Sunday, January 31, 2010
Two new guys who I think are hot
Chris Hemsworth and Jensen Ackles. *sigh* IDK why it is soo hard for me to like the guys who are in my school. I just find celebrities way hotter than the guys in my school (wow this is not news or suprising at all). Today when I watched Chris Hemsworth on some soap opera I was like, "GOD DAMN IT HE'S HOT!". Enough said.
Saturday, January 30, 2010
If I directed Twilight
*yep I just can't resist not making fun of Twilight*
I did not make this video, I just found it on youtube and I thought it was funny.
I did not make this video, I just found it on youtube and I thought it was funny.
Friday, January 29, 2010
Who I would want to play me if they ever made a movie off my life
Thursday, January 28, 2010
I just had to do this some time
Let me make this quick and simple: Yes I'm gettin plastic surgery, and NO it's not for my boobs. I'm actually getting some moles from my face removed. It seemed prety fine, till they said that I might have some scars from getting them removed. Here was my reaction:
Oh and I also plan to get hair reduction from my upper lip (I know).
Oh and I also plan to get hair reduction from my upper lip (I know).
Monday, January 25, 2010
Quotes done my style
You say "It's all fun and games till somebody gets hurt" I say, "It's all fun and games till I punch you in the face"
You say potatoe, I say patato, you say tomato, I say F#$* you for playing this tomatoe tomAtoe thing on me.
You say, "Life is like a box of chocolates, you never know what your going to get", I say "Life is like a bag of bugs, once you open it when it all falls out and causes a huge mess"
You say, " I want to fly like an eagle" I say, "Eagles may soar, but rabbits don't get sucked into jet engines."
You say, "Join the army and meet interesting people", but Chuck Norris says, "Join the army, meet interesting people and then kill them"
You say potatoe, I say patato, you say tomato, I say F#$* you for playing this tomatoe tomAtoe thing on me.
You say, "Life is like a box of chocolates, you never know what your going to get", I say "Life is like a bag of bugs, once you open it when it all falls out and causes a huge mess"
You say, " I want to fly like an eagle" I say, "Eagles may soar, but rabbits don't get sucked into jet engines."
You say, "Join the army and meet interesting people", but Chuck Norris says, "Join the army, meet interesting people and then kill them"
Well I'm 15 now
I don't really feel any different. Agh all that is different is that I feel more moody (watch out parents). Well happy birthday to me.
Sunday, January 24, 2010
A brief summary of my b-day party
Ok, so turns out my whole "WWIII" didn't really happen, and Nat and Emily got along very well. Before we left for the hotel, we spent it drawing over those cheap posters you find in J-14 magazine, and other crappy tween magazines, and both the Twilight book/ Twilight movie guide. Maybe I'll post some pictures from the defiled pictures on my blog.
Then, once we got to the hotel, we spent it both just talking and trying to avoid Sarah and her friend. We didn't like it how Sarah would barge into our room, flick us off, and then come into the room nude right in front of my friends (how come Sarah has shown all of my friends her naked body?). Luckily, we managed to lock the door, close the shades, and try to organize when we go to the pool and when we don't.
Ok then yadda yadda yadda going to nice restaurant yadda yadda yadda singing the "pants on the ground" song in public yadda yadda yadda making the phrase "Fiestas in me pantalones" and "El poLlo en my pantalones", a new inside joke yadda yadda yadda. Let's skip over to when we went to the pool. I finally got a reason to wear my cute black and white polka dress/bathing suit. The pool was heated, though the hot tub was oddly yellow colored (ewww). Right after I went underwater in the hot tub, I said, "People probably pee in this tub, let's get out". Nat cracked up, and we left. When we were in the pool, we had 'underwater fiestas' and did other fun games underwater. We even had aN underwater superhero fight (where I finally had a reason to pretend kick Nat and Emily). When Sarah and her friend came we were making fun of her and trying to stay away. It became really awkward when Sarah yelled out loud, "ANNE PULL YOUR SHIRT UP!". I know that she liked it and she wanted to embarrass me. *groans*
yadda yadda yadda Nat then dared me to go up to a couple ladies in the hot tub and say "LLAAAAaaadies". I did and boy was it akward.
