very good at skating, and compared to my skating you might call her a major show-off (or in Valley-girl language: OH-MY-God she is like a total ******, for all you valley-girls out there. You know who you are). Nah, she's not the valley-girl version, but we are all show-0ffs at heart.
After our ice-skating was over, we decided to go the Avenue, to get those little best-friends bracelets that seem to be taking over the world and hopefully get some yummy candy . There's actually a funny story about that candy, but I'll get to that later. When we got to Claires, which is the hot-spot for anybody who is looking for cheap earrings, and Jonas Brothers memorbilia, Emily and I found it very hard to pick out a best-friends necklace/bracelet that we liked.
Unfortunately for Emily, I don't have my ears pierced so that takes out the best-friend earrings. I've noticed that you can make anything in a best-friends nick-nack. Earrings, key-chains, hats. Who knows, maybe there will be a best-friends thong in a couple years. Just saying.
Back onto the point, we managed to pick out a very simple looking best-friends bracelet which was a pink and blue string with a small metal plate which read Friends and another that said Forever. I got the Friends and she got Forever. After that we went to Fuzzywigs, which is a candy store, and I basically stocked full of the candies I like. Here are the candies I bought:
1. Sour rope. Green Apple and Rainbow (does rainbow have a taste, so I'm guessing it's a mixture of the fruits)
2. Sour peaches (yes, peaches can be sour)
3. Sour apples (no explanation needed)
4. A gummy snake (see it's not sour!)
5. Sour watermelons (now back to the sour trend. Man I like sour stuff)
6. Sour gummy worms (you can't go to a candy store and not have gummy worms)
7. and last but not least a marshmallow smothered in chocolate (YUM)
After that, I went home and started preparing to see Julie&Julia. You know, that movie about the book about the blog about Julia Child. One thing about me is that Iusually don't watch romantic comedies (which I guess this movie would fall into that catagory. When you think of girls, you usually think of us balling our eyes out as we watch The Notebook, but I ain't like those girls. I'de rather watch the latest action movie than one with Leonardo DiCaprio, or worst of all: Miley Cyrus ofrZac Efron. So this was the first non-action movie I've seen in a long time.
Here is my review of Julie&Julia:
The character I was most impressed from the film Julie&Julia, was the character Julie. We both had the same goals: make a blog, finish the blog, and hopefully, that some people would read this blog. Is anybody reading my blog? Hello.... Anybody there? Doubt it. I really liked the characters and the actors who portrayed them. Meryl Streep (or however you write it) was very good as Julia Child, though her accent which was all like " OH HELLOOOOOOOOOOO. IT IS SOOOOO NIIIICE TO SEEEE YOOU. OH WOOPDA DOODLY DOO". Yeah, maybe that was a bad impersonation, but her accent in the film was all hooty.
The plot was good, though I thought the ending should have been better. It should have showed how Julia Child got her tv show, plus the last thing the movie said before cutting to credits was: And her book was made into a movie (which is talking about Julie's book). I guess the writer was replaced by Captain Obvious. Plus the whole movie made me sooo hungry, and all I had to munch on was popcorn which is crap compared to the wonderful french meals they were preparing. Curse you American Cinema Concessions!
Overall, I give Julie&Julia an A- because I just hated the Captain Obvious ending. When the movie was over, we dropped Emily off at her house. She showed me one of her cats (she has seven all together. WOW), and it kinda reminded me of Two-face from the Batman series because one side of it's face was black and the other white. Then I came home and started writing this post.
PS: I'm sorry for misleading you this week, tomorrows post will be about the 15 (actually 18) snack machines (which includes drink machines)
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i dont have seven cats!..... i have three remember i told u a million times