yadda yadda yadda going back to the hotel room. We had already planned to watch Terminator Salvation just so we can watch Christian Bale die, but we then changed our mind and decided to watch Star Trek (2009) just so we can watch....CHRIS-PIIIINNNNE! OMG we (Nat and I) became obsessed with him. During the whole film, we would say stuff like, "Chris pine can make (insert action) seem hot/attractive/manly". Our favorite one was where Chris Pine and that asian guy (wasn't his last Ho or Cho) were free falling and holdin onto eachother, I was like, "Chris Pine can make bromance hugging seem manly". Oh and whenever that Spock guy was on screen we said "gay baby born" or "A new Std has been created", because we believed that whenever Spock was seeN that a gay baby was born or that a new STD had been created. Yah we weren't big fans of Spock because he isn't as attractive as CHRIS-PIIINNNE!(fangirl giggle). When we saw eldery Spock we said, "A gay homicide new-STD bearing child has just been born" and we kept yelling at the screen for Chris Pine to come back. Oh, and when Chris pine was on screen we wouls say, "A angel has been given it's wings, and a goddess has been born".
When the movie was over, we talked about how we would love to see Chris Pine fly through the window to our room riding Charlie the unicorn and take us both to a magical oasis (yeah, we were weird). Oh and the view from our hotel room was a bland parkinglot. Fantastic. That night we would talk about how hot Chris Pine was and how he got his ass kicked soo many times during that film.
The next day when we went back to my house, we morphed a picture of Leonardo Dicaprio (when he was young), CHRIS-PIIINE, and Chad Michael Murray and we created the most handsome creature on earth. Speaking of Leonardo Dicaprio, we watched Titanic before we went to the restaurant and every scene that Dicaprio was in we were sitting on the edges of our seat fawning over him. Whenever he wasn't on screen we were like,"WE DON'T CARE, SHOW US THE DICAPRIO!". Damn he was hot.
So yah the highlights were Nat, Emily's, and I fawning over Chris Pine and Leonardo Dicaprio, and then pranking Sarah by telling her that the phone number I gave her was of Emily's boyfriend and it actually wasn't. She kept calling this poor guy over and over again and then she accused HIM of stalking her. How does that work out? Course mom then accused US of being the mean ones despite the fact that Sarah and her friend kept barging into our room, being naked in front of us, looking through our phones, knocking-ditching us, and trying to be cool, We were called the mean ones. Parents are soo biased.
Then, once we got to the hotel, we spent it both just talking and trying to avoid Sarah and her friend. We didn't like it how Sarah would barge into our room, flick us off, and then come into the room nude right in front of my friends (how come Sarah has shown all of my friends her naked body?). Luckily, we managed to lock the door, close the shades, and try to organize when we go to the pool and when we don't.
Ok then yadda yadda yadda going to nice restaurant yadda yadda yadda singing the "pants on the ground" song in public yadda yadda yadda making the phrase "Fiestas in me pantalones" and "El poLlo en my pantalones", a new inside joke yadda yadda yadda. Let's skip over to when we went to the pool. I finally got a reason to wear my cute black and white polka dress/bathing suit. The pool was heated, though the hot tub was oddly yellow colored (ewww). Right after I went underwater in the hot tub, I said, "People probably pee in this tub, let's get out". Nat cracked up, and we left. When we were in the pool, we had 'underwater fiestas' and did other fun games underwater. We even had aN underwater superhero fight (where I finally had a reason to pretend kick Nat and Emily). When Sarah and her friend came we were making fun of her and trying to stay away. It became really awkward when Sarah yelled out loud, "ANNE PULL YOUR SHIRT UP!". I know that she liked it and she wanted to embarrass me. *groans*
yadda yadda yadda Nat then dared me to go up to a couple ladies in the hot tub and say "LLAAAAaaadies". I did and boy was it akward.
yadda yadda yadda going back to the hotel room. We had already planned to watch Terminator Salvation just so we can watch Christian Bale die, but we then changed our mind and decided to watch Star Trek (2009) just so we can watch....CHRIS-PIIIINNNNE! OMG we (Nat and I) became obsessed with him. During the whole film, we would say stuff like, "Chris pine can make (insert action) seem hot/attractive/manly". Our favorite one was where Chris Pine and that asian guy (wasn't his last Ho or Cho) were free falling and holdin onto eachother, I was like, "Chris Pine can make bromance hugging seem manly". Oh and whenever that Spock guy was on screen we said "gay baby born" or "A new Std has been created", because we believed that whenever Spock was seeN that a gay baby was born or that a new STD had been created. Yah we weren't big fans of Spock because he isn't as attractive as CHRIS-PIIINNNE!(fangirl giggle). When we saw eldery Spock we said, "A gay homicide new-STD bearing child has just been born" and we kept yelling at the screen for Chris Pine to come back. Oh, and when Chris pine was on screen we wouls say, "A angel has been given it's wings, and a goddess has been born".
When the movie was over, we talked about how we would love to see Chris Pine fly through the window to our room riding Charlie the unicorn and take us both to a magical oasis (yeah, we were weird). Oh and the view from our hotel room was a bland parkinglot. Fantastic. That night we would talk about how hot Chris Pine was and how he got his ass kicked soo many times during that film.
The next day when we went back to my house, we morphed a picture of Leonardo Dicaprio (when he was young), CHRIS-PIIINE, and Chad Michael Murray and we created the most handsome creature on earth. Speaking of Leonardo Dicaprio, we watched Titanic before we went to the restaurant and every scene that Dicaprio was in we were sitting on the edges of our seat fawning over him. Whenever he wasn't on screen we were like,"WE DON'T CARE, SHOW US THE DICAPRIO!". Damn he was hot.
So yah the highlights were Nat, Emily's, and I fawning over Chris Pine and Leonardo Dicaprio, and then pranking Sarah by telling her that the phone number I gave her was of Emily's boyfriend and it actually wasn't. She kept calling this poor guy over and over again and then she accused HIM of stalking her. How does that work out? Course mom then accused US of being the mean ones despite the fact that Sarah and her friend kept barging into our room, being naked in front of us, looking through our phones, knocking-ditching us, and trying to be cool, We were called the mean ones. Parents are soo biased.
Friday, January 22, 2010
Tell me, have you ever danced with the devil in the pale moon light?
Cause I havn't, and I just wanted to say that.
Damn I wish I was more attractive
How come I can never look good on camera? Every photo I took of myself I either look really weird and multi-colored, or I look like I'm trying to hard to be attractive. I mean if I smile, then I look like an ugly version of Demi Lovato (I heard you can land a plane in her giant mouth), and if I don't smile then my face and mouth has a really weird shape to it. GOD, why couldn't I have been blessed with the attractive-face gene? Nope, I just got the skinny body gene, and I'm stuck with my face. I just hate the right side of my face (or it can be your left), it has all the freckles, and moles. While my left (or is it your right) is smooth and has nothing on it (well except my eyes, nose, eyebrows, and mouth. duh). I'm like Two-face. I mean seriously, no wonder I don't post pictures of myself online. Cause no matter how hard to try to look attractive I always fail. :(
I already know how I'll lose my virginity, I'll be some drunken college guy's last resort. WHY CAN'T I HAVE BOTH AN ATTRACTIVE FACE AND BODY, RATHER THAN JUST ONE! Coarse my parents always say, "You a beautiful girl and any guy would want to date you". BAH! They're my parents so their supposed to tell me I'm attractive, even though I don't find myself. The only times where I think I'm attractive is when I take my glasses off so that my blurred vision will make it so I look attractive in the mirror, but when I put contacts or glasses on then I go right back to looking weird. :'(. Oh well.
In non-looks related news: The first couple meeting for the Leadership club-thingy maddodle is next week. You know the type of club where you do presentations about anti-drug,sex, or some thing like that, make crappy tshirts, yadda yadda yadda. I only signed up because it looks good on a college application, and that's pretty much it. Oh and I told my parents that somebody recommended me, I lied. In my homeroom class nobody was signing up, so I decided to sign up. Later that week when the leader of the Leadership club-thingy said that most of the students were recommended, I just decided to play along and say my homeroom teacher did recommend me. I bet if I didn't sign up, she wouldn't have recommended me in the first place. Something about being reccomended just has a more positive feel to it, rather than saying that you signed up just because you felt pressured into doing it.
Wow I sound soo emo. Speaking of Emo; I will no longer call the Avengers the Avengers, their new name is the Emo-Brigade. Cause so far all the characters have some form of emotional issues. EMOS!
I already know how I'll lose my virginity, I'll be some drunken college guy's last resort. WHY CAN'T I HAVE BOTH AN ATTRACTIVE FACE AND BODY, RATHER THAN JUST ONE! Coarse my parents always say, "You a beautiful girl and any guy would want to date you". BAH! They're my parents so their supposed to tell me I'm attractive, even though I don't find myself. The only times where I think I'm attractive is when I take my glasses off so that my blurred vision will make it so I look attractive in the mirror, but when I put contacts or glasses on then I go right back to looking weird. :'(. Oh well.
In non-looks related news: The first couple meeting for the Leadership club-thingy maddodle is next week. You know the type of club where you do presentations about anti-drug,sex, or some thing like that, make crappy tshirts, yadda yadda yadda. I only signed up because it looks good on a college application, and that's pretty much it. Oh and I told my parents that somebody recommended me, I lied. In my homeroom class nobody was signing up, so I decided to sign up. Later that week when the leader of the Leadership club-thingy said that most of the students were recommended, I just decided to play along and say my homeroom teacher did recommend me. I bet if I didn't sign up, she wouldn't have recommended me in the first place. Something about being reccomended just has a more positive feel to it, rather than saying that you signed up just because you felt pressured into doing it.
Wow I sound soo emo. Speaking of Emo; I will no longer call the Avengers the Avengers, their new name is the Emo-Brigade. Cause so far all the characters have some form of emotional issues. EMOS!
Wednesday, January 20, 2010
Romea and Juliet
Now before you accuse me of having poor grammer, yes I did spell Romeo that way on purpose. Ok so in my language arts class we're going to be performing the way Romeo and Juliet (you know that emo play where people commit suicide and talk as if their in Shakespearean times...wait they are!). At first I wanted to play Lady Capulet because it's an easy role and I hoped that I didn't have to talk a lot. But when some other girl stole the role I had to reconsider. I noticed that most of the other students were picking the more minor roles, and only one guy chose the lead role of Romeo. So I volunteered to be Juliet, and hooray I did. Ironically, right after I said I was going to be Juliet, the guy who was playing Romeo said he didn't want to be it anymore. (sighs) Ohh the joys of being unpopular. So who was recast? Umm some girl named Nicole. Yes Romeo and Juliet will now be called Romea and Juliet. Yes Juliet is now a lesbian in this version. Just my luck. It's gunna be soo akward to be saying love poems back and forth. So I guess I can have one good thing, but another thing bad happens. I get to be Juliet, but unfortunately this Juliet is a I commit suicide. Hmmmm
Update: This monday is my birthday, so my parents will *hopefully* forced to go a day without bugging me about grades. Oh and this weekend my friends and I will be staying at a hotel, shopping at the mall, going to a nice restaurant, and hanging out. This will be the first time Natalie and Emily will meet. So call the UN, we might have WWIII heading towards us. Naah, I'de always imagined WWIII being when the sane anti-twilight fans finally face off against the twitards. It will soon come to that one time where the Twitards,lead by their overlord Stephanie Meyer and the ruthless general known as Seth Meyer, battle the Twitards which ends in a battle soo epic that every country has to decide whether they support Twilight or don't! OHH THE MANY BOOKS BURNED AND WORDS "OMG!" SHOUTED. IT'S HORRIFYING, HORRIFYING!
wow I realy can't go one post without bashing Twilight can't I?
Update: This monday is my birthday, so my parents will *hopefully* forced to go a day without bugging me about grades. Oh and this weekend my friends and I will be staying at a hotel, shopping at the mall, going to a nice restaurant, and hanging out. This will be the first time Natalie and Emily will meet. So call the UN, we might have WWIII heading towards us. Naah, I'de always imagined WWIII being when the sane anti-twilight fans finally face off against the twitards. It will soon come to that one time where the Twitards,lead by their overlord Stephanie Meyer and the ruthless general known as Seth Meyer, battle the Twitards which ends in a battle soo epic that every country has to decide whether they support Twilight or don't! OHH THE MANY BOOKS BURNED AND WORDS "OMG!" SHOUTED. IT'S HORRIFYING, HORRIFYING!
wow I realy can't go one post without bashing Twilight can't I?
Monday, January 18, 2010
If Mccain was president.....
If Mccain was President then we probably won't be that much different than we are now. MSNBC would be bashing him nonstop, while Fox news will be calling him the freakin messiah. Sarah Palin would be president in 2011 seeing that Mccain is a old guy and is...old. Oh and Sarah Palin would still be an idiot.
Sunday, January 17, 2010
me vs Roy
Roy came over today and we were having a casual conversation when it turned into a long yell fest (mostly by me). I said that Doomsday did kill Superman, he denied it. I was yelling, "HE DID!", and I showed him a picture of dead superman, the cover of the comic book that said "The death of superman" and even a article on DC that said, "The creature that once killed superman" and he still wasn't convinced. I was yelling and getting pretty worked up. Then he said that he already knew that Doomsday killed Superman and he was just trying to piss me off. Then when I started talking about the Deadpool movie he started saying that no one would see a Deadpool movie and that Deadpool is unknown. I was like, "Oh-my-god, you sick son of a ****. You did not just say that". Then he started saying that Ryan Reynolds can't helm his own movie as the main character, and I was like, "Who cares what you think! Just SHUT UP! Nobody messes with Deadpool!".
Saturday, January 16, 2010
What do you think should be my new blog picture icon
a. My current one: Star Sapphire from the Green Lantern comics:
Pros: Since I'm a new fan of the Green Lantern, and I think Blake Lively (who will be playing Carole Ferris, who later becomes Star Sapphire), I think it would be cool to have Carole as my icon, well for a little bit. I'm not very familiar with the character though.
B. Catwoman from the batman comics (if you didn't know that then I pity you)
Pros: I LOVE CATWOMAN. I've read some comics with Catwoman and she is soo awesome! I love the chemistry between her and batman, they are such a cute couple
C. My old one: Stargirl
Pros: We're both around the same age, have braces, and kinda look alike (even though I did change her hair color for the picture). Oh and suprisingly she has nothing to do with captain America, despite the costume.
D. Wonder Woman:

B. Catwoman from the batman comics (if you didn't know that then I pity you)

C. My old one: Stargirl

D. Wonder Woman:
Pros: We both share some of the same view points. We are feminists, and I bet if she read Twilight she would kill Stephanie Meyer or at least knock some sense into her.
Now readers you decide, which one do you like the best?
Friday, January 15, 2010
My science teacher likes me best
Ok so in science class, we had to change seats, and Mrs. Riley allowed me to sit next to Emily. Ok I really need to branch out more. My science teacher said in front of everybody, "Anne, I'll let you sit there, because I love you more than most of these other students". I was like, "umm...ok". Then these others students started saying, "That's illegal! That's favoriting!". This isn't the first time i've been the subject of a conversation. Once my language arts class went on a three minute talk on how to pronounce me name. Is it Ann, Anne, Annie, Annaleise? DARN YOU PARENTS! I mean they spelled my name like Anne, which comes out as Ann, but I pronounce it Annie. Sometimes I want to just add the I into my name just so my teachers won't mess up my name. I already have two teachers who still call me Ann, and I just let them. I'm tired of it.
The greatest news ever!
Jackie Earl Haley isn't playing Sinestro! (victory music plays). The guy the director is in negotiations for is Mark Strong, who would make an amazing Sinestro. He both looks the part, he's creepy (and threatening) as hell, is 6'2 (rather than JEH's 5'5), and is a good actor. Thank you DC for making me happy and giving me hope that the Green Lantern movie can be good. THANK YOU!

Action movie updates blog
Seeing that I know that I have to limit down on my talk of action movies, I've decided to make a new blog where all I talk about is action movies! The link is: Or you can go to my profile, and it's there. I originally planned it to be a video series, but I just talk too fast and slur stuff together. It was hard to understand me. Enjoy.
Ps: Don't worry I'll try to update this (the freshmen and young author blog) more often. Oh and that secret blog is no more. I just got bored with it. Or you can go to my profile, and it's there. I originally planned it to be a video series, but I just talk too fast and slur stuff together. It was hard to understand me. Enjoy.
Ps: Don't worry I'll try to update this (the freshmen and young author blog) more often. Oh and that secret blog is no more. I just got bored with it.
My reaction if Jackie Earl Haley gets cast as Sinestro
Oh and if you can't read the tiny print it says " Jackie Earl Haley was Dc's only choice for Sinestro" despite the fact that he has no physical resemblence to the character, and is way too short. Plus he isn't that threatening looking (well without makeup that is). HUGO WEAVING FOR SINESTRO!
Play me off, keyboard cat
Ok so I was in Language arts class today and we had a vocabulary test. Later during the class I decided to listen to my ipod, and right when I clicked the Hillary Duff song it went blazing (I forgot to turn the volume down, and worst part was that it was the beggining of the Why Not song, so it is basicly Hillary duff screaming!)! It was soo loud, and I quickly shuffled to turn it off (which unfortunatly took a couple seconds). I then turned around and one guy asked if that (the loud music) was me. Great so they did hear my loud music. Play me off, Keyboard cat.
Basketball FAIL!
Today we had a pep rally (yawn) and for one part they had our basketball team come out. They blasted loud music (rap) and the players started dunking the balls. After about three minutes of nothing but perfect, and entertaining shots, this one white player missesd....epically. Then all the white players started to miss and some were pretty epically bad. So play the white basketball players off, Keyboard cat.
*also I noticed that my parents had taken a post off my blog about Sarah's sexually active friend. I thought we were over the censorship*
*also I noticed that my parents had taken a post off my blog about Sarah's sexually active friend. I thought we were over the censorship*
Thursday, January 14, 2010
Free entertainment lunch
So, I have been having lunch at a separate room, one that gets internet access, and today was actually fairly interesting. No, I didn't find anything interesting online, there was this really weird kid having a HUGE fit outside the door over the fact that his computer wasn't working. Yes, he is one of the sped (special education) kids and he was yelling, "I WANT TO CALL MY MOM! SHUT UP! MY COMPUTER WON'T WORK!". Yes, he actually yelled at a teacher to shut up. Oh, the glories of listening to a crazy kid go crazy about his broken computer. And while I started to listen to the crazy rants, I played the Keyboard cat video on my ipod. Play the crazy kid off, Keyboard cat!
Wednesday, January 13, 2010
Updates on my life
I haven't been updating lately, so my two readers are probably at least a little happy, and not much has happened. I got my new classes, and unfortunately, most of my new classes are mega boring. My new Social studies class is rather boring, and unlike my first class where the teacher tried to be funny, this guy is as funny as a rock. My new math class is ehh, it doesn't have Billy in it, but some how Billy's arguments with the teacher made the class some-what entertaining. I wonder what he is doing now? The only new class that I like is my new English class. The teacher allows us to listen to our ipods and is really nice. Finally, a good class.
Ok, so in Social studies I have to write about five news stories (in the news, duh) and the only stories that were on were about the 7.0 earthquake in Haiti, some athlete using steroids (these days who isn't)
, and Tiger woods (seriously, I do not care about Tiger all). After watching CNN for over an hour and seeing them constantly repeat the same stories over and over again, I decided to go to the one channel I despise the most. Fox news. Let's just say that if you gave me a choice of either watching Fox news or having nails driven through my eye, I would say, " You might as well go the store, I hear there's a sale on nails!". They are soo biased, and sometimes I can just predict what they'll say. It's always, "He's putting this nation into a deeper recession" and "He's ripping apart the foundation of America" "He waited three days to speak about the bomb threat" yet they never once mention the fact that Bush waited SIX days in order to speak about Hurricane Katrina. Oh wait, they (Fox news) absolutely adores Bush and every republican. Then there is that cry baby Glenn Beck who pretends to cry. He fake crys stuff like, "This country isn't like what it was like! I LOVE MY COUNTRY AND I'M SCARED FOR IT!". I bet you if McCain won, then his non-stop cry sessions would have never taken place. Oh, and I finally found a translation of every single thing a Fox news reporter says.
The phrase (which was on Fox news): If there is another terrorist attack, then this guy is impeached!
Covert Message: Hey terrorists, bomb the USA so we can get Obama out of the white house. REPUBLICAN POWER!
The Phrase: This country is not like it was before, and the morals we used to have are gone. I'm scared for her!
Covert Message: Life was better when Bush was in charge. Now that a democrat is in charge, we are changing rather than being the old self
Stupid Fox news people, always seeing the negative in everything. Here is what Fox news hates: Democrats, blacks, Muslims, non-Christians, and anything a non-republican says.
ANYHOW, I tuned into Fox news and almost instantly they started bashing Michelle Obama for trying to run a campaign against childhood obesity. Wait, how is Michelle Obama trying to stop childhood obesity a bad thing....oh wait, since her husband is a democrat that makes everything she does a sin. My parents were behind me talking about something, and I shouted, "Could you quiet down, I'm trying to listen to Republican propaganda!". Yeah, they laughed, and that was one of the new funny moments I've had recently.
Ok, so in Social studies I have to write about five news stories (in the news, duh) and the only stories that were on were about the 7.0 earthquake in Haiti, some athlete using steroids (these days who isn't)
, and Tiger woods (seriously, I do not care about Tiger all). After watching CNN for over an hour and seeing them constantly repeat the same stories over and over again, I decided to go to the one channel I despise the most. Fox news. Let's just say that if you gave me a choice of either watching Fox news or having nails driven through my eye, I would say, " You might as well go the store, I hear there's a sale on nails!". They are soo biased, and sometimes I can just predict what they'll say. It's always, "He's putting this nation into a deeper recession" and "He's ripping apart the foundation of America" "He waited three days to speak about the bomb threat" yet they never once mention the fact that Bush waited SIX days in order to speak about Hurricane Katrina. Oh wait, they (Fox news) absolutely adores Bush and every republican. Then there is that cry baby Glenn Beck who pretends to cry. He fake crys stuff like, "This country isn't like what it was like! I LOVE MY COUNTRY AND I'M SCARED FOR IT!". I bet you if McCain won, then his non-stop cry sessions would have never taken place. Oh, and I finally found a translation of every single thing a Fox news reporter says.
The phrase (which was on Fox news): If there is another terrorist attack, then this guy is impeached!
Covert Message: Hey terrorists, bomb the USA so we can get Obama out of the white house. REPUBLICAN POWER!
The Phrase: This country is not like it was before, and the morals we used to have are gone. I'm scared for her!
Covert Message: Life was better when Bush was in charge. Now that a democrat is in charge, we are changing rather than being the old self
Stupid Fox news people, always seeing the negative in everything. Here is what Fox news hates: Democrats, blacks, Muslims, non-Christians, and anything a non-republican says.
ANYHOW, I tuned into Fox news and almost instantly they started bashing Michelle Obama for trying to run a campaign against childhood obesity. Wait, how is Michelle Obama trying to stop childhood obesity a bad thing....oh wait, since her husband is a democrat that makes everything she does a sin. My parents were behind me talking about something, and I shouted, "Could you quiet down, I'm trying to listen to Republican propaganda!". Yeah, they laughed, and that was one of the new funny moments I've had recently.
Thursday, January 7, 2010
Let's say goodbye to Billy
I got my new semester class list and luckily Billy wasn't in any of my new classes. Well goodbye. So who am I going to rant about now? Well there is this guy in my Geography class named Jake, and he's pretty weird. But unlike Billy, he knows when to stop. Man finding a new guy to rant about is pretty hard. Oh well.
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